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Jin : "Soo... the next question is have you 2 ever been into a fight or an argument?"

Jeongyeon : "It's... A yes!"

Jin : "Woaahhh! I never thought that you can pick a fight"

Jeongyeon giggled..

Jeongyeon : "I was the one to pick the fight. It's when we were around... Uhmm... 22?... Yeah when we were 22"

Jin : "Whose mistake?"

Jeongyeon started narrating the whole incident instead of telling whose mistake it was. Because she is still fighting with her thoughts.

Was it her mistake to scream on nayeon? Or was it nayeon's mistake to do the thing which make Jeongyeon pissed off.


Kyungwan : "Nabongsssss!!"

Kyungwan said and enterd nayeon's room. She was standing near the window talking on phone with someone.

She didn't notice that her best friend Kyungwan is here.

She tapped on nayeon's shoulder. She turn around and give Kyungwan a smile and signaled her to wait for 5 minutes with her puppy eyes.

Can Yoo Kyungwan will ignore Nayeon's puppy eyes with a cute face? No, not possible. Never in a million years Kyungwan can ignore nayeon's request.

She nodded and plopped onto Nayeon's bed. Like it's her own.

She fished her phone and started playing games in it.

1 hour passed and Nayeon is still on phone talking with someone.

Kyungwan thought it was Nayeon's cousin as she and Nayeon's cousin is only one with whom nayeon can talks for hours.

It's said by nayeon herself.

After... 1 hour and 20 minutes Nayeon finally let go of her phone as her battery is going to dead.

Kyungwan didn't heard a single word except the last goodbye line because nayeon's face was facing window and Her back was facing KYUNGWAN.

Nayeon : "Byee... I'll call you as soon as my phone will 100%"

Then the other person on line said something which is not audible.

But... Which make nayeon blush too much and Kyungwan saw that.

Nayeon : "Same to you"

Then again nayeon paused which means someone is saying again something on other line.

Nayeon : "I am a little.... Shy"

Kyungwan heard laughing sound on the other line. You can imagine how loud the laughter is.

Nayeon : "Okay... Bye"

Then Nayeon plugged her phone in charger to charge it.

Kyungwan : "Soo... How's she doing in America?"

Kyungwan asked as she put her phone aside. She was referring to Nayeon's cousin who shifted few months ago in America.

Kyungwan knows nayeon's cousin as she was Seungyeon's Kyungwan's older sisters friend.

Nayeon : "Who?"

Nayeon was not able to catch whom KYUNGWAN was referring.

Kyungwan : "Your sister. The one you are talking to few seconds ago"

Nayeon : "I wasn't talking to my sister"

It made Kyungwan's blood boil a little. She was waiting here from more than 1 hour just to here that nayeon wasn't talking with her cousin sister.

Kyungwan : "Then... Who she was?"

Kyungwan's eyebrows clashed with each other.

Little anger can seen on her face.

Nayeon remained silent as she can sense tensions in the atmosphere.

Kyungwan raised her voice first time on Nayeon as she was pissed and in anger she screamed the question again.

Kyungwan : "I asked... Who she was?"

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