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Jihyo came within a minute.

Jihyo : "Jeongyeon... Are you fine?"

Jeongyeon nodded.

Jihyo : "if you are not feeling well I can talk to the manager of this show. We can continue it tommrow"

Jeongyeon : "I am fine Jihyo... It's just--"

Jihyo : "About YOUR Nabong right?"

She didn't answer.

Jihyo : "am I right... Sana and Tzuyu?"

Both couple nodded.

Jeongyeon : "She loves idols and love stories according to me it may be her favourite show right now. I just wish she is watching this. Because... At the end of this programme we have to say something to the one we love"

Tzuyu : "Unnie... You are doing this show so you can give your message to her?"

Jeongyeon nodded.

Jeongyeon : "Let's go Jihyo... Next segment is about to start"

Jihyo : "Please don't hurt yourself. You were having high fever last night Jeongyeon. Don't push your limits too much that you'll end this Day by beign in hospital"

Jeongyeon : "We don't know where she is... If she's watching this and at least she can just visit me once... I'll ask her all questions in my head"

Jihyo sighed she know she can't control jeongyeon.

Jihyo : "Okay... Let's go"

They both left the room.

Tzuyu stood up and wrap her right hand around Sana's shoulder.

Sana : "I wish Nayeon unnie will meet her soon"

Tzuyu : "We all wish the same"

Sana : "She has gone through a lot because of her love for Nayeon unnie"

Tzuyu : "We can't do anything...  God it's just playing with her"

Tzuyu kissed Sana's forehead as she engulf her in a warm hug.

Sana : "Where is Nayeon unnie?"

Tzuyu : "I wish I know answer of this question. Jeongyeon unnie is going through a tough stage.... A very hurtful state"

Sana : "She don't deserves this. Loving someone this much isn't a crime"

Tzuyu : "I know baby... I wish destiny knows this too"



Jin : "Good evening everyone and welcome to 'Your's idols love life' segment 2. I am your host Kim Seokjin... And we are here with none other then the most famous idol of 3 rd generation and CEO of her own industry 'YOO ENTERTAINMENT'. Presenting YOO JEONGYEON"

Jin : "We have already asked her 40 % of EASY questions and now a little tough one. Soo... Are you ready Jeongyeon-ssi?"

Jeongyeon nodded with a smile.

Jin : "So... It's the first question of second segment"

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