a little appreciation.

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I got this one published in a book (Young Writers' 'World's Best Mum: Heartfelt Words'). So that's cool. If you're aged 18 or under, check out Young Writers!
Gentle taps on grumpy doors every time the morning calls,
Then shouts up the stairs for tea every night.
Every bit of clothing put away in tidy drawers
And you pretend you don't feel guilty that you piled it on your chair in a messy heap.

Every time she was your personal taxi driver
Every rushing-in-and-out to this and that and there.
Every time she caught you when you fell through teenage traps
And brought you back to the person she knew you were.

Every time she gave you solutions to impossible answers,
An all-knowing goddess you worshipped in your youth
And you detested in your adolescence because,
yes, Mother knows best.

Every trip abroad when you saw her in strangers' faces
Every one of her colleagues saying, "So she's your mum! Lucky you!"
Every time you cried and she made it all a joke
Every job you failed, every relationship that fell through.

Every time you meet her now
The kids are too much for you to take
But she does it easily and you don't know how
She smiles, hugs you and lets you escape.

Every time she fades away, a little more every day
And you fear the moment she's completely gone
Because she held the world together from the moment you began
Frozen with fear but warm inside
Because you know she's still there
Telling you to get dressed
Go out and see the world
And that she's with you to see it too.
Your rock in life and death.
Mother knows best.

~ Catrin Darch

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