Chapter 4

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You-chan's hand is so warm. I don't want to let it go.

"Riko." Still walking.


She tightened her hand on Riko's.

"Wha-what is it You-chan?"

"The one you told me who will join the basketball club. She is coming, right?"

"Yup, Papa and Neechan are picking them up at the airport."

"Good then. I want to play with her and look how strong she is." She was smiling excited just like a little kid who got a candy. Looked at that, couldn't help make Riko to smile too. You-chan never change huh.

"Ah! That reminds me, Neechan said that girl used to live at our house when we were little. But I can't remember at all."

Suddenly You stopped walk, released her hand, and turned around to face Riko. That made Riko accidentally bumped into You.

"Wha- You-channn!"

You only silent looked at Riko's eyes.

".....ou go." She mumbled.

"Hm? What did you say You-chan? I couldn't hear you."

"Iya, nothing." You grabbed Riko's hand and pulled it again. "Let's go."

Why?! Why that was pissed me off so much!

They walked in silence. No one knew what is it that they were thinking. One thing is certain, You will not let go of the hand she was holding.

"Hm? Papa already here. That's his car."

"She is here, right?!" Smirking. "C'mon. I want to play with her now" Pulled Riko along.

"Wa-wait You-chann! She just arrived right. Maybe she is still tired."

You didn't hear her at all. She just walked faster than before with her excited face.

It's useless. She didn't listen to me at all.

Riko thought that with a smiling face.

"Here we are Riko" You stepped aside and let Riko open the entrance door. Riko shakes her head.

"Yeah..yeah.." She opened the door. "I'm home."

"Ah Riko, welcome home." She looked at the girl behind Riko "Hi You-chan, come in come in."

The ash girl only bowed to the older sister.

"Is she already here Neechan?"

"Yes she is!" Rikako answered with a very happy smile. They could look how happy she is right now.

Hm? Neechan's face.. could it be..?

"Come to the living room Riko, You-chan too." Rikako said.

"Ok Neechan."

You nodded. Two of them walked to the living room. The five childhood friends were sitting while chatting with Riko's parents.

"I'm home Papa, Mama."

"Ah Riko, welcome home. Come here." Her Papa said.

"Welcome home Riko. Ara, together with You-chan? Come in come in." Her Mama said.

"Nice timing You. Come in. I'll introduce you to them too." Papa said.

You bowed to Riko's parents.

"Let me introduce you, this is my second daughter Riko."

"Nice to meet you." Smiled to the five.

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