Chapter 2

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The next morning Louis sat in his office, slumped over his coffee with the heating on full blast. The building wasn't very big but it had enough space for the whole team and management. Louis had a studio built onto the side of the building where he made and stored his work, but he did most of his designing in the small room he was currently sat in.

"Mr Tomlinson are you alright?" a voice called from the door. Louis looked up to see a small woman with purple hair, peering around the doorframe wearing a simple white shirt and a lilac sweater, her baggy jeans cuffed at the top of her Doc Martin boots.

"Hangover" he said smiling at her. "What's up Izzy?"

"Got an email from Mr Harry Styles sir, he's interested in Mr Henderson's role" she said proudly. Isabel was fairly new and seemed delighted to have been contacted about the job.

"Did he send a number for me to call?" Louis asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yep, I printed the email on here Mr Tomlinson sir!" she said thrusting some paper eagerly towards Louis.

"Thank you Isabel." He said with a smile and she let herself out with a nod and a small bow, as if honered to be in the presence of Louis.

Chuckling, Louis picked up the phone on his desk and dialled the number Harry had noted in his email that Izzy had helpfully printed. It rang for a couple of seconds before someone answered.

"Hello, is this Harry Styles?" Louis said curiously.

"Yeah i-it is yeah" Harry stuttered on the other end.

"Hi Harry, it's Louis" Louis said smiling. He could imagine Harry's confused blushing face and it made his heart swell.

"Oh, hello Mr Tomlinson!" Harry said eagerly.

"Would you mind popping in for a quick interview today Harry?" Louis asked. He had learned Harry was two years younger than him, and that would make him the new oldest member of the team if he chose to join.

"Yes! Definitely- of course!" Harry rushed, not able to contain an ounce of his excitement.

"Alright, the address is on the email that my Co worker Isabel sent you, just tell the receptionist that your here to see me and he'll send you up." Louis said still smiling broadly. He heard shuffling on the other end before they each said goodbye.

Louis quickly buzzed the receptionist to let him know that Harry would be arriving to see him, and asked for someone to bring in the contract papers.

A soft knock on the door around an hour later indicated Harry's arrival. Louis smoothed out his hair and straightened out his jacket before letting Harry into the room.

"Take a seat." he said softly, motioning to the comfortable looking arm chair off to the side of the desk.

Harry sat down looking around the office in amazement. It wasn't much so Louis figured he was probably admiring the first designs of his favourite peices that were hung on the light grey walls.

"So Harry, have you made a decision?" Louis inquired resting his hands on the table and looking into the younger boys eyes.

"Uh- yes sir. If you would take me, I'll happily take Noah's spot!" he said smiling rather sheepishly. Louis didn't know weather he was smiling at the fact he had just got himself a new model, or Harry's adorable face.

"Brilliant!" he cried and stuck his hand out to Harry who shook it rapidly. They began talking about some of their favourite peices Louis had created, only interrupted by another knock on the door.

"Yes?" Louis called out. As far as he knew he wasn't expecting anybody else.

Vanya opened the door holding a folder filled with paper, that seemed to be forms and a bunch of paperwork.

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