Chapter 7

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"Morning!" Louis said cheerfully, walking into the model's lounge. It was the day of Harry's photoshoot and he was in a brilliant mood.

"Is Harry okay? He hasn't turned up yet" Sage said. She worried alot about timing, especially when it was something solo.

"Relax, he's getting changed" Louis said with a smile. Harry had eagerly gone straight to the dressing room to put his favourite blue outfit on.

"Say Louis, Simon's been checking on us alot more and he looks really angry all the fucking time." Vanya said inquisitively. Vanya had some suspicion Louis had caused this sudden rage in Simon, but she didn't press into that specific part just yet.

"Language V, and it's Mr Tomlinson to you!" He said rather sternly raising his eyebrows. If Simon had been annoying them, he didn't think he had the guts to say it was his fault, nor did he want them to know he was dating Harry yet.

"Sorry" Vanya said timidly, going back to eating her apple. Vanya was a very curious person, and she didn't like it when she didn't get answers. She wasn't into theorising, she wanted the truth and she wouldn't stop until she found it. Vanya had made Dean tell her why he was upset when Noah had forced him away from Sage, even though it took her three long hours.

"How's the guitar lessons going?" Louis asked, looking over at Cassidy who was playing with the strings on her hoodie; she was actually waiting for Niall to get there.

"They're going amazing" she said glancing over at Louis.
"He's a really good teacher... really good" she said turning pink and smirking.

"Have you seen this?" Oliver said moving over to sit next to Louis, carrying his laptop carefully.
"Should we go?"

Louis took the laptop and read the article Oliver had open. It was sort of like a convention, modelling teams from all over the world would have panels, and people could come see them and interact with them. It was to be held in exactly a weeks time, just a two hour drive away.

"Yeah if everyone else wants to... tell you what, you show these guys and ill go see if Harry's ready okay?" he added. Oliver nodded and everyone excitedly gathered around him, they didn't have much to do until the Christmas season so even if it wasn't modelling as such, it was still something to do.

Louis jogged down the corridor, and down a flight of stairs and reached the dressing room, knocking on the door softly.

"Yeah?" Harry called from inside. Louis pushed the door open slightly and stuck his head round it.

"Can I come in?" he said quietly, looking up at Harry. His mood completely changed around Harry, he turned all soft and mushy and he wasn't quite sure he liked that side of him. Harry nodded so checking no one was around, Louis slipped in and closed the heavy door behind him as quietly as possible.

"I'm nervous and I still can't find the necklace" Harry said shyly, buttoning up his shirt carefully. He had set the necklace on Louis's desk and the next time they both went in, it had randomly disappeared.

"Don't be, you look beautiful, and I'm sure we'll find it" Louis said, handing the suspenders from next to him on the counter he was sat on.

Harry smiled, his heart swelling and his stomach filled with butterflies. He took the suspenders and clipped them on carefully, before turning to hug Louis.

Louis kicked his shoes off before wrapping his legs around Harry's waist, allowing himself to be lifted up.

"I'm still not over how amazing you look" Louis whispered. He had heard voices in the corridor. It sounded like Isabel and Liam but he couldnt be too sure.

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