Chapter 5

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A couple of weeks had passed since the incident with Noah and Sage. Harry's suit was almost finished, much to both his and Louis's delight. Harry had spent most of his time sat in the studio with Louis, quietly watching him pin and sew.

"You like that necklace don't you?" Louis said one rainy Friday morning.

"Yeah, you wore it the night I met you!" Harry said enthusiastically. Louis suddenly remembered that he had put it on in a rush that night before he went on stage with his team. He felt touched that Harry noticed but what really made him go fuzzy on the inside, was the fact that he wouldn't take it off.

"Are the papers still banging on about Sage?" Louis asked. It was the main thing on his mind and had been for two weeks but he didn't want to look incase they had said stuff about her.

"No, they all forgot about it" Harry said with a smile, sliding his phone out of his pocket. Luckily fans of Louis's work had defended Sage, and none of them like her or Louis any less.

"Niall said he can come down this afternoon." Harry said, reading a text from his best friend.

"Great, thank you for helping me out Haz" Louis said with a pin between his teeth. He furrowed his brow and stuck it through one of the sleeves.

"Ive had enough of this," Louis said loosing his temper. For some reason, he wasn't having much success with his creation today. "Let's go inside." he said, closing some cupboards and shoving things back into drawers.

They went inside and walked up to the lounge where they knew their friends would be. They came in every day that Louis was there in case Louis needed them, they could leave whenever they wanted but they enjoyed being there together so they often stayed all day.

"Hey Harry" Vanya said as he walked into the room. He sat down on an empty couch, Louis throwing himself down beside him sighing in defeat.

"Cassie, Harry's friends coming to give you guitar lessons like you wanted in about an hour." Louis said nodding towards her smiling.

"Really?" She exclaimed, jumping up from her seat "Thank you so much!" she said running over and enveloping both boys in a bone crushing hug.

"I'm trying to sort out rewards for you all but we're not exactly rich," Louis said scratching the back of his neck.
"I don't think I get given the whole sum I should, I think someone's taking a fair bit out but it's fine."

"Its okay Mr Tomlinson" Vanya said sympathetically. They all knew that despite Louis's mild fame, and praise from people all over the world, they were very tight on money because Louis had to spend alot on perfecting his peices.

They spent an hour watching the back end of a movie on the TV, eating snacks while the rain drizzled lightly outside.

"He's on his way" Harry said smiling as he typed a message back to who Louis could only assume to be Niall.

Ten minutes later, the man in question arrived. He knocked on the door hoping he had the right one and Harry answered it. Everyone could tell Niall was bubbly from the moment the door opened. He had a huge grin plastered on his face and his bright eyes were twinkling in the light of the corridor.

"Alright Haz?" He asked as Harry awkwardly stood infront of him. He only ever hung out with Niall alone so it was strange being with him and his other friends.

"Yeah" He said in a small voice pulling Niall through the door, he stumbled on something behind him and fell rather gracefully onto the couch he was sat on before. He opened his eyes to see that his head had landed on Louis's lap who was smiling down at him softly.

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