Chapter 3

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"Morning Isabel!" Louis said cheerily as he walked into the office building the next morning. Isabel was talking to the receptionist, she was wearing an outfit similar to the one she had on yesterday, but this morning her hair was curled into loose ringlets and she had a black backpack slung over her shoulder.

When Louis looked closer he saw that the front pocket had some pins attached to it.

"Morning Mr Tomlinson!" She said back with a smile, just as merrily as Louis had.

He bounced off up the stairs towards his office, cup of tea in hand and a smile on his face. He had a feeling that today was going to be an amazing day.

That feeling was soon disturbed by a visit from Simon.

"Oh hello Mr Cowell." He said confused. Simon never came down to see Louis unless it was something important so he either had a show coming up or he was in trouble.

"Tomlinson. I have a complaint to make." he said coldly. 'Don't you always' Louis thought.

"What is it sir?" Louis said, getting riled up at the fact he had to call this man sir. He was a horrible controlling person and Louis hated him, but he had to pretend otherwise.

"The new girl." he said back with no expression on his face whatsoever.

"Isabel?" Louis asked,Isabel was so sweet and cheerful and wouldn't ever do anything wrong, although the fact she was always happy and bubbly probably annoyed Simon.

"Her bag. More specifically the badges. Tell Me Louis. Why does she have a pride flag on it? You should know I don't tolerate those antics here." Simon spat raising his eyebrows, seemingly discusted at the thought of homosexuality being so much as thought about.

Louis was in disbelief. Simon had come to complain about Isabel's pride flag badge of all things. Louis didn't see why it was an issue at all but Simon had a problem with everything. Louis was only 19 so he couldn't handle the company by himself. He hoped that in a couple of years he would be mature and financially stable enough to be his own manager and get rid of all the dickheads who he worked for.

"Sorry sir" he said quietly. He would have argued back, he so desperately wanted to but he didn't want Simon to scream and hurl abuse at him.

"If it's not off by the end of the day, she's gone." Simon said folding his arms "Goodbye" he drawled as he turned around to leave the room. Harry was stood in the doorway looking rather scared.

Louis took his hand and pulled him in, glaring at Simon hoping he would just drop dead on the spot.

"How are you this morning Harry?" Louis asked, trying his best to be cheerful.

"I'm fabulous." Harry said, but the lack of enthusiasm told Louis otherwise. He checked outside for any sign of the other models arriving before pulling the door shut and locking it.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you," he said softly seeing Harry become panic stricken. "You okay?"

"Mr Cowell is kinda scary." he said, shaking slightly.

"Hopefully he won't be around for long okay, just forget about him. We never really see him to be fair" Louis said softly crouching down infront of Harry who was sat in the familiar armchair.

"Will he kick me out if he finds out I'm- that I'm uhm" Harry began but words had failed him just like when Louis first offered him his now secure position.

Louis seemed to understand what Harry was trying to say.

"He won't kick you out, the only thing he doesn't get to decide is who my models are, and I'll do anything in my power to protect your position" He reassured Harry softly. Harry nodded, wiping away a stray tear that was running down his cheek.

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