My R

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Mentions of suicide, self-harm, and abuse.

Tami looked at the list of multiverses in front of them, and decided to do something stupid.

They clapped their hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, so I know that I promised a few funny ones before the sad stuff, but I lied."

Everyone looked at each other worriedly, what were they going to watch? Tami didn't fill anyone in, just pressed a button, before the screen lit up.

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My R

The screen started, showing the back of someone's head. They had a black hoodie on, with the hood up, and they seemed to be walking up to the roof.

Just as I was about to take my shoes, off of the rooftop there I see. A girl with braided hair there before me. It showed Tsu on the other side of the railing, her shoes placed on a small piece of paper.

Uraraka gasped in shock. "Babe, were you gonna-?" Tsu just looks away. The rest of their classmates look at Tsu in worry.

Despite myself I go and scream; Hey. Don't do. It. Please. Sue looks back at the mysterious person. She goes on the other side of the railing.

The others breathed out a sigh of relief.

Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?
I couldn't care less either way

"That's so rude of them!" Uraraka looked pissed.

To be honest I was somewhat pissed;
This was an opportunity missed

"Oh, but that doesn't give them the right-" "Uraraka, please calm down, I know that your worried for Tsu, but she's fine, I mean she's here," Iida says softly, already guessing where this was going.

Tsu squeezes her girlfriend's hand to show her that she's still alive.

The girl with braided hair told me her woes

"You've probably heard it all before; I really thought that she may be the one. But then she told me she was done." It shows flashbacks of Asui in middle school, her hanging out with a girl, going on dates, kissing, then the girl breaking up with her.

Uraraka was jealous, but didn't say anything. That was in middle school, and she was more worried about Tsu.

For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe
That for some stupid reason you got here before me

The others jumped in surprise, not expecting that type of outburst from the mysterious student.

Are you upset 'cause you can't have what you wanted?
You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!

On screen, the image of a woman hanging from the ceiling with a rope around her neck flashed by.

"Oh god!" The others felt bad for the person in the black hood. Toga sucked in a sharp breath. That looked a lot like her mother. 'Does that mean?' She shook her head, 'No, he wouldn't do something like that. Right?'

"I'm feeling better thank you for listening!" Tsu smiles slightly at the hooded figure then walks down the stairs to get to class. The girl with braided hair then disappeared

Everyone from Class 1-A let out a breath of relief, glad that she had backed down.

The boy was back on the roof, already taking off his shoes.

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