Pieces of Time

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Pieces fall out of line
and Scatter through time.

When your time comes to a halt, make it move.

You can't finish unless you move
You can't move unless you make yourself. 

To be frozen in fear
To be frozen in humility. 

Look beyond fear
Look beyond humility.

Find the courage and will power to move.

Cause if you don't you won't find all the pieces
To put back in your lost puzzle. 

Then make your own in this timeless life.

Inside the Mind: Still with my 14 year old self believe it or not. This bringing back my signature style. The time as old as Tale for me. Start off sad and end on hope. I think this one is an okay poem. Not one of my strongest by a mile but not bad by any means. I think it has one of the coolest themes for sure. I have always loved the concept of time but then again I think most people do. This poem in general just is nostalgic to me in the positive direction for sure.  

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