The Liars Mouth

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All these burning enquiries
Riding the tides to greatness out there
Realizing all great deeds turn to a liar.

Feeling everything turn quickly to air 
As the ground beneath me grows ever colder.

The waves rise to a height unmatched.

Everything depends on the eye of the beholder.

As we grow even more attached
With only one voice left in motion now.

Distracting from all of our current issues.

Planting just this one single notion
That all we need to wipe away is a single tissue.

The liar continues to speak everything away!

Leading everything we have done astray! 

Inside the Mind: Okay so we come to the finale of my 15 year old freshmen brain. This is probably one of my favorites even if I know it's not technically one of my strongest. It all came from one line to. I wrote this whole poem from the line "With only one voice left in motion now." That line got stuck in my head from a Hawthrone Heights song so much I wrote a poem to include that line. Granted it was a misheard line as well. Took me a while to remember where it came from as well because I hadn't heard the song in ages. The song is This is Who We Are and the actual line is "One voice lets emotion out." So only slightly embarrassing to make a poem on a misheard line in a song. Still one of my favorite poems to be honest though. 

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