Ours- Chris & Zab

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You were the biggest secret Chris and Zabdiel had, as their contracts strongly recommended they remain single to appeal to the public. They always presented you as a close friend and nothing more. Yet, fans had theories you were secretly seeing Chris or Zabdiel, but what no one knew or expected was that you were seeing both. 

We were headed to a club tonight to celebrate the new EP and I was feeling bold. Chris and Zabdiel sat on the bus with Zabdiel sitting in front of me and Chris sitting next to me. I made sure to act normal until I entered the club. We were ushered to the VIP section which was upstairs, and I made my way to the bar ordering a sex on the beach. The DJ introduced himself quickly distracting the boys making everyone's back turn to me. As the boys put on their stories their EP being played at the club I snuck into the general public. People were packed in tightly together making it difficult to find an easy spot for the boys to find me in. As I reached a spot where the lights often would fall upon and a few guys were close by for my own convenience. I watched the boys smile and laugh putting themselves on their stories until Zabdiel's smile quickly changed. He was the first to notice I snuck away as he always liked to keep me within peripheral vision. I watched from the first floor as he lightly tapped Chris getting his attention and eyeing around hinting to my missing presence. Chris's expression fell into a serious tone as he leaned on the railing looking into the mass of people. I took that as my cue to find the closest guy and dance against him. It was perfect timing as the lights shined on me long enough for them to notice. Zabdiel leaned on the railing next to Chris as he pointed in my direction. I raised my drink in the air, smirking as I locked eyes with the both of them. I grinded against the stranger as his hands held my hips helpping me dance to the music. If looks could kill, the death stares that Zabdiel and Chris were giving me would have sent me straight to the I.C.U. Zabdiel was the first to break the stare as he whispered something to Chris and walked away. Chris watched me as I grew bored of the first man and found a different one, My dancing didn't last long as a familiar cologne pierced my senses. I felt the guy be shoved off me as Zabdiel wrapped his body around mine.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He hissed in my ear with his thick Puerto Rican accent as his palm rested dangerously close to my upper thigh, slowly approaching closer to my clothed soaked entrance.

"I was just dancing papi" I innocently purred as I grinded against his upper thigh.

"You better beg for forgiveness niña or you won't like us when we get you alone," Zabdiel warned

"Make me" I chuckled as I peeled myself out of Zabdiels hold and disappeared into the crowd.

I noticed Chris was no longer leaning on the railing watching, making a wave of heat build-up between my thighs. I pushed my way towards the stairs as someone grabbed me and pushed me out of the back exit of the club. Chris pinned me against the wall, as his chocolate eyes darkened with lust.

"I don't think Zabdiel dismissed you, little girl" He growled as his arms caged me in

My entrance pulsated as my legs turned to jello knowing what I was in for. But I was feeling bratty tonight, and a brat does what a brat does best; disobey.

"He didn't but I did" I taunted as I heard the metal door slam open

"Ella dijo make me" Zabdiel snarled as he approached the two of us

Chris looked over at me and smirked "Make me? Nena is looking for a punishment Zab"

Chris moved his hand down from the brick wall and slid his hand to my hip and down to my thigh, sliding under my dress. His fingers moved the fabric of my panties to the side and teased my wet folds. Chris groaned as he looked over at Zabdiel and pulled his fingers out showing his glossed fingers to the tall blonde Puerto Rican.

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