Fuck Toy - Chris & Zab

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Zabdiel's large hand wrapped around your throat as your back pressed against Chris's chest. His cold metal chain pressed against your warm skin sending shivers down your spine. Both of Chris's hands firmly held onto your hips rocking your hips back and forth. Your clothed nerve endings were pushed around at a rough pace, making your legs twitch squeezing Chris's thigh.

"Chris" you whimpered

"Keep your legs open nena" Chris growled into your ear as Zabdiel smacked you inner thighs with his free hand, making your legs stay wide open

Your back arched as your head rested on Chris's shoulder, one hand intertwining with Chris's soft hair tugging lightly as the other held onto Zabdiel's wrist. Your mouth hung agape as moans and whimpers continuously left your mouth.

"Ay chica" Zabdiel groaned as he pushed your panties to the side exposing your glistening core "such a dirty little girl look at the mess you're making"

Your eyes trailed down to see a wet spot on Chris's jeans soaked in your arousal. Your bottom lip quivered as Chris dug his fingers deeper into your sides and groaned. He forcefully pushed your body further down on him giving your pearl more stimulation. Your moans grew louder as each movement intensified.

"Such a dirty little slut ruining my jeans" Chris groaned feeling himself harden as your juices soaked through the jean fabric and onto his leg

Your eyes were rolling back as Zabdiel began nipping your skin around your breasts. He tugged on each hardened bud, making his name fall from your lips. Your hand fell from Chris's locks and gripped his empty thigh as your other hand tugged on Zabdiel's bleached locks. Chris nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck and nipped your weakest spot under your ear. Bolts of electricity ran through your body sending waves of pleasure straight to your core, adding on to the arousal.

"Chris" you whined as both men sent your body into the clouds "Zabdiel- Papis"

Your breathing hitched as Chris moved you faster letting the rough fabric of his jeans toil your swollen pearl. You felt your edge approach with each roll of your hips.

"I know that face" Zabdiel hissed as he squeezed your neck tighter "mira me chica"

You fluttered your eyes open, meeting lusty dark brown eyes staring back at you.

"Good girl" Zabdiel cooed "now look me in the eye as you cum over another man's leg like the whore you are"

Zabdiels filth sent you over the edge, making your eyes roll to the back of your skull. Your thighs shook around Chris as your nerves ignited sending you into a state of bliss. Before you could recover, Zabdiel lifted you up and threw you onto the hotel bed. You laid your back down in the corner of the bed as Zabdiels member hovered over your face. With your mouth-watering, you grabbed his shaft and brought it down to your lips. His pre-cum spilled on your tongue as you teased his slit. Zabdiel groaned as he angled his hips lower and wrapped his hand around your neck again.

"No teasing" he hissed

Chris grabbed your legs pulled your soaked panties off and spread you open nuzzling his erection in between your soaked folds. He groaned as your warm wet walls opened up and hugged around him, taking more of him in. His thrusts were rough and fast making your toes curl. You moaned around Zabdiel as he began to thrust down your throat. Tears swelled up in your eyes as his tip assaulted the back of your neck. Your body moved back and forth as your head bobbed on Zabdiel, pushing more of his member inside. You gagged around him as Chris pulled out and hit your swollen nub with his member a couple of times before slamming himself back inside. Zabdiel was the next one to pull out, letting your lungs fill up, watching you pant as your body tried to regain a natural rhythm again. Zabdiel buried himself down your throat until your face pressed against your base. He pulled out and sunk back down again a couple of times until both men pulled out of you and flipped you over. With your back arched you grabbed Chris's shaft and massaged as he pulled your hair up. Zabdiel slapped your ass as his head opened up your velvet walls. His hands wrapped around your hips as he let out a groan, mumbling something in Spanish. Your sore jaw opened up and buried Chris's member as he tugged on your hair. A knot grew in your lower abdomen as Zabdiel angled his hips a bit ramming into your g-spot. Your moans were muffled around Chris as your walls began to flutter and toes curl. Chris's thrusts lost their momentum, as you let the knot snap. You pulled him out and massaged as you screamed out at your highest point. Your thighs trembled as your free hand bunched up the fabric of the bed cover. Your face was splashed with Chris's warm white juices as Zabdiel filled you up with his. Zabdiels thrusts slowed down before he pulled out of you. Chris grabbed a hotel face towel and helped clean you up before plopping down on the bed. You crawled up to Chris as Zabdiel settled into the bed next to you. Drifting off to sleep in between two warm bodies.

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