Three is better than one - Richard x Chris x Zab

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Under your little black dress, was a naughty little lace black set. Paired with sparkly silver open toe strappy heels, a high voluminous ponytail, and diamond stud earrings. You were out with the boys, promoting their new album at a club. You were part of the CNCO team, a fresh new intern, who was fortunate to get a hands-on learning experience. Drinks were on the house for the boys and the team, meaning you took full advantage. You needed a night of letting loose and pretending there was no tomorrow. After four shots of tequila and two mixed drinks, you felt the liquid courage running through your veins. You were on a cloud, of endless giggles and a slightly numb body. Gasolina suddenly blasted through the speakers of the club, pulling your body on the dancefloor. It was just one of those songs you couldn't ignore, and you couldn't sit still for. As you moved to the beat you had a sudden feeling like you were being watched, not that you really cared, knowing exactly who it was.

This provoked you to sway your hips and move in a more seductive manner. The liquid courage pumping through your veins took over your body dictating your every move as a familiar pair of tattooed hands grabbed your waist. You tilted your head slightly letting the strong familiar cologne pierce your senses as you grinded down on his crotch.

"Shawty that's a dangerous game you're playin'" Richard growled in your ear making you grin

You slowly turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck as you continued to sway to the beat.

"Wanna see dangerous?" you smirked as you pressed a soft kiss on his R&B tattoo "I'll show you dangerous Papi" you whispered in his ear as you gently tugged on his lobe

You've fucked Richard a few times before, so you know not to taunt and tease him too much unless you want bruises all over your ass. But tonight, you were feeling bold, like you could take control. Loosening yourself off of Richard you made your way over to Christopher who has also been watching you all night.

"Hola Papi" you purred as you wrapped your arms around him toying with the ends of his hair

Chris wrapped his hands around your waist, swaying to the beat and guiding your body with him.

"Hola, preciosa te estas divirtiendo?" Chris asked as his big brown eyes scanned your body, lingering on your cleavage and back up to your eyes

"Oh I'm having a great time" you smirked "but an after-party between us would be so much better"

You bit your lip looking him up and down, as your hands rested on his shoulders before moving down his torso. You seductively turned around keeping his hands on your waist. You watched Richard, as you grinded down on Chris.

"Then why don't we just go now nena?" Chris groaned as he placed soft kisses on your neck

Swaying your hips to the beat, and pressing your back on Chris's chest.

"Because I'm not done here" you grinned

Your bodies molded as one, as you reached back and held onto Chris's hair. If looks could kill, Richard would have murdered you on the spot. His cold dark stare bore into your soul, as you stared back, silently challenging him. He knows you can get bratty at times, and loves putting you back in your place. But a club is too crowded to remind you who's in charge and Chris is not going to let you go so easily. What Richard doesn't know is that you and Chris have hooked up a few times in the past. You weren't in a serious relationship with either boy, just hooking up with them during your lonely nights. The song soon ended and you squirmed out of Chris's grip. You beelined to Zabdiel, who you have also previously hooked up with several times, pushed your way next to him and ordered another drink. Zabdiel looked down at you and smirked

"nena necisitas más" he smirked as he watched the bartender hand you a drink

"Of course Papi" you giggled as you took a sip and inched closer to Zabdiel slightly arching your back, perking your breasts up.

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