Last Night - Chris & Zab

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Being in a throuple with Zabdiel and Chris made you feel like the luckiest girl alive. On one end you had crazy adventures with Chris and on the other warm relaxing nights with Zabdiel. You always received attention, especially when you needed it the most. Even on tour one of them would always check in on you. Both would Facetime you before you drifted off to sleep every night. The relationship had a seamless flow with rare petty fights and little arguments. Usually brought on by stress and lack of sleep. But tonight was different. It was their last day in town, and you requested the usual tradition of staying in and enjoying each other company one last time. You were feeling a bit needy tonight, craving their attention and affection, already missing them dearly. But they insisted to go out, and as to not to create a fight or argument, you went along. You spent hours doing your hair and makeup, choosing the right outfit for your last night with the boys. You wanted their last night with you to be special, for them to have fun.

Everything was fine until you walked through the doors of the club. It was as if you evaporated into thin air. Chris beelined to the bar and then the dance floor, and as for Zabdiel, you had no idea where he ran off to. It wasn't what you were expecting, it wasn't what usually happened when you went clubbing with them. You tried your best to keep a positive attitude, and not to be difficult even though the two of them abandoning you stung. It was as if they forgot that tomorrow morning they had to go to the airport and leave you behind. You ordered yourself, your favorite drink and hung out by the bar.

Maybe they'll come get me, you thought Maybe they just want to get tipsy first

You leaned on the wooden bar top and scanned the dance floor. You quickly spotted the tall blonde, with his back towards you dancing to the beat.

Or maybe I can go get him first you thought

Smirking you grabbed your drink and went straight towards him, sliding through sweaty bodies and swatting away grabby hands. You finally got close enough to Zabdiel and your heart sank. He was with another girl, dancing with her. His large hands wrapped perfectly around her hips as he guided her to the beat of the music. His face nuzzled into the crook of her neck, whispering something to make her smile.

This has to be a mistake you thought He wouldn't

You were shocked, to say the least standing across from him, watching as his eyes never left her. The more you watched, trying to reason with what he was doing, the more you felt stuck in your place. But this was more than a friendly dance, more than a meaningless one time dance. You could sense the sexual tension between them and your heart began to crack, ready to fall to pieces. They looked so happy as if Zabdiel wasn't already someone else's. He was yours, and only yours. He told you in the past how you were the only one for him. Reassuring you again and again how he only wanted to be with you. Telling you so many times how happy you made him feel. It took you a while, but you recognized the girl, she was an influencer, her face and body were constantly displayed on Fashion Nova. Her YouTube account had over 10 million followers, and her face lit up the room. You finally spotted Chris emerging from the crowd of people and he reached over towards her. Your heart sank shattered into a million pieces.

This is no mistake you thought There is no excuse for this

She was enjoying herself, as Chris held her waist as she grinded against him. Zabdiel in front of her, cupping her face as her fingers lingered around his arms. You chugged your drink, trying to numb your pain as you walked over to them. They still had yet to notice you, as you got closer and closer. It was like they twisted a knife inside you as you watched Chris push the girl's hair to the side, ready to plant his soft lips against her neck.

"Really?" You huffed crossing your arms as Chris froze in his spot "So is this what the two of you do when you go away on tour?"

Hurt and anger filled your emotions, as they finally noticed you.

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