Caribbean Sandwich - Erick & Zab

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Four eyes watched you, eyes glued to your every movement like a hungry carnivore stalking its prey. You crawled on the bed, batting your eyes innocently as you looked back at both men. Zabdiel was the first to approach you, grabbing your ankle and pulling closer to him. He flipped you over making you land on your back. A small yelp escaped you, as your arousal drowned your lower lips. Goosebumps rose to your body as Zabdiel gently peeled off your lace panties.

"Zabdiel" you whined

The fabric moved smoothly down your upper thighs, to your calves, and swiftly thrown to the floor. Zabdiel's long fingers teased your soaked folds, making your hips buck off the mattress with every movement. Heat rose to your body, as your breathing turned sporadic as his movements grew more intense.

"Mierda estás tan mojada" you heard him smirk before he slid one of his long fingers inside you making you whimper out

Your walls wrapped around him, as he pumped at a slow pace grazing over your g-spot. Erick, who had both his knees caging your head in, groaned and took the opportunity to slide his hard pulsating cock down your throat. His hands slid down your body, reaching under your bra and squeezed your breasts. Fingers pinching your hardened buds between his fingers making you moan around his length. Your back arched as the pleasure took over your body, feeling Zabdiel insert another finger and curl it at the right spot.

"Que boca bonita" Erick smirked as his hand slid up and wrapped around your throat squeezing lightly as he snapped his hips faster

Your legs grew weak, and eyes rolled back as both men pleasured you. Your thighs shook around Zabdiel, unwillingly trying to close around him. He groaned as he used his free hand to keep one thigh open, letting you wrap a single leg around him.

"Ay nena so fucking needy but you can't stop fucking moving," Zabdiel said as you whined out around Erick

The Cuban groaned feeling your mouth vibrate around him, sending waves of pleasure into him. Your back arched as Zabdiel mumbled something in Spanish before sucking your swollen nerve endings. Your fingers gripped his locks and tugged as Erick went at a faster pace. Sinful wet noises filled the room, as your holes filled up send sparks of pleasure throughout your body. Zabdiel suddenly pulled away and glided his member inside you. He gave you no time to adjust as he slammed his hips into you. The force used, pushed your body back and forth, making more of Erick's member slide down your throat. You reached your arms out and gripped the sheets, as the pleasure had you seeing stars. As your walls adjusted to his length, your grip on the sheets loosened and moved up to Erick's balls. It wasn't long before the Cuban grew a bit jealous wanting to feel a different part of you wrapped around him. He pulled out of you and Zabdiel adjusted the two of you. He laid on his back and you straddled his lap. Zabdiel slammed you down on him and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. Your chest was pressed against his, heartbeats syncing into the same quick pace. He marked your weakest spots under your ear, pulling the loudest moans out of you as Erick grabbed your waist. He slowly slid into your other hole making you moan louder and eyes roll back. He let you adjust staying still for a second, before slowly rolling his hips into you and groaned out.

"So fucking tight" he grunts as he places a harsh slap on your ass

The slap makes your walls squeeze Zabdiel giving him a darker shade of black in his eyes as he moved his hand down to your ass and slapped harshly. Both men swatted your ass, making you nip on Zabdiel's shoulder. Your nails dug into the Puerto Ricans flesh leaving little red trails everywhere your hands explored. Erick rolled his hips at a faster pace, making skin violently slap against skin. You felt the wall shared by both your holes flatten against both lengths. You were seeing stars as your walls fluttered around Zabdiel. The knot in your lower abdomen growing tighter and tighter. Zabdiel twitched inside you signaling he was ready to fall over his own edge as your eyes were getting ready to roll back. Erick slapped your ass one last time, making the knot snap. You screamed out incoherently as your eyes rolled to the back of your skull. Your thighs shook around Zabdiel as your juices coated him. You were on a cloud as you were ridden out on both ends. The two were not far behind you, filling you up with their warm seeds.

"Carajo" Erick groaned as he slowly pulled out of you

Zabdiel was the next one to slip out of you and placed you gently on the bed. You weakly grabbed his wrist motioning him to stay. He did as Erick walked into the bathroom grabbing a towel to clean you up. You laid your head on Zabdiel's chest, listening to his quickened heartbeat steady out as Erick came back with a small damp face towel. He wiped away the dripping cum, before throwing the towel in the hamper. You nuzzled closer into Zabdiel giving Erick room on the bed to wrap himself around you. The three of you laid there, whispering sweet nothings before drifting off the sleep, tired from the long day and intense orgasm.

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