Bratty Girls Get What They Deserve - Richard & Chris

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Your back arched, toes curling and your body squirmed in its restraints as your third orgasm washed over you. Your arms were above your head moving around, as your tied wrists struggled to get free. A wand set at the highest setting was tied to your thigh, pressed against your swollen pearl sending vibrations throughout your body without mercy. You pushed Richard's limits tonight, flirting with all his bandmates, repeatedly not listening to his warnings, and refusing to submit during punishment. Richard was so fed up with your bratty behavior he ended up tying you to the bed, leaving you little to no wiggle room. After tying you to the bed, Richard left you alone for what felt like an eternity slamming the door behind him.

"In here bro" you heard Richard say to someone as his footsteps approached the door

"Pa-" you cut yourself off as the door swung open with a smirking Richard and his bandmate Chris "Wh-what are you doing?" you hissed as you struggled more in your restraints.

You suppressed a whimper as the struggling only made the wand draw patterns on your swollen pearl.

"Baby" Richard cooed in a condescending voice as he approached the bed lightly touching your thigh "wanna talk about this in private? Turn off the vibrations, let this sore little pussy rest?" he questioned as his lips hovered over yours

You nodded your head, yes, biting your bottom lip as you felt the fourth knot of the night tighten in your lower abdomen. Richards brown eyes dilated in pure lust, knowing your body language like the back of his hand. A small grin formed on him as he pressed the wand harder on your nerve endings.

"Rich-" you whined as the knot snapped making your head roll back on the pillow

Your thighs shook and whimpers escaped your lips as you hit your highest point. Richard waited for you to finish before turning off the wand and untying it from your thigh. You panted, trying to collect your breath as your body was finally given a break.

"Richard why is Chris here?" You whined embarrassed at your exposed body and vulnerable state not even daring to look over at the boy leaned against the door frame

"Because what you said about him pissed me off the most" Richard said as he untied your feet

You immediately went to close your legs trying to cover up, but Richard was quick to spread you open again.

"Why don't you tell him what you told me?" Richard softly asked

"But I wasn't serious" you whined "I just wanted to push your buttons a little bit"

"You wanted to push my buttons?" he chuckled "push them again"

Richard's hands rubbed your outer thighs, in a form of comfort.

"Tell me nena I wanna know," Chris said as he approached the bed

You squirmed around unsure of what the two of them had in mind or what they planned behind your back.

"It was nothing- it meant nothing" You whined struggling to remove the silk rope from your wrists

Richard pinned your thighs down, as Chris hovered his face over yours, stroking your cheek with his thumb.

"Nena don't be shy" he cooed as your eyes met his lusty eyes "just tell me what you told him"

You tried to turn your face and look away as heat rose to your cheeks, but Chris moved your face back forcing your eyes to lock with his. You licked your lips and tried to squirm free, as Richard grew tired of the stalling. You felt his warm breath fan your very sensitive and sore entrance before you felt his tongue collect your juices.

"Richard!" You whined as every teasing movement of his tongue was intensified by your over-sensitivity

"You're the one making it difficult nena" Chris tsked "just tell me"

"Fine" you whimpered as your bottom lip quivered "I- I would put me in my place quicker, fuck me better, and could make me scream louder- but I said stuff about the others too"

"Nena, have you fantasized about me?" Chris asked as his eyes darted down to your shaking lips

"Chris I already said I just said a bunch of things just to piss Richard off I just wanted a reaction from him" You whined as Richard marked your inner thighs sending more heat to your core, and making you grip the silk

"That doesn't answer the question" Richard growled as he pressed his thumb against your swollen clit, making your thighs shake, hips buck and whimpers to escape your lips

"Nooo" you whined

"Than why you wet shawty?" Richard taunted as another finger ran through your drenched slit

"Nooo" You whined again squirming your body accidentally pressing your chest against Chris

His hands held your ribs, fingers dangerously close to the soft skin of your breasts. Richard let go of your nerve endings and removed his hand from your sore entrance.

"Untie her wrists bro" Richard said to Chris

Chris reached above your head and pulled the rope loose, setting your hands free. You brought your hands down slowly, eyes still locked on Chris and your bottom lip still shaking. Richard pulled your ankles, making you slide under Chris and making you face Richard.

"Are you going to be a good girl?" Richard asked you stroking your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb

You nodded your head yes as you watched Richards lusty brown eyes scan your body.

"Straddle Chris then" Richard instructed making your jaw drop and eyebrows raise "go on"

You crawled over to Chris who already had his cock out, with your legs sore and core throbbing. You straddled him hovering your dripping folds over the head of his member balancing your hands on his shoulders. You looked over at Richard who nodded his head, a motion for you to go on and sink his bandmates cock down your pussy. You did as he wanted, as Chris laid back letting you take control on Richards watch. Biting your lower lip you suppressed a whimper as your sore wet walls hugged Chris's girth. Your hands moved down to his lower abdomen as you continued to look at Richard. Chris's hands wrapped around your hips

"Stop looking at me baby, look at him. It's not my cock stretching out that pretty little pussy." Richard growled

You turned your head back at Chris as you continued to ride him. A familiar pair of warm hands pushed you down pressed your upper torso against Chris. Those same hands came flying in on your ass, swat after swat making you a moaning mess. With each smack, your inner walls clenched hugging Chris's girth tight.

"You like the way he fucks you?" Richard asked you

Without warning, Richard grabbed a fistful of your hair and tugged as he stretched out your other hole. You bit down on Chris's shoulder as both men roughly thrusted into you. Your knot built up as the over sensitivity rolled in, making the ability to form any words fading from your mind.

"Cum baby" Richard grunted "cum over Chris's cock like the little cock slut you are"

You released for the last time of the night, losing your breath as little black spots clouded your vision. They both pulled out of you and flipped you over on your back. They massaged their shafts releasing their warm juices over your body. Milking their last drops of cum over your breasts, face, and lower lips.

"Clean up baby as I walk Chris out" Richard grunted as Chris zipped up his pants and Richard pulled up his basketball shorts

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