Chapter 2: the whole story

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"I'm ready" said the 5 year old girl. Very well then you know before I met my friends I was a scavenger who lived on jakku. (ATTENTION. If you don't want yo hear Rey explaining movies 7 through 9 then skip to paragraph. PARAGRAPH 2, NOT PAGE!!! Paragraph 2. Thank you now let's get back to the story) I'm not sure how but first I was lucky enough to run into their little droid named BB8, and soon after finn an ex-stormtrooper who I thought was with the resistance at the time. We were both declared as criminals by then first order, when we were fleaing we ran into the millennium falcon without knowing at first. Eventually Han Solo and chewie came busting through their door and they came back to their resistance with us. And when I over heard leia and Han's conversation that's when I figured out that kylo ren was once Ben Solo the son of Han and Leia Solo. When we went in their star killer base I had to witness Han... (she sniffled as she brought up the closest thing she almost had to a father through Han Solo). I had seen Kylo Ren stab his own father. After me and Finn got to duel with Kylo Ren, I defeated him and I would have killed him if the ground hadn't split from our attack on their base. Little did I know there ground splitting was a gift, deep down I knew I didn't want to kill him for some reason. And that's when I had left the base to search for the legendary luke Skywalker and he agreed to give me basic jedi training but told me he would not go back to the resistance. But when I fell for a dark trick it was Kylo who reached out to me through our special force bond we have... had. And when I touched his hand I knew he was a good man deep down he just needed me to show him how to come to the light. So I went to his ship only to find my life in danger by the man I came trying to save. But Ben chose to destroy his own evil master over me and we defeated every single guard as a team. But he didn't want to be a part of the resistance so we broke Luke's light saber in half as a result of our fight. When I returned to the base on Crait the first order wasn't far behind me so Luke fought Kylo Ren and bought the whole base time to escape. And all after that the day was great I was finally able to meet finns friend poe dameron. After a couple more light saber battles Leia sacrifices herself to turn her son back to the light but I didn't know this yet, so I saw him distracted so I strike him down. But then I realised I had just killed Leia with the pain of her dying son so I used the force to heal him and left to find emperor on Exogal the forbidden land of the sith. When I entered my grandpa tried to make me kill him to become empress but instead I gave my light saber to Ben who came wanting to help me since had just became a jedi again. We destroyed our enemies and palatine drained us of our life force and knocked Ben off a cliff, or so he thought. Hearing the voices of the jedi I strike palpatine down and fell to the floor feeling very weak, to weak to move a muscle. He saved me by putting all of the energy he had left into healing me. Unfortunately  he, he, he... passes on, I think" finished rey.

And 5 years later I have a new padawan and all is still safe in the galaxy. Rey noticed while she was telling the story Bellan's jaw never did once move back where it belongs. Bellan's whole world collapsed as she now began to feel her masters pain. Luke was close to crying while rey was haunted by the memory of him. And Kenobi stood there with a sad look on his face. Rey stood to her feet as she began to ask Luke a question she never had the chance to ask before, about him. She quietly said "if he died then why has he never appeared in front of me as you and Obi Wan are now? Is it his choice? Luke sighed and replied "Perhaps he hadn't done enough to prove himself to be a true jedi. I know we force ghosts dont choose when to show up, we only come sjen were needed." Rey was stunned her old master would even think such a thing,"impossible" she said do you remember the moment my gra- emperor Palpatine threatened your life as you refused to join him, so your father stood up to him. Luke knew where this was going. She continued It was no different between me and ben, he sacrificed himself to save me right after he abandoned the dark side of the force and became a jedi again."she finished. Luke had to admit that she made valid points, and then agreed with her that it was impossible to do what he had done for her and not go to the jedi heavens if he was dead.

Bellan screamed out has the 3 looked over to see her floating in mid air with her eyes closed. The 3 jedi were so wrapped up in their conversation they hadn't noticed her. Slowly Bellan came down from the air as her eyes opened. She had a mixture of emotions, she was sad, yet thrilled, her heart had a warm feeling but her body was shivering, but most of all she was confused. She softly spoke "what just happened to me."

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