chapter 7: the grey way

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Rey put her feelings aside and asked if she was okay. Bellan replied with a simple nod and began to spoke. "I have learned so much, did you know there was a whole world of just grey jedi but 2 of the greys were not happy as who they were so they invented the sith and the jedi. The new young jedi had her heart broken and she cared so much about others and said the jedi should not be aloud to love or kill for own intrest, the man who created the sith was her heartbreaker who declared the sith shall live to follow orders or die. Slowly but surely all of the greys chose to fight with or against the sith. After the war was over the jedi came out on top 5,000 years later but the leader of the sith has went under cover as a polition named senator-" palpitine rey had finished Bellans thought for her. "Yes and he took over the Senate turned anikin skywalker to the dark and created the galactic empire but was defeated by Luke Skywalker and Anikin. The rest is history" said Bellan. Rey was thinking and processing all this information as she looked over to see how Finn was doing and she couldn't help but burst out laughing. Soon after Finn joined Rey in laughing at him. Bellan was starting to get angry at her and  finn, she knew she was only 5 but she wasn't stupid.


Rey quickly stopped laughing as she did not want to test bellan because she was at an unstable part of her training. "I'm sorry Bellan I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at finn being stupid, not you. Suddenly all 3 of them started laughing as Poe and chewie came out of light speed near the atmosphere. They stopped laughing as they remembered they hadn't eaten in days, and ran towards Poe with open arms. Poe held out his arms as the ship had landed safely but Finn and Rey ran right past him, instead they stopped to hug the crates of flat cakes he had brought back. Poe felt a tug on the bottom of his jacket. When he looked down and he saw cute little Bellan jumping up to hug him. "Well it's nice to see someone here has a heart" Poe scolded. Rey and Finn didn't listen they just placed the crates in Rey's hut. Poe wondered where Bellan had got the change of clothes from for he took the only working ship to go see his girlfriend, Zori. But he to was starving so they all left for Rey's tower to devour the crate of flatcakes and fresh berries he had collected with Zori.


After dinner Finn and Poe headed off to bed but, Rey sensed a very strong emotion she couldn't quite place her finger on inside of her pupil. Could it be... LOVE. Rey couldn't believe it she was loved by someone, she was so used to having any parent figure she got close too died. Han got struck by a light saber by kylo ren, Luke was a little scared of her and he gave all his last bit of life to try to safe kylo. And the most painful one of all, Leia like her mother had spent all of her energy into actually turning her son so he could go on and live his life as a better person, I quickly stabbed him shortly after, but I healed him so all well that ends well. Bellan wanted to talk to rey privatly which is why she had waited  until dusk. "Master may I speak with you" asked Bellan. Of coarse rey responded and she motioned for her to sit on Rey's small bed in the corner.

"It's not easy for me to say this but I think... I can't be a jedi. Rey I know a way to find peace and balance and if we succeed you can have Ben back, and everyone will be at order, yet chaos. Chaos was important because if you didn't have chaos then you would never have  anything to build more peace off of." Rey was absolutely stunned when she heard her she almost reminded her of someone special, like Ben, and herself who knows about both sides of the force. But it's not that Bellan knew both sides, but somehow she is now in between both paths, of dark and light, now she's a grey and she's moving on so quickly, without her master. "Don't be ridiculous master, I'm not moving on without you and instead I wanted you to go enter the temple and you will be overcome with same silver light I was that has given me all this knowledge, and that way you can remain my teacher but you'll be teaching me the grey way. The jedi and sith must be earased, but not completely destroyed from memory. Anyone at all who is force sensitive must be taught the grey way." Rey agreed too this although she wasn't sure how she felt about a millenia of history being earased but she simply said "I'll do what I must for you, and the galaxy, I'll visit the temple first thing in the morning okay." Bellan nodded and smiled at Rey slightly, but rey could sense there was more other then just that she was keeping from her. "What is it Bellan you can tell me anything." Bellan started crying as she said "I want to be free of this pain, I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." Rey heartnstarted to pound so loudly in her chest she could barely hear bellan. This was obviously a very uncomfortable subject for her but Bellan knew this topic was going to come up eventually. "Rey I wish I knew my parents but I dont and I don't think I ever will, but if I can't have them I'm glad I have you, I love you like a mother master." Rey nearly passed out from the emotions she was having, excitement to learn about the grey way, sadness as she remembers ben, but most of all love for her apprentice as she was never able to have children so Bellan felt like her only child to rey. Bellan began to cry a little softer but rey was worried about her, rey didn't want her to have one of her nightmares again and that grey light was not natural. "Maybe you should sleep in here tonight" said rey. "Thank you I'll go get my things" said Bellan, but rey quickly stopped her from leaving an said " your light saber it, it". It WHAT

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