chapter 28: childhood best friend

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They had fired on the 6 of them over and over again. Ben had jumped in front of Rey with his saber, but the trooper in front had pulled it to her. So he remained standing in front of Rey. She was grasping his hands in front of her. They waited to be shot at but it never came. Somehow a shield was made to protect all 5 of them. It wasn't a normal one either, it covered all 5 of them specifically, it was clear you couldn't see it. It was incredible there wasn't one like it in the entire galaxy. Ben knew they weren't weak minded, he had tried already, so he waved his hands in front of them and they all fell to the ground unconcioncous. Everyone stared at Ben in awe, except Gio. Ben looked proud but then he had a panicked look on his face again, saying "we have to get out of here, where's Poe and Finn, do they know where we're at?" Rey was touched he was not just going to leave them behind. "I'll go get them, after all their probably only a couple minutes away" Rey said as she tried to run out the door, but she quickly came to a stop unable to move. Ben walked up to her "no, it only takes a second to get shot, maybe As a could go, or Gio-". Rey fought against his pull and she broke away. "I'll be fine" she whispered as she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips again. Asa, and Bellan lost their balance, so did Gio soon after. The ground was literally shaking, and as they pulled away, everything was still again. Rey didn't notice, but Ben looked confused. "Kiss me again" he said. He didn't give her a chance to respond before he pulled her in tight. Now the ground was moving up and down, everyone fell over  except Rey and Ben. They had pulled back, and all was calm again. After the 3 stood up Asa began to say "okay neither of you will go because I think I can speak for all of us when we say we all want to get away from... whatever that was." Rey and Ben nodded and the 3 of them ran out but Gio stayed behind only for a moment giving Ben the side eye before he left.


Poe and Finn were wondering around the island for at least 5 minutes. Poe thought he saw something sing but he mistook a metal stormtrooper for a ship. He held out his gun but just as he was about to shoot the ground started shifting. Poe was wobbling but Finn was already on the ground holding the saber. The trooper was also unsteady but advancing towards Poe so Finn powered on his light saber at him and chopped him in half. The shakes stopped for a minute but started again shortly, this time they were able to get back into Rey hut. Turns out they had been going in a big circle the whole time. When they came out they heard different voices calling their names. They walked outside to see their friends. "Lhanbryde good your all safe. Now come on we have to get back to the ship, Ben and Rey are picking out a planet for us to travel to and hide. Come on hurry!" said Bellan motioning for them to hurry. They all followed the little girl all the way back to the ship.


"So, have anything in mind. How about Hoth, it's only 3 parses away" stated Rey looking at the board. "No, to cold, plus let's just say I have some... bad stories in my head from there" replied Ben. "Then what about Geonosis it's a little fertile but not by much." "No, we need a planet friendly to the republic, Geonosis has always been a separatist or imperial, or even first order loyal planet." How about Jakk- nevermind. Maybe Crait." said Rey with hope. Ben shook his head before saying, "you really want to go back there, Crait is like a mini Hoth and how are you not haunted by the memories of that place." "Well I didn't try to kill Luke Skywalker. Anyways how about Naboo, Tatooine, Endor, Corosaunt, I will literally take anything at this point!" pleaded Rey. Ben's face lit up with excitement. "That's it, I found it". Just then all of the others came back in the ship. Rey jumped up to hug Poe and Finn, Ben was setting the coordinates to... somewhere. Just as Ben was about to take off Asa had jumped out of the ship with no explanation.


They all looked at each other in confusion, but no one knew what was happening. Rey and Finn looked out the back of the ship to see Asa run over the last hill. After a minute they could see Asa carrying something, but struggling considering she had no hands. It was her sister Amer in her arms. Rey smiled brightly, she now had all the evidence she needed of Asa's light. Troopers were shooting at them but she dodged everything like it was nothing, until a very tall stormtrooper got in her way. She tossed Amer into Rey's arms and Rey set her down on a litt,etc bed next to her. Asa was shot but Rey carried her using the force back on board. Chewie was sitting in the co-pilot seat since Rey got up. Finn helped Asa to sit next to her sister. Ben got ready for take off quickly considering more and more stormtroopers started shooting at the ship they were flying. "Chewie, PUNCH IT" Ben yelled. Chewie cranked the lever and they were travelling in light speed


Rey walked towards Ben and whispered a couple things in his ear. "No problem I was already going there" he replied. "You see I don't know why but my parents always had a soft spot for the planet natives, their called ewoks. I remember I used to be about 6 or 7, before my mom was a senator and before I was, well... you know. I used to be best of  friends with this ewok named Jorimine, I called him Jorrim. We hung out all day and slept together in the same bunk beds every night, I loved that furry little hair ball, but let's hope he doesn't remember that time kylo ren tried to create a base on their planet. Than well be in trouble" finished Ben. Rey giggled but she was scared that his childhood best friend recognize him.


Almost the rest of the ride was silent, Asa had a throbbing pain on her shoulder where she was shot. The whole rest of the ride she was trying to figure out what Ben meant by "remember kylo ren". How would he know where Kylo Ren had been, what Kylo ren had done. Her head kept coming back to ojly one answer, could he really be Asa's idol. Her thoughts were interupted by Finn grabbing Reys arm and pulling off her wrap. He was examining the wound and he must have thought it would be okay because he handed Asa the band aid and smiled. She really liked Finn, he was turning out to be a real good friend. The last thing she did before they landed was take a hold of her sisters hand.


Rey had big plans for Asa. Ever since she claimed to attempt changing, she saved Finn's life, help build our new huts, didn't kill any of us, and not to mention she could move light sabers with the force. There was only one other he'd who was capable of it, and it was not a power the sith could unlock, only he'd and now grey jedi's as well. If Rey trained her, she could become a very powerful grey, and maybe even a good friend. Rey planned to do anything she could to help Asa's transition to the lighter side. That included healing her hands, and giving her new ones she could use to practice. Rey's thoughts were interupted by an intruder. Ben was at it again. "Get out of my head" she said to him through their bond. Ben looked back at her briefly and then lowered the ramp to the Falcon. When Ben, Rey and Poe started to come down the ramp they were met with practically a army of ewok soldiers in camouflage pointing tiny spears at them. They raised their hands by their head to show they come in peace, and slowly the ewoks put their weapons lower, but still held them. Rey was about to speak but realised they would not understand her. Finn and Asa came down the ramp looking, and waiting for Rey to convince them they were peaceful. But all of them were shocked when Ben started shouting little chirps and squeaks then finishing with "Jorimine, sqeak, chirp." The ewoks jumped up dropping their weapons to the floor some trying to run up to Ben, but he backed away. He repeated himself saying "Jorimine" and yelled some stuff afterwords. All the little ewoks backed to the sides letting one ewok through. "Chirp, squek, squawk, Ben Solo" said the slightly taller ewok in the middle. Ben smiled and knelt down to give him a hug. "Chirp, old best friend, squawk" said Ben, still hugging him.

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