chapter 15: the saber

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Rey was actually starting to get the hang of swimming. Ben still felt bad about earlier but he is glad he was able to make up for it. "Okay we know your great at swimming straight but how about you try swimming in circles around me". Rey nodded in determination, she was actually having fun in the cool water and she started swimming around Ben, and then back towards shore. "If you don't mind I think I'm going to go dry off, and I think I saw Finn come over, maybe I should check on him  too" Rey said walking back to her hut. "Oh and 2 more things, 1 you have the whole night to work on your saber, and 2 we leave in the morning for Tatooine." Ben wanted to just break down into a ball but he knew he needed to complete his light saber. He got out of the water as Rey did and made a towel and his crystal that he had hid, come to him. He was cojcerned as only the crystal came to him, he tried again but no towel ever came. When he climbed over the hill he realised there was no towel to dry his soaking wet clothes. I don't feel very comfortable talking to Finn or Poe alone and Rey has probably had enough of me he thought. The closest thing he could think of was, in his dad's old ship.

Only problem is Chewie doesn't have a hut so he spends almost all his time in the falcon. "Okay uncle chewie had to find out eventually I mean Finn and Poe weren't exactly thrilled with it but they're better now. Of coarse Finn and Poe didnt have much control over it but Uncle Chewie was always super strong, he could snap my windpipe with one finger," Ben thought aloud. He decided it wasn't worth the risk and set out to look for scrap metals outside so he could dry naturally in the sun and complete his saber. He knew his uncle Luke's old x-wing was here somewhere and it's so broken and run down it couldn't possibly fly. He felt the x-wing was somewhere near here, like in that cave covered by weeds. He arrived in the cave, only too see the ship was already used for parts, probably by Bellan he guessed. He snatched whatever he could and threw it in his backpack he still carried on his back, which was also soaking wet. He left the cave and sat on the front of a cliff and started meditating, pulling the dark grey, rusty pieces of junk towards him.


Rey was just drying off and ringing out her clothes when Finn knocked at her hut door again. "Just a minute" she said to Finn. Rey finished putting on her clothes and answered the door. "Hi" do you want to come in" she asked hoping the answer was no. She was supposed to find Bellan and work with her on saber technics. Finn nodded and walked in and sat on Rey's small couch, gesturing for her to sit next to him. She sat down and Finn turned to face her. "Rey I love you, and I have ever since you beat me with a stick, and yes that sounds crazy but it's true. I know you have a thing for Ben but I just wanted you to know. I love you". Rey was speechless and she was also flattered, but when she had finally realised he didn't mean love like just a sister she panicked. She never had to let anyone down easily before, she only knew the people on the base barely and Poe, Leia, and Finn were her only true family she had. She loved Finn to, as a brother. Finn could tell by the look on her face she didn't love him back. "It's okay, I understand" Finn whispered. Finnis was about to exit the room when Rey yelled "WAIT Finn I do love you, but not in that way." Finn nodded and forced a smile on his face, he was lucky he had someone like Rey to love him in any way, even if it wasn't the way he wanted her to love him.


Finn left Rey's hut a while ago, he needed some time alone. Poe, Bellan and Chewie were hanging in the falcon. R2D2 always stayed in low power mode on the falcon as well sleeping most of the time. Ben was extremely busy with his light saber, for the first time in over 5 years she was completely alone. After she discovered BB-8 and Finn, she swore to herself she would never be left alone again. And here she was completely utterly alone. She curled up in a ball on her bed, and started to cry.


Bellan wasn't sure how she felt about Ben being back. She was super happy for her master but also sad for herself. It's been 3 days since Rey has given her any lessons, Bellan knew Rey was excited but she has an obligation to teach the padawan learner everything she knew about the force. Although see was enjoying having all of that free time to hang with Poe and Finn. She really was craving some time alone with her master Speaking of her master where was she? "I'm going to go look for Rey" she had to excuse herself from Poe and Chewie who were playing with a hologram on the Falcon. She had walked outside of the ship and she heard faint sobbing so she ran in Rey's hut and opened the door swiftly and leaped into her bedroom. "Master, Master, are you alright" she was really worried this time, her whole face was turning pink from balling so much. "Actually I'm doing so much better now that your here, do you want to train some?" Rey said desperately trying to avoid talking about the sadness she felt when alone. Bellan wanted that more then anything, but something inside her was telling her that master Rey was in no position to be sparring with her. She politely declined, "maybe you should get some rest, master, I'll still be here to train tomorrow". Rey quilt started to say "But-" "I promise I won't leave your side until you go to sleep, now try to go to sleep" Bellan interupted. Rey nodded and lied back down on her side, and soon fell asleep.


Ben had stayed up almost all night not because of his light saber, but because he never got dry enough to go back to Rey's hut. He had finished his saber a couple minutes ago, he was confused when he saw all the dark grey and silver pieces he collected, turned white. His whole saber base was white, he didn't want to ignite it yet because he wanted Rey and even Bellan to see his blade. He didn't know what color it was yet but he knew it wasn't red and that much he was relieved about. He lay still on the grass having the sun finally peek up to continue drying his clothes. He ran to get Rey, he knew they all normally woke up this early for, well flat cakes. He only missed 1 thing from the first order, the food. Fabulous meals prepared specially for him every day, but giving all that up was fine with him, as long as he got Rey in return. He thought he would run into Finnis who would scream FLAT CAKES again, but Finn was never there. He waited a little longer until he heard rustling around in Rey's hut, he opened the door and didn't scream flat cakes he only looked to see Rey preparing the meal. When he came in he sensed she wasn't to happy with someone. Afraid it was him he said "Good morning did you sleep well" she smiled and nodded. "Yes I'm doing great, how are you, how's your light saber", just then Bellan entered the hut. Bellan grabbed a fresh plate of flat cakes and sat down in a seat in front of her. Rey's hut was not that big. She had a small kitchen with a stove a table with 4 chairs, it was fine for them before, but not anymore. She had another small table and a mini couch for two, a tiny pull down bed in the corner for Ben, and a small bedroom with a nightstand for her. Ben was excited they were the only two up because it meant he could share his excellent news. "Soooooo, I finished my light saber" Ben said, suddenly Rey perked up a bit as she heard the news. "What are you waiting for, ignite that baby" Bellan was clearly just as excited about it. Ben pulled his new saber he had attached to his belt into his hands, and walked out of the kitchen with  Rey. When he ignited his saber with a push of a button he was amazed.

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