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"Captain Orge just the man I wanted to see." (Y/N) sat in his office looking at the files he collected of Orge that his agents had given him from their reports.
"I was told to report to you about the security of the capital rest assure general I have everything-"
"Yes yes I'm quite sure...... after all it's not like the assassins were able to murder five key assets to the throne under your watch." Looking from from the reports he sees Orge physically winch nervously.
"Well pardon me general I know your a bit young however-"
"You misunderstand captain I don't care about your excuses I'm here to warn you to get better and know I have my eye on you. Now pass this order on to every other Imperial officer and the imperial police branch capture is top priority of the Nightraid assassins and this is an order from me the commanding general of the Imperial guards and police. Any who disobeys it their punishment might be death do you understand now?" Giving Orge a Death Glare making the Captain step back from the sheer intensity of the murderous aura the boy was giving off despite the fact he couldn't see his eyes.
"Sir yes sir........"
"Good now go waste your time abusing your authority while you can because if I don't see a single member of these assassins I'll be going to the field myself and make your men lose their respect in you." Turning his chair around he looks out his window where he sees the city light up in the night as he hears his door closes.
"Status report." (Y/N) says as a young girl who looked to be in her early teens with light blue hair and amber eyes sporting the same uniform (Y/N) wore when he was the leader of Death's hand kneel down next to him with her head down then up to give her report.
"I've finished gathering data on every corrupted official In the capital....... I have to say master it was quite tough for me to hold myself back from killing every single one of them." She says handing him a packet that
"I can only imagine..... even though I would've been fine with it I wouldn't want to lose you in case things went south...... Speaking of which this is quite heavy isn't it?"
"Yea...... my arms are tiring from holding it all day..... I did take the liberty of organizing it from the targets I believe should be killed first along with their threat level and associates."
"Thanks Tsuki I'm going to look over this tonight go ahead and get yourself something to eat." (Y/N) said as he puts money on the desk for her to take.
"Oh your letting a thirteen year old girl go by herself in the capital? How could you master?!" She teased as she could tell even through the visor of his helmet he enjoyed her sarcasm.
"Very funny Tsuki your skilled enough that I won't have to worry about you. Oh can you do me another favor?"
"Of course what did you need?"
"I won't be able to make it to the Church tonight can you deliver this for me it's contains the Empire's next major play against the Revolutionary army." Handing her a folder she places in her uniform nodding her head.
"Of course...... Did you want me to bring her a snack as well?"
"I think she'll be fine..... Then again maybe some dry meat snacks may make her happy now I have to get going the Prime Minister wanted to see me."
"Ok keep your urge to kill him under control." Tsuki bowed before disappearing in thin air.
"Right...... let's go see what the fatso wants."
"Master said Akame would most likely be here after all they do meet up here once a week. I wonder how Master really feels about her. I've seen him hold those loyal to him like me with high regard yet with her I can't help but feel it's something more. Then again it's probably just the jealousy in thinking...... I think that's her."
"Oh your not (Y/N)..... yet your wearing Death's hand uniform did they assign new assassins to that squad?" A woman with a mechanical arm and eyepatch asked readying for a fight.
"If your an ally of my master please be put at ease ma'am I was sent in his place to deliver this to Akame." Tsuki replied holding the folder (Y/N) gave her.
"I see then your not here under the empire's orders?"
"No ma'am I have no loyalty to the Empire only to my Master (Y/N) (L/N)."
"I see sorry for my caution also I apologize for Akame not coming I've sent her on another mission at the opposite end of the capital and I told her I'll meet up with (Y/N) in her place. If you don't mind me asking what happened to (Y/N)?"
"Master was summoned by the prime minister. For reasons I do not know of yet."
"I see thank you for coming this way.... uh?"
"Thank you Tsuki be sure to share my thanks to (Y/N)."
"Of course Lady....... uh?"
"Narjenda." Handing her the folder Tsuki Bows then disappears in thin air not surprising the boss of Nightraid.
"Oh before I forget this is for Akame." Tsuki drops a bag of dry meat before leaving for good.
"Always thinking of his friends."
"Well I wasn't aware I was going to be present in front of the king himself." (Y/N) bow taking his helmet off to show his "respect" to the throne.
"I heard of your endeavors at the Western front and I had to give you my thanks." The young king said as he looked down at his general.
"However I have been hearing that you been questioning some of the policies me and the prime minister has put in place."
"Nothing to say general? Well my king what does that mean?"
"He's guilty?"
"If I may speak."
"Should we?"
"I guess we shall before deciding anything." The minister said smirking at the young general.
"If your questioning my loyalty I assure you my king my loyalty to you and this nation is undying however the methods that we have for me to follow won't allow me to defend this Nation to the fullest."
"Is that so what would you recommend we do?"
"Allow me to break a few eggs to make an omelette."
"Huh?" Both the prime minister and the king looked at the general in confusion making him sigh.
"Uh let's see.... turn a solider into a spy and he shall bring his nation fortune."
"Oh I see minister I'm not so sure he's a traitor after all."
"It appears not his logic does seem quite understandable, I apologize for questioning you general you truly are of the highest caliber." The minister smiled biting into his piece of meat.
"Right....... God they are so gullible....... If that is all I must get going I ordered Orge to command the guards that capture is top priority for the group known as Nightraid."
"Oh why is that wouldn't it be simpler to kill them?" The king looks at his minister who also seem confused.
"From what I know Nightraid is most likely part of the revolutionary army as a former assassin and one of the best strategists next to Esdeath and Budo their goal is to stir as much chaos as possible in order for the rebels to gain the upper hand. Now my plan is long and won't be perfect but if I'm to help solve these problems sacrifices will have to be made in order to achieve victory."
"Is that so? Am I hearing that you are not focusing on protecting our delegates and officials?"
"On the contrary Minister they are my first priority as I already set a procedure on protecting the key figures however it's the incompetence of our subordinates that's to question. If they fail to protect their package then they aren't worthy of living."
"Ah I see then proceed general (Y/N)...... Is that the right call minister?"
"Indeed it is. Your quite the scary chap young general. Please continue to try your best."
"I shall. Now I must be off." Putting his helmet on he hides a malicious smile that no one can see as he leaves the throne room.
"Is that captain Orge? Bloody hell who left such a mess..... Most likely one of the NightRaid assassins definitely not Akame because she wouldn't leave such a mess....... Then again I wouldn't know either way..... I better report this to Master he might either be happy or upset about this." Tsuki thought as she stood on a building overlooking Orge's corpse while she bit into a piece of candy.
"Oh Akame I have something for you." Narjenda said before Akame left the room following Leone and Tatsumi out.
"Your friend... Our spy wanted you to have these the information he gave me is truly outstanding it could be the turning point for the army." She hands Akame the bag confusing her at first until she looked inside making her eyes sparkle as her drool a bit.
"That's good to hear I should thank him next time I see him."
"This may be a problem I have their trust for now however the minister is proving to be a gullible fat fool. I figure I would've died but thankfully he is not as much as a fool I believe him to be despite his hunger for power...... Oh Tsuki's here..... Hey Tsuki any problems?"
"I delivered the information without any problems however on my way back I found the corpse of Captain Orge."
"You serious?! Did you see who killed him?"
"Unfortunately not however it's most likely NightRaid."
"That may prove to be a problem. Since NightRaid has a different agenda its going to be difficult to coordinate with them..... Tsuki how confident are you in your assassination skills?"
"In order to help you I'm very confident." She said bowing.
"I want you to go join NightRaid and be the messenger for me and NightRaid for better coordination."
"Then who will protect you Master?!"
"I should be fine after all who taught you all you know?"
"I'm not nearly as good in a fight as you are not am I strong enough after all I'm good for is sneak attacks."
"Which is why you'll be joining them I taught you what I could with the limited time we had Narjenda, Akame and their comrades will help you improve besides this will benefit us all I'll have the Minister off my back while giving away information and dealing with the corrupt soliders here in the capital."
"Master you saved my life I have to be-"
"Tsuki I'm grateful for your loyalty and I'm asking you to show it even more."
"Ok Master how do you wish I proceed?"
"Two Options.
Get some rest and prepare for tomorrow to look out for NightRaid or you can do it tonight. Or you can find their base I've Told Akame about the blind spots the Empire doesn't check for so you can search for their hideout but be wary of traps for they must have a multitude of them to protect them."
"Understood Master."
"Oh and here take these..... I've been working on then since I saved you I believe they are ready." Grabbing a box from under his desk he gives it to his young friend as she opens it revealing two braces with blades on the bottom of it.
"These are just like your blades."
"Yup I hope these are to your liking Tsuki especially for tough situations, yours are more special since their blade is able to shoot out of its socket incredibly fast."
"I won't let you down."
"I know you won't just be sure to stay alive and make friends." Taking his helmet off surprising the girl with a smile.
"I shall be going Master...... (Y/N)."
The Assassin disappears without a trace after returning her own smile.

The Spy in the Capital (Akame X M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now