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(A/N: I been in a Akame ga Kill mood recently as you guys could tell however I just couldn't bring myself to write Sheele's death so I skipped that part...... Enjoy.)
"O....... K...... Let's..... Call.... That...... Game........ Your...... Win....... Akame."
The new recruit of NightRaid said heavily breathing as the girl she was sparring with threw her a towel with a smile.
"(Y/N) taught you well and you've been improving really fast these past few days as well." Akame smiled helping the blue hair girl up.
"Thanks..... You know I'm kinda bummed out especially since Spectator didn't choose me."
"It happens maybe you'll be lucky enough to get one."
"Speaking of owning one..... Why doesn't Master (Y/N) own one?"
"Huh..... You know he never did seem to like imperial arms.... Also thought it brought more trouble than good..... I guess I can agree with him in many ways despite his training as a killer like me he always had a more open minded approach on things." Akame said with a slight I'm her face before she notice a few rain drops falling in the sky above them.
"Oh it's about to rain... Awesome it's going to be a peaceful night." Tsuki said closing her eyes as the rain hit her body and face making the young girl glow with the rain.
"You remind me of (Y/N)." Akame giggled earning a surprised look from Tsuki.
"How so?"
"He really loves the rain I remember one of the few times we had gone on a mission before all of this happen when I first saw it."
"Ooo can you tell me I love hearing stories about Master's adventures!"
"Sure.... We were heading back from a mission I believe an assassination one I don't remember the details however what I do remember was it started to pour down on us so we took shelter in a Forrest cave where we made a fire and and set it up for the night; after I had set my sleeping bag I notice he didn't have his stuff ready for sleep so I find him at the entrance of the cave, he said he would be look out but he was trying so hard to hide the smile he had as he enjoy the rain fall on his face enjoying more than a child in a candy shop."
"Or you with meat."
"Nothing can compare to that!"
"Haha.. So he wasn't worried about getting sick?"
"No in fact he convinced me to rest as he had the first watch when I wake up I realized it was morning and he was quite upset because the rain didn't continue towards the next day." Akame and Tsuki laughed a bit as they made their way inside the base using their towels to dry themselves off a bit.
"Akame, Tsuki their back let's go greet them."
"Sure thing Lub!" Both girls said unaware of the change in atmosphere.
The Next Night.
"YOU STUPID BITCH!" A furious general yelled at a young Imperial Guard with her dog Out I also wincing from the man's anger.
"General I don't und- AH!" Seryu wailed in pain as she fell on the wall behind her with a knife sticking from her shoulder and Kuro getting mad but not transforming.
"No you wouldn't You incompetent shit. Tell me why did you disregard my Order to capture the Assassin's?"
"T-The poster stated capture or kill I was j-"
"You were letting your blinded sense of justice keep you from the objective. Tell me what did we achieve from this?"
"We killed a member of NightRaid!"
"That may be true but did you learn anything about their numbers?, the location of their base?, who hired them to take out the targets they had killed THAT NIGHT!"
"No correct? That's what I thought if I wanted to I'll would kill you in your pathetic squabbling unfortunately the mutt of yours is the only reason why I don't do it since there is no guarantee it would pair with another person, now get the he'll out of my office." Pulling his knife from her shoulder she and Kuro leaves fearing for her life as the mad general shut the door behind them.
"I can only imagine how Akame must feel...... I know she was her friend....... I would demote her however her position is not impressive and has no real influence other than being an Imperial arms user....... Come In." Hearing a knock at his door as he composes himself.
"Hello my Friend!" Esdeath walks in with her hat in her hands giving the young general a smile.
"Oh shit.... My my isn't this a pleasurable sight Esdeath its been a while how are you doing?" Taking his helmet returning her smile as she sat on his desk crossing her legs.
"Bored really the Prince in the North was a real joke its hard to find amusement when there is no one who can satisfy my hunger. You could with your tactics however we are on the same side." She smiled at the young General as he smiles st her comment.
"So I assume a game of chess will be to your liking?"
"Not today my friend after all we are both busy dealing with NightRaid.... Besides I came for your advice."
"My advice? The great General Esdeath asking for my Advice?" (Y/N) teased getting a slight punch in the shoulder from the woman.
"Ask away."
"How do you find Love?" Esdeath blushed before sitting down on the chair in front of him.
"Eh? Wait.... What?!"
"You heard me."
"Well..... If I'm to be quite honest you don't find it; it finds you."
"Can it find me if not capable of feeling it?"
"It takes time you never know when it will happen its like a spark that suddenly takes hold of your heart though you never know when it will happen but when it does it's a sweet sensation." (Y/N) looks at the ceiling with a Smile on his face surprising the Icy General.
"Your wisdom sounds like they hold some experience to them anyone your in love with?"
"I am..... I'm not sure how she feels about me though besides we have two different paths we need to follow in order to meet our similar goals." Looking at his desk he doesn't notice Esdeath giving him a teasing look.
"Oh looks like I came to the right person for advice tell me what is the goal you two want?"
"Peace. So General did you want to meet the ones most loyal to me? Maybe I could help you find someone?"
"Nah I thank you though I have plan to deal with them involving the three beast."
"Uh oh..... Most likely against NightRaid..... I see well best of Luck General, oh if you want to make a move against the group known as NightRaid let me know I would love to help the best way I can."
"Of course if I need anything then I'll come to you." Giving her fellow General a peace sign as she heads out the door.
"What's her strategy?"
Next Day
"Bulat's dead too!" (Y/N) shockingly said looking out his window to reveal a lit city under the clear night sky.
"Yes and Tatsumi bonded with the demon armor incursio." Tsuki said looking down as Jet put a hand on her shoulder.
"This is going down hill really fast and only a day after Esdeath returned..... What about her Three Beast?"
"All KIAs."
"Ok..... How's NightRaid's Moral?"
"Staggering they did lose two of their closest friends in a week. If it wasn't for Narjenda it would be very low however they are using their loses as their strengths." Tsuki reported.
"I should've predicted Esdeath's strategy to lure you guys out by framing NightRaid."
"General not even you can predict what Esdeath would do."
"I should be better though..... W-What's their next move?"
"Tomorrow I'm training with them before any missions so I'm not sure ju-" Tsuki turns to the door as she feels a murderous aura stirring.
"I feel it to we shall continue this at a later date." (Y/N) put his helmet on as Jet and Tsuki vanished right before the door opened.
"Hello General (Y/N) how are you doing?" Esdeath asked with a grin as she sat in front of him.
"Horrible they have me a General doing more and more paperwork while you have all the fun." Taking his helmet off as he rubs his eyes showing how tired he was.
"Oh its that sucks which is why I've come to you for a special request."
"And what's that?"
"I want you to join the Jaegers as my first in command."
"The Jaegers?"
"Oh yes after the lost of the three beast I decided it was best for me to come up with a task force of all imperial arms users to combat NightRaid."
"But wait I don't have a Teigu....... Wait a minute No no no no."
"Oh c'mon you know I like the action better you know that plus your awesome at the paperwork!"
"NO!...... You forget I was an Assassin at one point I don't like this shit."
"Fine..... Can you at least get me a list of Imperial Arm users you could suggest for my squad I was hoping you'll be the first to join." Esdeath asked giving him puppy eyes which visibly creeped the boy out as he would never imagine her face like that before sighing.
"Sure from the reports I've seen and with personal experience I'll recommend Bolus, Kurome, and Wave. All very skilled and good people the rest is up to you."
(Y/N) said.
"Excellent I shall update you tell you who else I recruited in due time my friend!" Esdeath said as she slammed the door behind her.
"Tsuki, Jet."
"Yes Master?"
"Yes General?"
"Make sure to inform NightRaid of this development ok Tsuki and for you Jet tail Esdeath and find out who she is going to recruit and be thorough about it I don't want to you lose you."
"Yes sir!"
"Oh and Tsuki. I'll be heading to the location in a couple of days for an update from you and me to NightRaid."
"Yes Master (Y/N)." Both Tsuki and Jet vanished leaving the general to think to himself.
"Why do I get the feeling all this is going to blow up in my face?....... It would be nice to see Kurome again...... I wonder if she still has that addiction...... I know it drew a line between her and Akame and it made me worried about her health however through the reports she seems to be fine...... Then again all the Empire cares about are the results not the person who brought them... Wave is incredibly loyal but naive as to what the Empire really is like if I play my cards right he will be an incredible assets to the Rebels. Bolus despite what he thinks of himself as a killer is a nice guy and a family man I would need extra planning in order to get him to switch sides...... You know let's see here out of the twenty generals still with the Empire there are only....... Three still aligned with the capital?!......... Four executed, Six defected, AND SEVEN EXECUTED FOR SUSPICION OF TREASON!..... What the hell?........ Then again the king's own council is afraid of Honest....... Now that's an idea most of the council members don't agree with honest but are too scared of him. I'll use that to my advantage get some allys and for the ones who refuse well I figure I kill them myself."
"Good morning General (Y/N)."
"Good morning General Esdeath." (Y/N) looks up from the files he's carrying through the halls not noticing the mask Esdeath had on.
"More paperwork?"
"Well since you did form a team I got stuck with your paper work...... What's with the mask?"
"You'll see in just a second follow me!"
"Oh K...." Following the general he watches her enter the conference room starting a brawl with the people inside making you realized she was testing her new squad.
"Interesting way to introduce yourself Esdeath." (Y/N) said walking in patting Kurome on the head as he passes by her noticing the bag of cookies she had.
"Why of course. As some of you might know this is General (Y/N)."
"It's a pleasure every-"
"Oooh so we meet again hot stuff why to don't you take that helmet Of- OOF!" Dr.stylish interrupted dancing around (Y/N) before receiving a comedic punch in the face as the general strikes behind him not losing "Eye" Contact with the group.
"As I was saying its a pleasure to meet you all some very less than others." Glancing at Seryu as she visibly winches from his statement.
"Thank you General (Y/N) now we must be on our way to get the pleasantries out of the way."
"Oh may I borrow Kurome for a few minutes. Just to catch up." (Y/N) said surprising Esdeath and Kurome as she nodded then smiled at him which lead him to believe something more as everyone left leaving Kurome to look at the general nervously as she ate her cookies.
"So how have you been Kurome?" Taking off his helmet placing it on the table next to them he smiles at her which she responds by hugging him.
"I-I've been good......." Kurome said breaking the hug eating faster than before.
"I'm sure it is....... Kurome you Know I can tell when your lying...... Especially now I know you never shared snacks unless its with someone very close to you. So the fact that you are not offering some is suggesting these are more than just....... Normal cookies isn't it." He reveals his hand one of her cookies shocking the girl.
"G-give that back!" She jumps towards him as he put his hand on her head stopping her from advancing.
"Why would you like to me? You promised me when I became General you would stop this doping!"
"I-I-I can't...... It's what has me going I can't stop it....... My life depends on those!" Kurome said having tears in her eyes turning away from her friend who shares her emotion of saddness.
"Kurome...... Look I lost your Sister..... I don't want to lose you too." Putting his helmet on he pats her head not seeing her stare at him as he walks out the door.

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