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"Akame stop drooling over that Dragon Meat Were five days away from the capital and were out of rations if I don't smoke it then we won't have food for a couple of days."
(Y/N) said blocking Akame from the giant piece of meat.
"C'mon just a bite!"
"That's what you said with the Fish I caught! You said "(Y/N) can I have a bite the way you cooked that fish looks really good." Using the soft side I have for you against me!"
"You had an error in judgement, you should've known better." Akame pointed with her classic Deep Face on.
"Touche...... Stop it don't look at me like that!"
"Hmmmmm." *Akame Stare Intensifies*
"Stop it!"
"You won't change my mind if I don't look at Y-" as soon as (Y/N) looked away he heard Akame burp which he immediately turns around to see Akame wiping her mouth as she stood right next to a massive bone on the ground.
"That'll be my secret! Can I have seconds?"
"You Ate Enough for TEN SERVINGS!" (Y/N) held up the giant bone that was much taller than Akame.
"But your cooking is really good I would like to eat as much of it as I can since I don't know when the next mission you and me will be on." Akame said blushing a bit as her friend's eyes opened wide to her statement which he then closes his eyes and smiles at her.
"Ok...... There should still be some danger beast around..... Do me a favor and at least save some for me."
"Of Course!" Akame said with Sparkles in her eyes shaking (Y/N)'s hand with both of hers in agreement.
"It's always hard to say no to you huh?"
"Oh that was just a dream....... I miss those days...." (Y/N) smiled grabbing a picture he had next to his bed of him, Akame, and Kurome all together eating a giant Chicken Danger beast they had hunted and cooked giving the general a smile.
After taking his trip down memory lane (Y/N) heads to the shower to get ready for the day putting his uniform on then his armor over it.
"Ok...... Let's see what's happening today. Who could be at the door?......... Come in."  Putting his helmet on he watches the door to his room open revealing Kurome.
"Morning (Y/N)."
"Oh hey Kurome this is a surprise."
"Yes I came to tell you sorry for the other day I know I haven't kept my promise and I know it hurts you as a friend but I can't stop unti-"
"Until what?"
"Until I kill Akame...... I know you have feelings for my sister but after she defected we have n-"
"No choice I know Kurome. Is that why you came to see me?"
"A...... Bit...... I wanted to stated that even though I'm not keeping my promise at this moment the minute I kill my sister that's when I'll do my best to try and stop."
"Your words hold some truth but what if it never comes to that...... Kurome I don't want to see you and Akame fight family shou-"
"WE'RE NOT FAMILY!" Kurome shouted making the general take a step back.
"Maybe....... We should talk about this later....... General Esdeath wanted you to come to the Coliseum and watch the tournament for your insight." Kurome said holding her arms looking away from the General.
"Ok..... Kurome look I-"
"It's fine (Y/N) your a good friend but the business between me and Akame is between us." Quickly turning to give the general a hug before she left the room.
"That's what I'm afraid of."
"Tsuki you should also join the tournament with Tatsumi." Leone said as they all may their way to the Coliseum.
"Why you asking me ask Lubbock!"
"Sorry but its not my style." Lubbock said putting his hands up shaking his head as Tsuki gave him a scowl.
"Well save me a seat I'm going to pick something up from my Brother not to far from here." Tsuki said putting her hood on walking away from the group.
"Ok get out of view of the civilians and Commander Jet Shall appear!"
"Picking something up from my brother? Is that my new callsign Tsuki?"
"Meh I had to come up with something just in case anyone heard us."
"Of course anyways here you go this bag has everything NightRaid will need for the next few weeks, targets, military dispatchments, the Minister's schedule, Esdeath's agenda and some of her strategies, information on he elite squad the Jaegers and their Teigus." Jet said handing Tsuki the handbag as she wrapped it aroumd her body.
"Thanks what's Master planning on doing?"
"Well he has to show initiative to the King and Minister since they are stopping him from going to the field since Esdeath is here right now he's at the Coliseum to spectate it with her. He's then going to start some propaganda within the King's own council to stir them up or kill them if need be and make it seem like they are turning against one another."
"That sounds like a plan Master would come up with NightRaid would definitely have an easier time getting around with the councils lack of awareness. Anyways I must be off Tatsumi is in the tournament so we can take the prize money ourselves."
"Other than the Jaegers and you guys at NightRaid there's not really much people here with fighting capability well to our caliber."
"Yup see ya Jet!"
"Peace Tsuki."
"Well this is boring......."
"Your right General (Y/N) whatever was is thinking?" Esdeath held the bridge of her nose as they finished watching another fight between two bralwers with modest skill.
"General (Y/N) why do you have your helmet on I'm sure you'll be find." Esdeath said as she looked at the general standing next to her.
"Well I like to be prepared besides if we were in our own spectator box with small visiblilty to the outside I might have taken it off however we are quite exposed and I wouldn't want my enemies to get a shot on me."
"Discrete as always huh General?" Run said looking at the general.
"You know it run..... I know this is to see who'll be able to wield those scissor Imperial arms bit I don't believe anyone here is able to from what I've seen; oh the samurai won." (Y/N) said looking at the audience with his arms behind his back until he noticed a woman with blonde hair.
"Up next Tatsumi the blacksmith!"
"Tatsumi! What the heck why is he here?!"
"Do you think that boy is able to fight (Y/N)?"
"Bet you a thousand credits he wins."
"Your on!" Esdeath exictedly said accepting (Y/N)'s challenge.
As the match progress with Tatsumi winning (Y/N) began to notice how Esdeath's took a sudden interest keeping her eye's on Tatsumi making faces that (Y/N) has never seen on her making him a bit nervous though he stood still and strong as to not raise suspicion until Tatsumi won the match giving his innocent smile making Esdeath visibly blush which (Y/N) noticed completely taking him off guard as he almost tripped on himself processing what happened.
"No freaking way...... Did she just get a love at first sight moment?!" (Y/N) thought as he watched Esdeath get up from her seat determined about something.
"Hey Leone, hey Lub thanks for saving a spot for me what I miss?" Tsuki asked sitting down next to Leone.
"Well Tatsumi just won and it appears the great general Esdeath is about to give him his rew-" Leone cut herself off as they all see Esdeath put a collar around Tatsumi's neck.
"I thought the reward was money not intro into BDSM." Tsuki said with a straight look on her face as she watched Tatsumi being dragged away by Esdeath while the other two we're freaking out not knowing what to do.
"General (Y/N) I found it! That spark you told me about and its with this man right here I shall be off to the palace!" Esdeath took off baffling the General.
"What did she mean by that general?" Run asked tilting his head as he was also confused by what happened.
"I-I-I but d-d I- wh- she and........ I need to sit down....... Esdeath Isn't that taking it a bit too far?! And with TATSUMI! I can already see shit going south."
"Oh general want me to get you some water?"
"I'm fine Run thank you......"
"Hey I'll meet you guys at the outer capital wall I'm going to check I'm the status of Tatsumi or a friend will help." Tsuki said putting her hood on as Lubbock and Leone had worry in their eyes.
"This is insane did Esdeath sus him out immediately?" Leone asked holding her chin.
"Only one way to find out be careful Tsuki."
"Of course." Tsuki nodded disappearing a second later making her way to the palace without any problems though she wasn't taking chances as most of the Jaegers were keeping watch until she finally made it to (Y/N)'s office where she saw the Minister talk to (Y/N).
"I guess she managed to find a suitor considering her....... Preferences."
"Indeed here look alot of these were absolutely ridiculous." Honest bit into a chicken leg holding his head up as he saw a scared face on (Y/N).
"What's the matter?"
"Hmmm you know I'm glad she grabbed that poor fellow instead of me I should've known Esdeath is the dominatrix type....."
"Fortunately your not younger than her so that's a good thing." Minister laughed until he noticed the general's face darkened with fright.
"Uhhh..... How old do you think I am Minister?"
"Twenty-Eight, Thirty?"
"Huh?! Really?!"
"Well you always do have that helmet on and your fighting capabilities are second to Budo and Esdeath I had just assumed so I apologize."
"I-I-It's fine anything else you needed Minister?"
"Not really I just wanted to hear the news from someone else who saw it."
"Right........ Good day Minister."
"Good day to you General." Honest leaves leaving his grease on the door knob disgusting the general further.
"Tsuki do I look thirty to you?" The General asked as Tsuki saw the stress on his face visibly show.
"Well when you look stress like that master."
"Awww.... Anyways how are you doing didn't you get the information?"
"I did but I also came to see Tatsumi's status and to see if I can get him out."
"Definitely not...."
"I mean you can't get him especially because Esdeath has him locked in her own room the minute she got here straight to her room."
"Oh...... I knew that tournament was a rip off."
"Nope that was Esdeath having a "Spark" with Tatsumi a love at first sight deal."
"That's....... Wow were screwed."
"Some more than others..... Sorry Tatsumi there is nothing I can do for you....... Well Tsuki return to NightRaid with that news."
"Of course Master Oh and Narjenda is currently out of town leaving Akame incharge you might see her tonight." Tsuki bowed before leaving.
"Thanks for the heads up Tsuki. It has been a week maybe I'll bring a snack for her........ You know it'll be crazy if Tatsumi got Esdeath to switch sides by sleeping with her." (Y/N) looks out the window with excitement and worry as dusk starts to fade into night.
"Time to go I guess."
After Tsuki came back with the Intel she gave Akame to hold for Narjenda and the status of Tatsumi which had her worried for him but also at ease as she knew (Y/N) was close by then again it was Esdeath who had captured him.
"Maybe (Y/N) got him out..... Hopefully Tatsumi will be with him." Akame thought to herself as she looked at the mirror fixing her hair a bit.
"It might a bit much to ask for (Y/N) knows she's dangerous and since he doesn't own a Teigu he wouldn't risk his chances with her." Grabbing her jacket she looked at the mirror moving her hair behind her ear.
"Akame where are you going?" Leone asked passing by Akame's room surprising the black hair girl.
"Leone! I-I was going to go see-"
"See him? Do you think it'll be a good idea I know your stealth skills are just as good as Tsuki's but considering were down one more person wouldn't it be wiser to stay in the base?"
"Your right Leone...... It's just that....."
"Hey Tsuki already told us Esdeath has Tatsumi and her desires he'll be fine for now but we should rest in order to save him. And I'm sure your friend would tell you the same." Leone said putting her hand on Akame's shoulder as she looked down with a sad look on her face.
"I've lost a lot of my friends and I'm happy I still have some here but I'm worried for Tatsumi he's behind enemy lines and I have some relief that (Y/N) is there but he is always at risk by being their as he is our spy."
"So your still gonna go?"
"I'll be fine Leone."
"I believe you just be safe." Leone said with a smile as Akame nodded before she left not knowing she had another pair of eyes watching her as she disappeared into the Forrest.
"And there she goes..... I wonder if Master will tell her about her sister."
"We're two days away from where our target is holding up and you want to make camp instead of walk?" Delisa asked resting her head on her hands as she watched her team leader cook some hunter's stew for their squad.
"We can't successfully kill anyone on an empty stomach now can we?" (Y/N) said tasting the stew to check if its ready or not.
"What happened to diplomacy first?" Farrow asked sharping his sword as he gives a teasing look at their leader.
"Haha well getting information through diplomacy is always better than killing blindly not only do we complete our objective we always get information to improve the Empire on the current frou-"
"Is it ready yet?" Akame asked pushing (Y/N) to the side as she had sparkles in her eyes looking at the stew them immediately giving (Y/N) a sour look.
"Why is there barely any meat in here?" Akame asked her friend earning a laugh from Delisa and Farrow as they knew where this was going.
"I made sure to make a complete balance of meat and vegetables for this stew Akame because not all of us have that god like metabolism like you do you can't just only eat meat and nothing with it."
"NONSENSE! You are not (Y/N) therefore I shall terminate you!" Akame said with her famous derp face on drawing Kiriichmonji from its sheathe.
"H-hey put that away you know what it does! Ah!"
"Tell us where you hid the real (Y/N)!" Akame said swinging her sword at (Y/N) while Delisa and Farrow enjoyed the show of Akame chasing their leader in a circle.
"You know DA- Ah I'm sorry!"
"I won't listen to your apologies illusionist!" Akame smiled as she pointed her sword at (Y/N).
"Illusionist! Hey are you smiling?!"
"Yes..... Your face is priceless!" Akame giggled making (Y/N) blush as he stood there watching her giggle.
"Man that was a funny night huh Delisa and Farrow?" (Y/N) said placing flowers inside the church as he stood there in silence with his helmet on.
"Which night was that?" A familiar voice asked as (Y/N) looked behind him to see Akame also with flowers in her hand as she places them on their grave before looking at (Y/N) with a smile.
"The night you tried to "kill" me over the stew I made." Looking at his friend to see her response as she giggled a bit before looking at him.
"How's our best Spy doing?" Akame ask as she lifted her hands up touching (Y/N)'s helmet slowly taking it off looking into his eyes the minute they became visible.
"A mess..... Apparently I'm one of the only general's left in the empire others defected or were executed."
"Really do they have any suspension that your a traitor?"
"Not at the moment the game of chess I'm playing with the Empire is having it's ups and downs. I was planning to have My soliders defect to the revolutionary as it was planned however with Esdeath in town I have to play my cards right and Budo is keeping an eye on my troops with his forces accompanying him so if I have them defect now then it wouldn't be a good sight. How about you I know these past few weeks have been hard after everything that has happened." (Y/N) asked rubbing his neck as he and Akame sat down on one of the benches still intact.
"Could be better...... I hate losing friends so close to me...... Which actually brings me here........ (Y/N)........"
"I understand your worried about Tatsumi nut I can assure you he's fine I didn't sense any bad intentions from Esdeath when she took Tatsumi."
"Oh..... That's good..... Well what about you?"
"What do you mean?"
"(Y/N)..... I.... Its just that....... I worry about you, your position, and the situation your in...... I've lost too much to this Damn Empire, I..... I...... Don't-"
"Akame I'll be fine I pro-"
"Stop it!" Akame interrupted pushing (Y/N) down surprising the general as she had tears in her eyes as she looked down on him holding him there.
"You already know how hard it is for me to keep these emotions bottled especially with the pain of losing someone close to me...... (Y/N) it's going to crush me if I lose you.... A-And I don't....... I don't want to...... To..... Lose you too." Akame said with tears and a slight blush on her face as she sat on top of (Y/N)'s lap making him blush aa well though thanks to the the dark skies above it wasn't noticeable to both of them that they were blushing.
"(Y/N) I know your doing this to help us but don't make a promise you can't keep." Akame leaned over him causing her long hair to to hang to her side covering (Y/N)'s face from the outside as she leaned closer to his face only for him to hold her wrists sitting both them before looking into her eyes.
"Akame there's something else I have to tell you........ Your sister Kurome is here in the capital..... And I wanted to ask you to avoid her."
"I know your intentions (Y/N).... I appreciate your concern. However the business between me and Kurome should stay between us."
"(Y/N) PLEASE...... I..... Should really be going bye (Y/N)........." Akame saod in a sad tone before she left giving (Y/N) a hug on the way out.
"Damn it I'm letting my emotions get the better of my judgement...... I understand how she feels but I don't want her to suffer taking her sister's life I'm sure Akame would be fine either way but still I don't want my closest friends to kill each other especially not Akame....... I should've told her before she left."
"Some assassin I am...... I know can be myself with him but with everything that is going on I might've overreacted a bit..... I should've told him....." Akame held her chest looking down as she had on thought in her mind.
"(Y/N) I....."
"Akame I....."
"Love you."

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