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"Two weeks since Wild Hunt arrived and they haven't done anything too serious.... My worries were for nothing..... Though it doesn't mean they won't bw a problem..... Which means I can kill them off quietly...... Now recent NightRaid reports..... More officials have been killed off by them let's see.... Yup they were definitely dirtbags..... What's this?.... Jet must've put this here..... I haven't been to the theater in a while what's this play about?....... Oh that should be interesting maybe I can sneak Akame..... No it's not the time speaking of time isn't time for me to head out I should leave now if I want to see Akame in time." (Y/N) got up as he grabbed some files with a satchel holding files containing the imperial army's next plays against the Rebels and other nations along with a list of people he believes should be targeted immediately including the Wild Hunt members.
"General (Y/N)! How are you tonight?" Esdeath said passing by him as she stopped to look at him.
"I'm good I'm going to retire for the night.... How about you? You doing ok?" He asked with concern in his voice.
"I'm alright honestly I have to thank you for looking out for my member Kurome she is performing a lot better now and with what Run and Wave told me your concern for her is something to note mind telling me the details?" She said with a teasing smile as she grabbed a notebook from her chest.
"Nothing to note me and her are just friends honestly I view her more as a little sister after all she is an old friend of mines."
"Really?! Huh I could've sworn you two have feelings for one another."
"Is that so haha well if you want to note something I'm sure there is something developing between Kurome and Wave." (Y/N) said crossing his arms as Esdeath had a dumbfounded look on her face.
"Yup it's not noticeable yet but its progressing; you can tell by how their teamwork is improving every time they train and fight together for example my last sparring session with wave showed me that because when we finished Kurome seemed to be worried about him."
"Huh oh speaking of which that Teigu of yours is new isn't it?"
"Indeed it is its a tale I'm more than happy to share with you however I am pretty tired at the moment." He yawned as Esdeath smile and nodded.
"Well then general (Y/N) enjoy your night!"
"Oh one more thing Esdeath."
"What's the matter?"
"Can you help investigate Syura's new "secret" police force."
"Why they haven't done anything as of yet plus aren't they on our side?"
"That's what it seems however these group of individuals do have the well.... Restraint that your task force has; even though nothing happened yet if my hunches are correct then some horrible stuff will happen besides I also have the impression the Syura has the whole "since daddy's in charge I can't be touched" attitude."
"I see you have my word the Jaegers will indeed investigate this group."
"Thank you Esdeath." (Y/N) said as he and Esdeath shook hands before they parted ways.
"If the Jaegers take care of Wild Hunt first then that'll be good however I hope nothing bad happens first."

"Akame you sure you don't need me to be lookout you know nothing matters to me more than yours and master's safety." Tsuki asked as she stood next to Akame as they had the Forrest they usually sneak into for Akame's and (Y/N)'s meeting at the abandoned church.
"Tsuki I'll be fine I promise but it doesn't mean I'll stop you from watching over us." Akame said patting Tsuki's head before she entered the Forrest.
"I guess...... Wait Akame wait!" Tsuki grabbed her arm as Akame hid in the forest as well as they had the church in view where they see a woman with a bunny ears headband on with a skirt and glasses on as she stood outside the church looking in.
"Who is that?" Akame asked holding onto Murasame's hilt.
"That's Cosmina one of the new members of Wild Hunt her Teigu is heavy pressure a microphone that when she sings into it she can crush your bones....... And she happens to also have history with master."
"What kind of history?"
"Hmmm she tried to have some..... "Fun" with him but failed to."
"Oh.... I guess there's no harm in killing her."
"Akame wait...... I'm sensing some others here as well.... She's not alone."
"Yea I'm sensing them now too (Y/N) is there too. He'll probably be somewhere where we can see him through a window."
"Your right let's see what he wants to do." Tsuki and Akame both got up and went to a vantage point where they saw (Y/N) in view of a window as he sat traditionally in front of his teammates graves.
"(Y/N) please be careful."
"Long night I'm definitely getting tired..... Oh Akame must be he-"
"(Y/N)! It's been too long!"
"Cosmina!" The general said in shock as the young woman suddenly hugged him and held his face admiring it.
"It's been so long since I've seen your handsome face." She said seductively as she came closer to give him a kiss only for the general to successfully push her away.
"Aww your no fun..... Or perhaps you like it rough.... Hehe I know I have no problem with it!" She said flashing her panties causing the general to look away.
"I happen to not care Cosmina after all you made your attentions clear last time so I'm not going to let you do as you please."
"Aw but you have to admit though you only have yourself to blame after all you are pure soil that hasn't been touched yet... I would very much like to-"
"If I must repeat myself again Cosmina. It's.... Not...... HAPPENING!" (Y/N) said pushing her off once again as he made for the exit putting his helmet on only to be stopped by a large man both height and weight as he was dark skinned but had clown make-up on.
"Well Well you must be Champ." The General said calmly as the man smiled.
"Such a young man has heard of me I'm flattered however your now too old for my taste."
"Ok that's enough.... If you both value your lives I suggest you both leave." The general said emitting a murderous aura making Champ winch while Cosmina drooled with excitement.
"O-Ok I was getting Cosmina anyways."
"Aww but Champie...."
"I suggest you both get going then." (Y/N) said as he had his hands behind him as both Wild Hunt members left the area.
"Wait a minute why are they here on the west side of the Capital?...... Then again it's probably because Cosmina stalked me..... That freaking pervert." He thought as he went to a window to signal Akame as he felt hers and Tsuki's presence nearby despite how hard it was to notice them.
"That's your queue Akame I'll be looking for any unfriendly spies or enemies for you guys."
"Thank you Tsuki...... We'll be quick..... Just to be safe." Akame sadly said as she walk inside the church to see her friend shaking as his fist were clenched.
"(Y-(Y/N) are you ok?" Akame asked holding his sleeve as her hair blew in the wind while she looked at her friend while he still had his helmet on.
"I-I'm fine..... Now since your here." (Y/N) said as Akame gave him a small smile while taking his helmet off.
"It's good to see your ok."
"Yea.... Hey I wanted to apologize for you guys going against the Jaegers in that canyon I didn't think of the possi-"
"Its fine (Y/N) really. You do the best you can no one is going to blame you for anything I know I'm not.... I can't....." Akame smiled as she grabbed both of his hands bringing them over her shoulder as she hid her blush putting her forehead on his chest causing the boy to blush as well as he held her in his arms.
"I appreciate it Akame I really do......"
"What's on your mind?" Akame asked looking up.
"The day is nearly here and I'm at my wit's end...... All of the King's counsel is gone while the minister has me, Esdeath, and Budo as their counsel though what I thought could lead me to more information only came with more missions for us right now me and Budo are focusing on defense with our forces while Esdeath is on the attack against you guys. Its hard for me to predict and plan for a positive outcome." The general said showing visible stress on his face.
"Hey it's fine you've been helping the best you could. Look I know that day is coming and I wanted to tell you something."
"And what's that Akame?" He asked as Akame wrapped her arms around his neck causing him to blush even more due to how she moved his arms to her waist so she could get closer to him.
"I wanted to tell you I- I l-"
"MASTER!, AKAME! There's tro-...... Oh I'm so sorry......" Tsuki interrupted causing them both to back up a bit beforr they looked at her.
"It's fine Tsuki what's the matter?"
"There is a patrol coming this way we need to leave."
"W-wait (Y/-"
"It's fine Akame look you two get going I'll distract the patrol ok." He said putting his helmet on as he walked out the church to find the patrol.
"Akame I'm so sorry to ruin the moment like that." Tsuki said apologetically as Akame simply smiled at her.
"It's fine Tsuki now c'mon we need to leave."
A couple of days later
"Jet what do you mean HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPEN?"
"Me and the agents were patrolling the the east side of the capital when the incident happened it's hard for me to even bare but forty of our men were just found dead along with a couple dozen civies."
"It must've been Wild Hunt it says here a lot of the bodies children, young women, and young men were sexually harassed before they were killed thanks to the autopsy reports you brought back however something is quite concerning."
"The DNA scan is not with the reports and is still under investigation.... However I believe that to not be the case after all we both know a certain group that follow the psychie and motivation to these crimes."
"Your right this has Wild Hunts name all over it. Can you get Esdeath for me?"
"How come sir?"
"I've asked her to help investigate Wild Hunt I simply want to compare notes besides she'll love to know who sent her and tatsumi to that island."
"I see I'll go fetch her rig-"
"General (Y/N)!" Budo interrupted Jet as he entered (Y/N)'s quarters
"Budo! What a surprise one moment sir. Jet delay my last request and retire for the day."
"Yes sir." Jet nodded as he left the two generals to themselves.
"So Budo what do I owe the pleasure?" (Y/N) asked taking his helmet off.
"I hear that you have a new weapon that's similar to a Teigu yet it's not listed in Rongo Rongo."
"This is true my weapon is called Unknown's Claw it was forged by a very old blacksmith."
"I see but I thought you hated the imperial arms?"
"I do but the Unknown's Claw wasn't made for the empire four-hundred years ago it's basically the descendant of all Teigus so I don't it counts. Though I don't believe that's what your here for."
"Observant as always.... The minister wants to see you. After all the news about your dead guards and civies has gotten his attention.... I have to say it's horrible luck to have your some of your men once they had settled in turn up dead."
"Well with the evidence I've gathered broken bones, necks, severed limbs, basically any kind of death you could think all happened to my men; and then the young male and female soldiers and cities were raped before their death including children..... I have a feeling who it might be but the evidence hasn't been gathered yet."
"Who do you believe it to be?"
"Wild Hunt the group led by the minister's son."
"General (Y/N) even though I trust your skills of observation I wouldn't go as far as that after all he is Honest's son."
"It's like I said I haven't gathered enough evidence with the multitude of bodies........ By the way has need gotten to the people yet?"
"My men and the capital guards are trying to keep it under wraps."
"Pity a riot would've been good....... I see maybe the people of the capital would need something to distract them."
"What do you propose?"
"How about a sparring match you and me General Budo with our Weapons free entry to all the citizens and to raise tge moral for everyone..... And if this happens I can hopefully get Honest in a good spot for him to be assassinated."
"I like your idea my young friend let's go see Honest together then."
"Yes indeed..... Led the way."
"Hey Akame how long has Tsuki been training?" Mine asked as she joined Akame to watch Tsuki train as she cut down twenty trees in one swipe with Extase.
"She's upset...... She's been training since the sun rose."
"Why what happened?"
"You didn't hear a couple of days ago some of (Y/N)'s soldiers were murder and most of them were really close to her."
"I see....... And right now she's the only one who can do recon since the Empire doesn't know about her."
"That's how she found out however ahe didn't find out who did it."
"If she's feeling like this then how is general (Y/N) feeling?"
"Most likely the same but I imagine he's trying to find out who did it." Akame said in her usual stoic tone as she looked down hoping she didn't sound concern.
"So what's the story between you and our general spy?"
"What would you like to know?"
"Well if I want to cut straight to the chase th-"
"Hey Akame! Hey Mine!" Tatsumi interrupted as he was followed by Susanoo
"Hey Tatsumi." The girls said in sync as he sat next to Mine watching Tsuki.
"I see Tsuki is hard at work."
"She's been at it since this morning."
"Really?! How come I didn't see her wake up then I would've invited her to come with us to train." Tatsumi sighed as Susanoo kept his eyes on Tsuki as she lowered her hood to reveal her blue hair in her signature bun.
"It's uneven...."
"Uh oh...." Tatsumi and Mine said in sync as Susanoo dashed to Tsuki who looked shocked to see him."
"Su-Su what're doing?" Tsuki asked blushing red as she was suddenly turned around by him as he touched her hair.
"Fixing your bun it's too much on the left side...... And there."
"Uhh...... Thanks I guess." Tsuki said as she looked at her reflection through Extase.
"It doesn't look all that different though...... Then again if Su-Su said it was uneven then how can I argue with that..... I see everyone is over there watching me.... I am a bit hungry.... I know the boys would hate it if I didn't eat..... I swear I will avenge you all."
"Hello General (Y/N) please sit." Honest said gesturing to a chair next to the table he was currently eating at.
"Hello minister Budo told me why you summoned me is there anything I should be concerned about?"
"I'm sure you have already started looking into the murders of those people in the west side. Any progress?"
"Some but not enough I'm afraid I have my hunches but not the evidence just yet."
"I see well until you gather the evidence then I guess."
"Also one more thing I know Budo and the guards are trying to keep it under wraps before word widely spreads so I was going to suggest a fun event for the capital."
"Oh and what would that be?"
"A sparring match between me and Budo using our powerful weapons to distract the people and raise the morals of our troops."
"Yes that does sound interesting. We should do it tomorrow." Honest said with a greedy smile already thinking about how he can take advantage of the match.
"I agree Minister; I shall inform Budo unless he heard our conversation through the door. Now hopefully NightRaid can use this opportunity, and I can see if I can take on Budo at his best."

The Spy in the Capital (Akame X M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now