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"Tatsumi's rescue is a priority huh Akame? Well he does have Incursio so losing that would be a problem and with the information we reviewed from Master's Files The Jaegers are top counters for NightRaid; I guess our trump card would be me but even I have to be aware of the Jaeger's Teigu Kurome, and Esdeath would probably figure out I'm around by just sensing me; those two will be the hardest for me to take out. I would be more than happy to kill that bitch Seryu after what she did to Sheele but that damn dog of hers would probably sniff me out. Dr. Stylish never lets his guard down and his personal squad is always protecting him, Wave I would have to be extra careful since his Teigu is just like Tatsumi's, then there's Bols and his explosive Teigu...... Someone's at the door... Come in except if your Lub." Tsuki snickerly says as her door opens revealing Leone with a serious look on her face.
"Hey let's get going we got info on where Tatsumi might be."
"Got it."
"Morning Esdeath...... What appears to be the matter with you?" (Y/N) asked as he rounded the corner to see Esdeath staring out a window.
"Morning General (Y/N) its nothing just Tatsumi......"
"Oh I guess she didn't get what she wanted...... What exactly happened?"
"Well we had a night of well earned rest however he wanted me to change my views of the Empire saying how it is corrupted." Esdeath said with a disappointed pout face.
"Oh so he wanted you to change. That's a good sign."
"A good sign how is that a good sign?"
"Well it means he does have an interest in you and when two people fall in love with each other both sides must agree to make change for the better of their relationship." The General said to his friend in a sincere tone making her surprise as she looks out the window again in deep thought .
"Anywho Esdeath I came to give your Jaegers a mission there is a lot of monsters showing more frequently by fake M. Could be nice practice for your squad and your new partner."
"I see why the concern?"
"You see the road this is on provides a fast route for our supplies to advance also who knows y'all may be lucky enough to find the NightRaid hideout as well.... Though I doubt it."
"I see very well then thank you General (Y/N) may I expect you to be on this hunt as well? I know your skilled enough to take down an A-Rank by yourself."
"Nah I'm over seeing the "new" general's promotion the King and Minister want me to be present for I have to say the list they choose for these new generals is quite disappointing all seven of them don't have excellent battle achievements and were all born in the capital so they most likely bought their way to this position."
"I wouldn't say that especially since becoming a general is really hard."
"I dunno I killed plenty to earn this title back in my Assassin days plus besides you and Budo the talent for being general is quite slim your Jaegers have potentials expect for the chick with the dog."
"I see well your insight has never led me astray so I shall take your word for it now then I shall be off thank you for your insight general (Y/N)." Esdeath shook his hand with a smile before leaving to find her Jaegers.
"Ok that should be a good chance for Tatsumi to escape... Why is Jet here?..... Jet what's the matter?" The general asked as he made his way down the hall when he senses his commander.
"Sure I came to report they found it the S-Rank danger beast said to carry holy blood." Jet said giving the general a a photo that gave the general a smile as he took off his helmet looking at it.
"Where was this taken?"
"Spies in Wakuko."
"I should've known there are legends stating that the sword Murasame was forged there and how there was supposed to be something to be the opposite of Murasame but it never came to be because no one was ever able to kill this beast. That and the civil war that is going on with them is something else as well. How fast can we make it there Jet?"
"Your carriage is already outside the palace and if we leave now we can make it and be back in four days."
"Well then let's go I surely hope we won't be needed when I disappear for a bit can I trust you to take care of things here Jet?"
"Of course sir just leave it to me and my agents." Jet bows as (Y/N) places his hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you."
A large Jackaleo fell with Tsuki on its neck as her knife cleanly cut through the beast's neck killing it as the assassin stood proud at her kill.
"Man that took more effort than I thought...." Tsuki said stretching her back and popping her shoulders.
"You did a good job taking one out by yourself Tsuki." Leone said wiping blood off her hands.
"I guess. What's your kill count big sis?"
"I have five on my belt they were quite big. Not as big as the one you killed though."
"Yea I have to thank my Master's training I don't think I would've been able to avoid its strikes so many time."
"Is that rig- hey Tsuki are those trees moving?" Leone stopped to see some trees in the mountain area start moving.
"Yea they are. Those are really close to the capital we should leave before anyone sees us here........ Especially since I sense that murderous aura again."
"Wait who's aura?"
"You'll know when you come close to her let's get out of here big sis."
"Ok Tsuki I'm going to trust you."
Leone said as she and Tsuki made haste to return to base and to get the others warry along the way.
"What do you mean you won't look over the promotion ceremony?" The Minister asked as (Y/N) grabbed a small bag holding his knifes and a special rifle he had customize.
"Well minister I came across some information that may help the Empire and I plan to go on this lead."
"When will you be back general?"
"Few weeks at most."
"Well then I hope to see your reports general for your sake and it better be good as well."
"Of course minister.... Asshole how about you try to pick up your fat ass slack."
"And remember to take that thing off in front of me I can never tell if your making faces at me." The minister in an agitated voice said as he left the general by himself glaring daggers behind him.
"Now I better be off then if the legends are true about this beast then there is only one way to overcome it. Hopefully I don't kill myself doing it." (Y/N) thought as he hurried to his carriage that was built for fast travel as it had two B rank horse beast ready to pull it with amazing speed.
"So wait General (Y/N) is after this S-rank beast by himself?"
"Yea Master is confident about overcoming it though he never went over the details even though his current agenda is to take out the Empire he always had a fascination ober this particular legend. I think the reason why he is so interested in it is because of Akame."
"Wait Akame?"
"Yea. When I first met master I saw him as an older brother I still do and I guess it became easier for me to read him on certain matters."
"Oh and which matters are those?" Leone asked in a teasing voice as she made Tsuki glance at her then forward.
"He has an extreme soft spot for Akame. It's also because he doesn't like Teigus he believes anyone who wields one is destined to die or worse." Tsuki said as she checked her hidden blade on her wrist.
"He isn't all that wrong. Any your saying he and Akame could be a thing?"
"I don't know why you say that?"
"Last night you saw how Akame left most likely to talk to (Y/N) like how she does every week right?"
"Well last night before she left I cau- Oof!"
"Don't say anything you'll regret!" Akame said as she gave Leone a chop on her head as Tsuki noticed Tatsumi next to Akame.
"Oh hey you found Tatsumi!"
"Yea thanks again Akame it was tough getting away from the Jaegers luckily Esdeath didn't catch us." Tatsumi said with a relieved sigh.
"Huh I guess the snu snu wasn't worth it huh?" Tsuki teased surprising everyone next to her.
"Tsuki your thirteen aren't you?" Lubbock asked concerned.
"Yup...... Sorry the dirty jokes are a force of habit I picked up with master's troops even master gets shocked sometimes." Tsuki said with a straight face as they left the area to head back to base.
A few hours later.
"Something feels very off..... It might be my paranoia then again I never was one for sleep I guess someone has to be on the look out while they sleep. I wonder what master is doing right no- Great someone is here multiple people! How did they get through Lubbock's strings?! I have to go warn th-"
"Look at this a little girl next to an Assassin's hideout I'm sure Dr. Stylish would enjoy using her as a test subject especially one so pretty." A masked man said as he had some others next to him.
"Great the pawns are here....... Ok well time to go to work." Tsuki puts her hood over her head as she got into a martial arts stance combining Leone's style with her Master's style waiting for the pawns to strike first as a few of them charge at the girl expecting it to be easy which would be their doom as Tsuki calmly took down a few of the front pawns using their momentum against them killing them parrying their attacks throwing them off balance and into one another.
"Damn it kill her already!" One of the pawns yelled out as more charged her only to be killed.
"These guys are more resilient than they look I have to actually put effort into killing them Damn it if only I wasn't by myself. Best I can do is hold them off un-"
Interrupting Tsuki's train of thought as she heard multiple explosions happen around her.
"Ok boys! Time to die you angered the wrong group of killers tonight!" Tsuki smiled grabbing more of her knifes as she readied them in her hands to throw them at the pawns.
"Don't get full of yourself Bi- Gah!" One of the pawns caught some knifes in their mouth as Tsuki seemed to have endless knifes keeping the pawns at bay.
"Last one.... Damn these Bastards I wonder how the others are doing...... When did that danger beast appear?....." Tsuki looked over the bodies of the pawns she she piled up as she watched the fight against Dr. Stylish unfold.
A few weeks later
"Two weeks in Wakuko and the rumors for that S-Rank beast and the clues I found leads me here its been tough avoiding the factions of Wakuko and I haven't eaten anything in a week I can start to feel my strength leave me. Well time to get this started." (Y/N) took a deep breath as he walked into a cave that had a Torii Gate in blue coloring instead of red coloring in front of the cave as it had carvings and talisman on its side with some of the carvings the Japanese symbol of "Unknown" and talisman with "warning", "stay away", "cursed" on it while (Y/N) looked at them he took off his helmet placing it on the ground at the gate as he walk inside the cave noticing the features of the cave as multiple stalagmites and stalagtites seemed to have had a blue crystals forming from them glowing with aura drawing the general's attention.
"Interesting what is this feeling these crystals are giving? Its really soothing, yet I also feel some anguish from it. Almost human like best to keep moving."
Traveling further into the cave he notices the lack of danger beasts in the cave which he expected nothing less as the deeper he went he felt more of a concentrated aura the crystals gave off making him visibly shake.
"I must be getting closer now."
"Another challenger its been a while." As he heard what sounded like an old man he jumped back to see a man walk out of cover behind some crystals with a black hood and robes on that had look worn out and very dusty.
"Who are you?" (Y/N) asked getting into a fighting stance in case pf anything.
"I am nothing more than a Black Smith awaiting my last project many has come this way to challenge this danger beast however each fallen warrior became these crystals upon defeat." With genuine surprise on his face (Y/N) looked around taking in the number of souls were taken by tgis beast as the cave this far down seemed to have been filled with enough crystals to buy the empire with.
"I-I see is this a lost cause then?"
"Maybe..... Maybe not a these warriors fell in the same way not a single original plan they had I guess after four hundred years they just stop. But each warrior I tell them that if they succeed I shall craft them their weapon." The frail man said lowering his hood revealing his face that had no hair two blinded eyes and even some rotten skin on his face.
"And you've been waiting for four hundred years?"
"Indeed these crystal by just standing next to them can grant you time as if it was immortality however once you leave the cave It's effects will disappear. Anywho young warrior should I prepare something for you or go and rest for the day?"
"I guess we'll find out."  (Y/N) said looking at the man as he gave a laugh before picking up his frail arms and pointed down the path (Y/N).
"Then go however I shall help you with a riddle that might help you survive. I make you weak at the worst times I keep you safe, I keep you fine, I make your hands sweat and your heart grow cold, I visit the weak, but seldom the bold what am I?"
(Y/N) nodded as he made his way past the old man thinking about the riddle for what it could mean.
"I feel like I should know this..... Damn it..... Wow the pressure of that aura is heavy here this must be the place." As he shook from the pressure of the aura he sees at the exit of the cave a Coliseum like land scape making his way down noticing the rusted weapons and armor scattered on the ground from many nations he recognized and most he didn't.
"Wow I guess the legends were tr-"
Stopping his train of though he felt the the entire cave shake amd rumble as something was moving towards him that he knew was the S-rank danger beast as he looked around looking at the multiple paths the bottom of the Coliseum showed when he saw one revealing two flaming blue eyes getting closer and bigger in size as the crystals in the Coliseum grew brighter giving more light to the darkened area.
"This is where I'll die.... No stop that train of thought if you don't succeed then Akame won't...... That's right I can't afford to die here......" Making him freeze he sees the beast walk out if its cave as it appeared to look like a heavily armored salamander yet it didn't have the same structure like a dragon or any known reptilian he knew about meeting this beast gaze with his own as it started to circle around the general.
"What is it waiting for?........ Maybe I should...... Wait I can't move..... Why can't I move?........ I wasn't hit with anything thing but this things aura is truly frightening wait is the very presence of this thing stopping me?....... Well..... Here goes nothing....." Succumbing to his fear he took off his wrist blades and knifes and placed it on the ground as he sat on his knees trying to keep his composure as the beast walked closer to him breathing visible steam in his face making the general shake even more.
"Your quite smart for a killer your fear shows you are different from other warriors that have fell before you. The feel of your Aura is also different from the warriors who have fell as well most of them had Aura of conflict, pride, blind honor, stupidity, arrogance, hated, yet yours gives off a feeling of hope, life, and currently fear what is it that you seek of me?" (Y/N) looked up to see the beast tower over him and he knew it was probably speaking to him through telepathy.
"I-I came to obtain the power to heal, break curses, and protect those in need."
"How very interesting the ones before you came to claim my blood and essence for powers of destruction, for a rite of passage, or as a challenge yet you come as a warrior looking for the power not to destroy but to heal. Just like that Blacksmith he only wanted to craft a weapon who is worthy enough of my power now tell me why you want it?"
"The truth is There is this girl who I hold very close to me we fight for the same goal however her route is far more dangerous than mine as she wields this special sword called Masamune the one hit killer sword. She had told me about it and might happen if she needed to use its Trump card. Not only that I wish to be there with her when our goals line up together."
"Very well then you are shall have my power."
"Wait what?"
(Y/N) looked up as the beast start to gag something from its mouth revealing a blue Orb floating out of its mouth and hover in front of the general.
"That is one of my many cores the old man out there shall make you whatever you desire good luck on your journey (Y/N) (L/N)."
"Wait how did you know my........ Name." The general got up to see the beast had disappeared and he was directly in front of the old blacksmith amd what appeared to look like his shop.
"Well I be damned..... Your worthy young man what would you like?"
"Who would've guessed that Sheele's imperial arms would be compatible with me. After a few weeks I'm starting to get the hang of it.... Everyone is doing their best to get stronger and I have to pull my weight now as well." Tsuki swung her new weapon with precision as she trained with Akame amd Leone.
"Good job Tsuki your getting better using Extase." Akame said smiling at the young assassin as she wiped sweat off her face.
"I have to Akame before I was just a little girl with her knifes amd skills to kill people. I'm hopeless in a fight against another imperial arms user but now that I have Extase I can be even more helpful to you guys." Tsuki said closing Extase and putting it in its sheath while Akame smiled at her putting her hand on her shoulder.
"Your doing great I know (Y/N) will be happy with the progress your making."
"Akame your worried about him aren't you?" Tsuki asked in a serious tone surprising the girl for a split second before she regained her composure.
"Yea I am I know he's been gone from the capital for quite some time now so I hope he's ok whenever he is." Akame calmly said with a smile as she held her chest looking at the sky."
"You see I was one of the original craftsmen to work on imperial arms they king of the empire knew there wasn't anything like immortality so he wanted weapons to protect the nation he loved so dearly however I had a vision about the death and destruction these weapons would bring so I decided that when the time comes to make a weapon or armor of the strongest S-Rank beast out there since the others were killed this one was left alone and was no push over as it is invincible. It wasn't until the last challenger other than you came two hundred years ago when I realized that its not a show of skill or strength that was need but a will of hope inspired by fear.  And that thing deemed you worthy one out of thousands of souls which is why this will be my greatest creation and also my last....... When I finish this please walk me to the gate where I'll see the sun either rise or fall for my last day on this planet." The old man said taking the orb from (Y/N) as he quietly nodded making the old man smile.
"Now then your weapons are mainly knifes and those wrist blades you have. I can turn this core into a knife but what would you like?"
"Yes how about-"
"Oh a sword that comes with a matching shield I have just the the design for it right here along with the molds!" The old exictedly said taking out molds for (Y/N) to see
"Sword and shield huh well might as well it is this man's final project might as well correct?..... That sounds perfect honestly go nuts." He smiled as the old man started to work on his new weapon.

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