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A month after Tatsumi's escape, the battle between Night Raid and team Stylish, the danger beast crisis.
"I guess with those danger beast gone the Jaegers are back on tracking us down." Tatsumi said as Chelsea gave her report while she glared at Tsuki.
"Still though it seems a bit too coincidental that they almost found me and with General (Y/N) back in town he may be playing us." Chelsea said as Tsuki clenched her fist looking at the ginger as Akame stood up to look at Chelsea.
"I'm sorry but I disagree with you (Y/N) has no loyalty to the Empire I doubt he would double cross us." Akame said in her usual stoic voice.
"He has been a source of information that has helped us and the revolutionary army from time to time and if we doubt him we'll have to doubt Tsuki as well who could've killed any of us at any time if she so desired." Narjenda said putting her hand on Tsuki's shoulder causing Chelsea to scoff to herself.
"Changing the subject I believe its time for a new mission overlooking the files of targets (Y/N) gave us and recent reports of our next target Bolic."
"Get him Kuro!"
"Wave strike with me!"
"Right lead the way Kurome!"
"Interesting... Wave and Kurome's team work seems to have establish over much better since their squad has formed while Seryu going out on her own. Then again from what Wave reported earlier I think I need to be a bit harsher to her this training matchm"  (Y/N) thought as he blocked Kuro's charge with his shield using the momentum from the block to swing around it to position himself to block Wave's punch as he had grand chariot on and parried Kurome's attack with his blade making her land away from him as he kicked wave to gain distance from him and cut one of Kuro's arms off and block gun fire from Seryu sending an energy slash slamming her into the training area's wall.
"This training is very informative general (Y/N)."
"Despite us training together from a young age you still have an upper edge on me don't you (Y/N)?" Kurome ask as she and Wave got back next to each other ready to fight the general helping them train as he was also training himself getting used to his new weapon he had gotten.
"You flatter me you two however you guys are helping me more than you realize." The general said putting his shield in front of him and his sword right above it. 
"I think that's enough general (Y/N) if I may intrude I'll need my Jaegers real quick." Esdeath said patting her fellow general on the head while his helmet is on.
"Sure thing I'll be heading to my office for the usual song and dance of...... Paperwork!" The young general saod turning himself into a chibi making Wave and Kurome question how he did that.
"Well actually General (Y/N) I wanted you to join me while I debrief my Jaegers also I'll be needing your insight." The Esdeath put her hand on his shoulder giving him chills however it wasn't noticeable.
"Ok my interest has been peaked you needing my help?" The general question as Esdeath gave him a smile.
"Of course now come along everyone!" Esdeath commanded as she told her squad their objective on protecting Bolic and the squads they'll be in.
"Now the only thing is we don't know the exact number of Assassin's NightRaid has however Intel suggest its a small group of maybe ten or less however I believe we should practice caution which is why general (Y/N) will tell us our two best options on protecting Bolic."
"Ok let's see these two areas the south holds a canyons that are somewhat dangerous to navigate however it won't be a problem for someone with our training but I'm sure NightRaid would know so they'll most likely travel through here which team one could use the Forrest that hides the canyon to their advantage. While the other team protects Bolic to the east here at this fortied palace owned by the Path of Peace. Well hopefully everyone at NightRaid won't go through this area because knowing Esdeath she'll put Kurome here and with her Teigu it'll be a massacre." Tapping his marker on his visor as he sees the others memorize the map as Esdeath gives further instructions to their mission while (Y/N) started thinking about how he can use his troops to rush the capital when the uprising of the Path of Peace happens.
"And General (Y/N) I hope I can trust the South to be under your supervision with Kurome, Wave, and Bols."
"Huh? Well ok we'll focu-"
"Sorry General (Y/N) I know your priority is capturing for information however I prefer we kill the assassins just to get them out of our hair."
"I understand after all this is your mission. I'll be ready to do what I can." The general nodded as he gains a look from his friend Kurome as she looked at him with a concern face.

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