Meeting Adrien

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Bruce is trying to be a good daddy. He's suceeding? I don't know. What do you think.

Marinette finally meets ADRIEN. (clapping)

Dickinette: 10 votes
Jasonette: 0 votes
I guess it's a dickinette then.


Marinette watched Dick in everyone, literally everyone. She compares the person with Dick then thinks about befriending them. The sassiness of Alix. The nerdiness of Max. The strength of Kim. The smooth skin of Chloe. The bets of Alix and Kim.

Tonight she didn't sleep much. She dreamed of the night. She scrambled awake. When she did manage to sleep she dreamed of him all grown up and you know that again. She sighed. Then she slept a little tooo much. Now she is kinda late. She ran to the school. She reached the class room just in time. Imagine her frustration when she sees some blonde and chewing gum on HER SEAT. She was like 'WHY? WHY DO THESE BLONDES HATE ME SOOOO MUCH.' She sighed a long, exhausted sigh and walked up to him. She ran a hand through her hair then covered her face with her hands,"Are. U. Done?"

He looked like a deer caught in headlights,"I-I-II" His cheeks turned pink.

She raised her hand to make him stop,"Nevermind."

She shoved him out of the way a little roughly. She then took out a napkin out of her purse and threw the gum in the dust-bin. The boy was still trying to form some words. Alya came and sat by her. Before the boy could say something, Madame Bustier entered the class.

Turned out he was a childhood friend of Chloe. Then the gum is totally expected. She is not looking forward for another bully. This act was just sad. She took care of Chloe yesterday, she will take care of him before he got the idea that he can bully anyone. The boy ended up to be Adrien Agreste as he introduced himself. Agreste as in Gabriel Agreste. Don't blame her, she always look at the clothes, she never paid much attention to anyone expect Ricky.

The rest of the day was a blur. Alya caught her randomly blushing. Then she wiggled her eyebrows at her. During lunchtime she asked,"Got a crush on the new boy?"

I turned my head towards her fast,"No."

She just smirked,"That's what they all say. Why were you blushing at the back of his head?"

Marinette turned red at the reminder of the dream,"I was blushing due to my crush." It was true. 

She just grinned wider,"On a model."

Marinette who was spaced out thinking about him,"He must be so handsome. If only I could meet him." She shook her head mumbling,"Bad Marinette, bad Marinette."

Alya clapped," You have a crush on Adrien!"

Marinette turned to smile at Alya and deadpanned,"Of course not."

But Alya didn't leave it of course. She was pissed on that Adrien boy. She was just waiting to see if he is really a bully. Then she will take care of him.

He didn't do much. Except he was looking like a very nervous, coward and fearful child. His smiles were not so real. Dick's smiles always reached his eyes. "Urghh..." Marinette bumped her head on the table, loudly catching everyone's attention in the classroom. The worse thing? It was Madame Mandelieve's class. Double shit.

"Is there any problem Miss. Dupain Cheng?" Madame Mandeliev said, hands on her hips, clearly not happy.

"No Miss." She said sadness on her face.

The teacher in question just sighed,"Miss. Dupain Cheng meet me after class."

Marinette nodded. When the class finished she went outside the door with Madame Mendeliev clutching her lucky charm.

"What is the problem Marinette?"There was no get away from this now but she can still try.

"It's nothing."

"Miss Dupain Cheng?"

"It's just about my friend. I don't know if I will see him again. I remember the time I spent with him but then-then I remember I'm probably never going to see him again. I remember....... I can't tell you more it's personal." I remember the death of my Uncle-Auntie was left unsaid.

"It's okay Marinette just try to pay attention next time." Her teacher patted her head and went to her next class.

When the school ended, it started rain and she didn't grabbed an umbrella in hurry.

"Do you need my umbrella girl?" Alya asked.

"No I'll pass. My house is near." She smiled at the girl. Alya nodded and went on.

Most of the students had left. She was standing outside the school doors. The new boy Adrien walked past her but then he stopped and looked at him, brows furrowed. "Hi."

She ignored him and bit her tongue so that she didn't say anything rash.

"I was just trying to get the gum off your seat. I am sorry. Here. I only have to walk to my car. I never went to school before. All this is a bit new for me . I never had any friends." He said, why are his brows furrowed again.

She touched the umbrella and a flashback made its way to her mind from the back of her brain.


Marinette was sitting outside on the top of the tent. (How? Don't ask.) It started raining. She didn't move. She looked here and there for some type of ..........anything to cover herself.

Then a shadow blocked the moon-light on her. She looked up to see "Ricky." She grabbed the umbrella as they both sat down. She looked at him. He was drenched.

"Why are you wet?" She asked him.

He rubbed the back of his neck, frowning,"You were sitting here, I came to join you and the rain started. So I hurried inside......"

She raised an eyebrow,"and........"

He laughed nervously,"I was worried that you will get wet, so I forgot thatIdidn'topenedtheumbrella."


"I was worried that you will get sick so I hurried up to give you the umbrella but I forgot to open the umbrella. I was more focused on the fact that you were sitting in the rain."

She hugged him,"Awww. Let's go or you'll catch cold."


Marinette smiled fondly at the memory. She came back to the real world when the umbrella shut down on her face. She heard a laugh. She opened the umbrella to see Adrien laughing. She blushed. (from embarrasment, not like that don't worry my readers).

She laughed with him. This laugh and the smile was real. His smiles were fake to her all day but this laughter wasn't. He could make a good friend, not better than Dick but she feels like she will have to mother-hen him just like Dick.

"It's Ok." She said, smiling.

He went to his car. Marinette went home with a smile on her face.


Just think that when she stares at him after taking the umbrella she is having a flashback.

She compared Adrien to Dick as she will have to mother-hen him just like she did to Dick.

I hope you liked the chapter.



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