She was the Holy One. He took her, though.
Death took her in so many ways.
That's how Illiana came to meet Thanatos.
Through Death.
The centre of his being.
And he'd be damned if she was taken away from him.
She was his, and he was hers.
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"The stars bellowed, the moon became enraged with fury, and the sun? Oh the sun raged ruin over the galaxy. All for her."
♚ ♛
𝕴𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖓𝖆 𝕬𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖔 𝕻𝖔𝖛
I woke with a shiver.
I lifted my pounding head up from a cushiony pillow.
Where am I?
Around me, there were black walls, with a glossy reflection. Shiny red marble floors, Black oak furniture, and satin blood red bedsheets. Black curtains, with Dark red swirls, cover the window, stopping me from seeing what's on the outside.
Slowly, I crept up into a sitting position, and placed my feet on the freezing marble floors. Silently, I stalked across the widespread room. Once I got outside the door, I saw a narrow hallway. I looked around me, high gothic ceilings, and an old architecture theme surrounded me. Am I in some sort of castle? Is it Hades'?
Once I turned a sharp corner, I ran into a small petite woman. The woman had light brown hair, dull brow eyes, with a skin tone that made me wonder if she was going to drop down dead... Oh, she's already dead.
"Oh, uh sorry." I mumbled.
"That's alright. I am Masters Maid." She stated nicely.
"Where am I? Why am I in this creepy place?" I looked around me in alarm, to see if anyone else would creep up to scare me.
"You are in master's palace, κυρία του σπιτιού." She stated in a not so foreign language.
I wished learned Greek in school. I should have paid attention.
"What is: κυρία του σπιτιού?" I asked.
"κυρία του σπιτιού, means lady of the house, Κυρία"
"Why would you call me lady of the house?" I asked in bewilderment.
"Something you will find out later dear. 'ρχοντά μου, doesn't want you to wonder round these halls just yet. Follow me Αρχόντισσά μου." She stated as she walked towards where I just came from, grabbing my arm and leading me backwards.
What's with all this arm grabbing?
"Why do you keep calling me these names?"
"Αρχόντισσά μου means My Lady. You will be given the power to know all languages when you ask the great goddess Hecate." Hecate must be the chief goddess over magic and spells.
As we came back to the room I awakened in, the maid sat down on an expensive looking chair, next to the gigantic bed.
"Sit down, Αρχόντισσά μου. I will explain everything I am allowed to tell."
I strutted to the bed, and sat awkwardly down on the soft satin sheets.
"Αρχόντισσά μου, you are in Thanatos' palace, in his home, in the town Oneiros. He is the town's keeper, and his twin brother Hypnos, his advisor. There are 7 types of towns in the underworld, this being one of them. You see, 'ρχοντά μου is the God of Death. You are in his palace, you are his guest."
"How can I be his guest if he kidnapped me...?"
"Ophelia, my name is Ophelia Αρχόντισσά μου."
"So, who else lives here?"
"Only me, a few more maids, cooks, Hypnos and his son, Morpheus. That's just in the palace. Some of his siblings live in the town, like Hecate and Nemesis. Then the rest of the town are full of the Oneiri." She stated.
"What are Oneiri?" I demanded.
"Oneiri are dreaming Daemons that work under Hypnos and Morpheus. Hypnos is the God and personification of sleep itself. And with Morpheus, his son, who can send human shapes into people's dreams, helps him."
"So, every time, every day I had nightmares, it was him?" I asked rudely, pissed that someone can do that to another person.
"No sweetheart, Hypnos and Morpheus do the gods' and Immortals' dreams. The Oneiri do the elemental daemons' and humans' dreams. There are different types of dream daemons. Nightmare daemons, Daydream daemons, and καλά όνειρα daemons, also known as good dreams."
I guess I have got a nightmare daemon on my case.
"So, what about his other siblings, what do they do?"
"'ρχοντά μου only allows me to say his siblings, who live here. We have Nemesis- The winged Goddess of Justice and Revenge." Damn, don't want to get on her bad side.
"Then Hecate- Who is the Chief goddess presiding over magic and spells. You are here because of Thanatos, I do not question him. He is my master."
"I just want to know why he took me."
Ophelia looked at me kindly.
"Sweetie, somethings are better left unheard, and somethings have to wait until the time is right. The fates will deem when your time is to come, and what will happen. They are the very ones who stitched you're life into a thread, weaved it into your soul, and decided when to cut your thread. Remember, True life, starts after death. That is why..."
"Ophelia." A man shouted, furious at what was about to come out of the petite maids mouth.
"Λυπάμαι, άρχοντά μου, σε έχω κάνει, συγχώρεσέ με." Ophelia stuttered, looking terrified. I looked at her in confusion, not understanding what her words meant.
"Πήγαινε Οφηλία, δεν έχεις ιδέα τι της είπες. Θα μπορούσε να σου κοστίσει τη ζωή. Να είστε προσεκτικοί, παρακολουθούν πάντα." He demanded, in that deep husky voice. What the hell are they talking about?
The man looked at me, and scowled, the look of sheer murder printed on his face, directed at me.
"Φύγε από την Οφηλία, άσε με να μιλήσω στον καλεσμένο μου." He stated directly at Ophelia.
"Ναι, άρχοντά μου." Ophelia said, looking beat up with herself. I watched with a confused face as she shuffled silently out the door.
I looked to the man, as he looked at me; something flashed across his eyes, but went away too quickly for me to read it.
He grabbed my hand and teleported us outside. His form grew in size as smoke came out of his ears.
An expression, obviously.
His form was about 17 foot.
Damn he's raging.
As he took a breath, he calmed down a little, and shrank back to his nearly 7 foot height. His clothes shrank back and forth as his form changed shape.