Sessions and Allegations.

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~ 15 days later ~

~ Y/N's Perspective ~

The dark black orbs stared blankly in my eyes

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The dark black orbs stared blankly in my eyes. The bleak emotion in those eyes was enough to freeze one to death. Twirling a metallic coloured pen in my fingers I argued my thoughts repetitively to either approach him as his opponent or stay away.
Standing a bit away stood the man who was once my best friend and today is my opponent. Never in the parallel world did I expect to be his opponent. Cold sweat beads swayed down my forehead as anxiousness crept upto me.
The arguments in my head continued until there was a proposition that being under law as opponents and as his junior it was my obligation to walk over and shake hands with him before the case continues.
Gathering the bits and pieces of confidence left in me I walked over to him to greet him and shake hands for friendly sessions in the court of law.

~ Seokjin's Perspective ~

My eyes roamed around the building when Namjoon's stiff figure caught my attention.

Jin: "What happened Joon?"

Namjoon: "Y/N's coming over here."

As my eyes diverted to my left I saw Y/N approaching our direction, well in particular approaching us.
I never thought she would come over and shake hands with us as an opponent. Her movements and poise were confident and calm.

Jin: "Let her come, she'll probably be here to meet us as the opponent. I'll handle her."

Her movements steadied leisurely as she came over and slipped of her black rimmed sunglasses.

Y/N: "Respectable Mr. Kim, I'm the opponent Jung Y/N."

Jin: "Nice to meet you Mrs. Jung, I'm the state lawyer Kim Seokjin and this is my assistant lawyer, Kim Namjoon."

Namjoon bowed down by 90°as she gestures a sweet and polite us whilst bowing back to namjoon.

Jin: "Well your assistance is not evident here Mrs. Jung."

Y/N: "I see you seem interested in him Mr. Kim."

Jin: "Well just curious to find out your assistance."

Y/N: "Curiosity killed the cat."

~ Namjoon's perspective. ~

Y/N's sarcastic comments were pushing me over the edge. A sneer plastered over her face everytime she made a sarcastic comment which was slowly filling we with anger. The vexation in me was slowly reaching the brim.
After a small mocking conversation a young boy approached us. He looked around the age of 21, was fairly tall and handsome with hazel brown hair and dark brown orbs and a bunny smile.

Y/N: " Oh hi jungkook. Mr. Kim this Jeon jungkook my assistance."

Jungkook: " Respected Mr. Kim and their assistant I am Jeon jungkook a training lawyer under Mrs. Jung.

There we go, he addressed me as an assistant and not by my last name and honorifics. Thus was enough to covince me to make a derisive comment.

Namjoon: "Mr. Jeon, I suppose addressing me as a mere assistant was an act of floccinaucinihilipilification.
Do you even know the meaning of that word, tailless rabbit."

More like I whispered the last part but it was still audible amongst the four of us. I was going to smirk as he stayed silent when suddenly he chuckled and spoke.

Jungkook: "Of course I do Mr. Kim. It means estimating someone worthless. My way of addressing you wasn't one but surely your comment was in that category. At least now you know tailless rabbits have a good vocabulary."

As Y/N chuckled, jungkook grinned widely as he not only saved his dignity but also embarrassed me with just a few words.

Y/N: "Let's meet in the court Mr. Kim and have a friendly session. I'll take my leave."

~ 1st session ~( 4th September 2020)

~ 1st session ~( 4th September 2020)

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~ Author's Perspective ~

As all the formals and authorities and administrational employees settled for the first session the long awaited judge entered the court.
With a swift motion a man in his 50's entered the court. The man wore black rimmed rectangular glasses and had a dusky complexion with innumerable streaks of white hair indicating his vast experience in the legislation and expertise in the profession. He motioned towards the seat of judge and struck the sound block.

Judge: "Respected ladies and gentlemen, I'm your judge Kim Joo-Hyun who'll be residing over all the further sessions of this case.
The case is suspected filicide of Mr. Kim Taehyung registered 1st June 2020. The case being reported by Mr. Kim Seokjin suspecting Mr. Jung Hoseok committing the action."

The state being represented by Mr. Kim Seokjin and their assistance Mr. Kim Namjoon. The opposition by Mrs. Jung Y/N and their assistance Jeon Jungkook. Mr. Kim please start with your statements and allegations."

Jin: "Your Honour I, Kim Seokjin has suspected Mr. Jung Hoseok the rival of My late brother Kim Taehyung as the one committing the illegal action of hurting him.

Judge: "The opposition can lead with the defence."

Y/N: "Your Honour Mr. Jung Hoseok, my client is innocent and has not committed any such action. I would like to ask Mr. Kim what convinces him to put such allegations on him.

Jin: "As you know , Mrs. Jung your husband owns the leading fashion line, he was also a rival of my brother."

Y/N: "Mr. Kim, Your brother and my client both were business competitors not rivals also that does not justify any illegal actions."

Jin: "It doesn't justify that he cannot commit such action either."

Y/N: "Mr. Kim you cannot accuse my client on doubts in the court. The court works on proofs and evidences and not doubts."

Judge: "Mr. Kim, Mrs. Jung is correct the court functions with evidences. Are there any evidences possibly available right now?"

Jin: "Your Honour I would request some time to collect suitable evidences."

Judge: "Sure Mr. Kim, the jury provides you 10 days till the next session from the proposition by you. Till then the court is adjourned."

As everyone evacuated the four walls of law, Y/N smirked whilst staring at Jin. Possibly feeling satisfied with the great impression she created on the first day.
Whilst walking back she haulted beside Jin whispered.

Y/N: "Good luck Mr. Kim."
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