The Movie

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                                                                     ^^^^ Lily ^^^^

I changed out of my swimsuit after swimming for several hours and brushed out my hair. I did a face plant onto my bed after putting on my pj's. 

I watched Netflix for a few hours till it was almost dinner time. It was still technically "Family Day" so i couldn't have Bella over for a sleepover. 

Then, someone barged into my room. I knew it WASN'T Jackson because at least he knocks. So i knew it must be Lucas.

 "Come downstairs, were ordering pizza" he stated. I jumped out of bed because i lovvvve pizza. Especially Hawaiian, thats obviously the best. Jackson thinks Hawaiian is "disgusting" so im convinced he was dropped on his head as a baby. 

"Okay i'll be down soon." I told him because i wanted to put my laptop away to charge. 

"No. Come down now" He said narrowing his eyes. 

"Geez. Whats with your mood. Or are you just being salty for no reason. A bit stupid, dont ya think?" I decided to give him some attitude just to seem like i didn't care.

 Then he marched over and picked me up. "LET. ME. DOWN" i struggled as he just marched out the door with me and put me downstairs. He dropped me on my butt.


"Language!" I heard Jackson say from upstairs. Im convinced he some sort of super human hearing.

 I was still mad at Lucas for being a stupid ugly camel so i ran to Jackson to place my pizza order instead. "i want Hawaiian please" I asked. 

He shook his head and chuckled "I dont know how you eat that crap". I just stood their with my mouth open. "YOU GET FRICKEN MUSHROOM PIZZA. HOW DARE YOU!" I shouted.

 He just pushed me out of the room so he could place the order. The pizza arrived like 20 minutes later and we sat down to eat. 

I grabbed a slice of mine with the heavenly pineapple and ham, when it was snatched out of my hand by Lucas.

 I looked over and him and tried to take it back "Nuh uh missy" he said as he licked it up and down so i wouldn't want it back. "I. DONT. LIKE. YOU" I stated and grabbed another slice.

 "What should we do after dinner?" Griffin asked. "Ooo lets watch a movie!" Dylan responded. "Which one should we watch?" I questioned. 

Jackson looked like he had an idea "Lets each choose a movie and then vote. But dont vote for you own."

"Dumb and dumber!" Dylan shouted

"Iron man!" Griffin suggested

"Knives Out!" Jackson pleaded

"The conjuring" Lucas winked at me, knowing i despised horror movies.

"How about you Lily? What movie do you want?"

"The kissing booth" I muttered quietly. 

"Ew!" Dylan groaned. Griffin voted for knives out. Dylan voted for the conjuring. Jackson also voted for the conjuring. Lucas could tell that i was mad at him so he voted for the kissing booth, just to be nice.

 But of course, I was outvoted and the conjuring got the most votes. "Heh um i dont feel like watching the movie tonight."

 I started to walk back upstairs when Griffin pulled my arm back "Are you scared?" he smirked. "NO um im just tired" i said a bit to quickly as i fake yawned. 

Lucas picked me up and brought me to the living room and the rest of the boys followed. He pinned me too the couch while Jackson rented the movie. "You are watching the movie with us. Every. last. bit." Lucas said evilly. 

I tried to run when the movie started but Lucas just snatched me up and i layed my head in his lap and put my legs on the rest of the boys so i was laying down. Hoping the movie would be over before i knew it.

 It was complete torture. I screamed about 12 times and every time i closed my eyes, one of the boys would tase me. 

When it was finally over i was clinging to Lucas, afraid for my life. I was worried the characters from the movie would come out and get me.

 "Its time for you to go to bed lily. Go upstairs" Jackson said as he laughed at my current state of fear. Why did they have to be so mean?! I tiptoed upstairs and ran to turn the lights on when i was grabbed.

 I screamed bloody murder and turned around to see what grabbed me. I found Lucas laughing hysterically. "I HATE YOU" i yelled and locked the door to my room. 

I brushed my teeth and turned off the lights to my room. I layed in bed for an hour, flinching and every little creak the house made. 

I couldn't sleep and i was starting to imagine that a murderer was hiding in my closet. At last i couldn't take so i got up and ran to Lucas's room. He was about to go to sleep. 

"Can i sleep hear tonight?" I whimpered. "Sure baby" he patted the spot next to him and laughed. I layed down "Why did you make me watch that. It was too scary" i said softly. 

He looked sort of guilty "I thought it would be funny. Dont worry. I probably wont do it again" Notice that he said PROBABLY. 

"Okay i love you Lukie". 

"I love you too" he answered, but i was already asleep.

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