Episode 3: A Moment of Glances

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It's morning already.

I woke up, noticing I am somehow safe inside a room. I turned around, and saw Kujiro sleeping on the floor. H-Huh? Is this-- Oh!

I abruptly stood up and tried to roll him over towards his sleeping mat. Whew!

Suddenly, he cuddled cutely on his pillows and moaned like a little kid. He blushed so much as if he was hugging ponies. It made me smile.

And so, I remembered what happened yesterday when he saved me. I uttered to him carelessly:

"Thank you for saving me yesterday. Although you disapproved of my presence, you took trouble for keeping me safe. I am greatly in your debt. You might be harsh in words but I can see that you are kind. And so I shall return the favor."

After uttering such appreciation while he's asleep, I gave him one gentle kiss on his cheek.


The seven others have been peeking through the door this whole time.

"Miyu!" Kotaro shouted carelessly, "D-Did you just do that?"

This is embarrasing!! "No! It's not like that! I was just showing appreciation for what he did! He saved me from those Hotogi spies!!"

I blushed and moved away from Kujiro. I stood up and bowed down. "I am really sorry if this act offends you all."

"No, you don't need to apologize." Kenshin implied. "We shouldn't have taken suspicious theories of Kujiro's situation right now."

"Uhmmm..." This is somehow unsettling.

But then, Kujiro woke up; he's totally unaware of what happened.

"Why is everyone in my room?"

Everyone paused.

"Sorry to bother you." Hirotaro apologized. "We were just checking how Miyu was doing with you."

"No, it's not that." Kujiro interrupted. "Your expressions are far from what you stated is going on."

That's a constable for you. He notices everything.

"Did something happen?" He asked.

"No, not at all." Haru replied.

"Okay, then." He seems to be buying it.

We dismissed out of the room and Kujiro was yawning on his way to the well.

Good, he doesn't know that I did it. It was just a way of saying thanks anyway. It didn't mean anything else... Or did it? Did it? I mean-- Uh... I blushed at the thought of that kiss meaning I 'liked' him instead of thanking him.

"It didn't mean anything like that!" I carelessly shouted.

"Are you okay?" Kotaro asked, holding my shoulders with concern. "Oh. I'm fine." I replied with a smile. He seems to be bothered by my situation.

"Okay, then. Where are you going by the way?"

"Uhmm... I was about to get the whole house's laundry done. I'm heading to all of the rooms here to get them."

"All by yourself?"


"You cannot carry all of them! Let me help you."

"Gee, thanks, Kotaro."


As I was washing the laundry near the well, Kotaro was hauling up the water to the pail for me.

"Kotaro, since when did you became a member of Kurokazeshuu?"

"Actually, I've dreamed of becoming one since I was ten. Your father was really kind and taught the eight of us ninjutsu."

"Father? I didn't know he taught all of you from my side of the story."

"But then the Hotogi rebels started robbing this town." He stated, tilting up a little to look at the blue skies. "We built this little band of ours to rid them off. Until, one day."
It was almost night when the Hotogi was trying to raid this town. We hastingly made our plan to get rid of them quickly without putting the townspeople in a panic. As Reno, Haru and I tried to take out their front, we were ambushed by their hired archers. We fought of course, but we were just amateurs in battle.

Hirotaro and Rikuo tried to save us, but they didn't prevail.

Well, we were cornered. Until Kujiro aimlessly sliced some bamboo stalks. It made us advance a little bit.

But then, Nobunaga Hotogi and his ronin army shows up.

We tried our best but they knocked us out.

Kenshin, who is Musashi Miyamoto's nephew, was the most brilliant student Shogun Kurogane had.

He dashed like a true assassin, and killed several ronin warriors all by himself. And he suddenly came in front of Hotogi and slashed against his chest. But he was pushed back and Hotogi almost had his head sliced in two. But he dodged and stood up.

He was breathing heavily. And Hotogi was dazzled by his skills.

"Turn back, Hotogi! Or suffer to lose your honor!!" Kenshin angrily stated.

"Bah! Insignificant little kid. I am impressed, to be honest. No one has sliced against my chest in years." Chuckling, Hotogi sheated his sword.

"Begone! I have no intention to chat with you!!"

"So be it." Hotogi grinned and ordered his armies to fall back.

We chose him as our leader for his honorable deeds.
"Oh! So is that how he got his scar?"


I was astonished how they protected this town all by themselves. I smiled at Kotaro, seeing the reflection on his face that they were indeed concerned with everyone who lives in this town.

"But you know, Miyu..."


"I heared that Hotogi is after your dad's crest." He ominously said. I heared that the crest was given by the Emperor to your father as a symbol of his trust.

"But why would the Hotogi still want the crest? They have the head if my father."

"I bet he wants the Emperor to 'trust' him."

I felt disappointed. After killikng my father and burning my home to the ground, they still want that crest? I bet Kenshin and the others are aware with this.

Suddenly, Takano rushed towards us.

"Miyu, Kotaro, my clothes are gone!"

"No, they're not. Miyu did the laundry for all of us."

He suddenly became silent. "Oh. Miyu, you shouldn't have bothered to wash even my clothes. Your cuts aren't healed yet and you haven't eaten anything yet this morning."

"No, it's fine." I happily replied. "After all, I still owe you guys for letting me in."

Both of their faces reflected concern.

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