Episode 9: The Warlord's Son

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I miss Miyu... or rather, Princess Muniko... I feel too lonely without her... We all do feel the same way...

I wonder how she's doing and when she'll be back...

Suddenly, someone bangs on the door. We were awakened by the noises and all of us were surrounded in a blink of an eye by black ninjas. They pointed spears at us and hoisted us with ropes. All of us couldn't move. What is going on?



I received Kujiro's letter late in the night when suddenly Master Hanzo knocked on the door.

"Miyu, can I come in?"

"J-Just a second! I-I'm still fixing my clothes!" I answered.

"Okay..." He faintly answered back.

I hurriedly hid the letter under the drawer and covered it with clothes. Then I opened the door and let Master Hanzo in.

"Sorry, if I took so long." I apologized.

"No, it's okay. I completely understand." He replied. He narrowed his eyes towards me. He seemed troubled.

"Is something wrong, milord?" I asked concerned.

"It's just that I can't help thinking about the news. Eight men destroyed my caravan and killed my subordinates. How is that possible?" He stated and sat down while I listened. "Perhaps, the Kurokazeshuu has got something to do with this. Did the magistrate of the South paid them to do this?"

I gulped. H-He knows about the Kurokazeshuu!!

"And I can't help thinking it has got something to do with you, dear." He gave me a penetrative sight.

Oh, no... "Milord! What are you talking about?" I nervously asked.

"Oh, Miyu... Perhaps it has got something to do with them!" He clickes his fingers and his servants destroyed the door. Kenshin, Kujiro and the others were tied tightly and forced to bow down on the ground. "Seems familiar?"

"No!! How could-- Why?!" I stammered in shock.

"Miyu! Run!!" Kujiro shouted.

But instead of running away, I approached them and embraced them. "How could they do this to all of you?"

"Just... get out of here!" Kenshin said with pain. Suddenly, Kujiro started spitting blood. Hirotaro was sweating blood from his back. I looked behind them and saw whipping marks on the backs.

"N-No! You guys are hurt!!" I said to them and I started crying in tears.

"No, it's okay... Just get out..." Kotaro faintly said and grumbled.

I turned angrily to Hanzo and shouted at him, "How could you hurt my friends? Just because you are the terrible warlord's son doesn't mean you could do this to the people around you! You're nothing but a stupid offspring of you father who killed mine!!"

"Impudent little girl! Who are you!?" Hanzo demanded a question.

I abruptly grabbed my father's crest from Kujiro's neck and wore it to myself. Then I drew the katana sword hidden under my kimono and slowly unsheats it.

"I am the Shogun's daughter... Miyu Kurogane."

"Shogun Kurogane's daughter?" Hanzo shockingly reacted.

I started to dash towards him when suddenly his guards confronted me. But then I suddenly remembered what Kujiro taught me... Don't fight one by one, but by only looking forward in a straight line. As I reminisced the line, I tried focusing towards Hanzo and Hanzo only. Then I started slashing 'obstacles' in a straight line. I felt untouchable and fast... Just like an assassin...

"Kujiro... you really taught her well..." Kenshin complimented him...

"It's what the Shogun wanted his daughter to stand for..." Kujiro smiled.

I continued fight towards Hanzo.

"Someone taught you well..." He smiled mischievously. " But that person didn't teach you enough!"

He surprisingly points his sword to me; assuming that it would kill me. But I saw through it and dodged instantly; and delivered him to his death.

"Aaargh!!" He grumbled to the pain. "How could... you---"

He's dead... I killed him...

Everyone got silent with their eyes wide open to the scene of my murder.

"S-She executed Master Hanzo!!" A servant trembled.

"She did it!" Haru exclaimed.

"Hanzo is dead and the Tori Gang is finally dismissed." Kenshin proclaimed. "What are you people going to do now? We have a monster on our side!" He bragged.

Immediately, they were released. I walked towards them with dark eyes.

"Uhh... Miyu?" Kotaro called out to me.

I surprisingly hugged them. "I miss you guys!!"

"Aaaawww..." They softly said. "Oww!" They suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry! I forgot your wounds. Let us go home now."

"Not so fast!" A loud, old said. It was the Magistrate of the South. "I still have a few announcements to make. As for this accident, I cannot allow more to happen. But yes, I paid the Kurokazeshuu to do this, yet I didn't know that the Shogun's daughter is working under these angels of the underworld. And to the Kurokazeshuu, I say..."

"What will he say?" Rikuo trembled.

"Shh!" Takano shushed him.

"...You have done a very good job getting rid one of Nobunaga's branch. Therefore, I reward you of getting your house repaired."

"Yay! Wait, what happened to our house?" I asked them.

"Well, they burned it." Reno answered.



Days passed and our house was done. Well, it didn't look exactly like the old one, but at least we got a new one. And as usual, I am watering the plants in the garden when Kujiro came out.

"Miyu..." He called me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Thank you for saving us." He smiled.

"Uhhmmm... You're welcome. But I should also be thanking you for teaching me best."

We smiled to each other.

I never thought that I can do it. Saving them and helping the magistrate made me happy.

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