Episode 10: Nobunaga's Wrath

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"My... son... is killed by a deceitful, impudent, little girl..." Nobunaga softly uttered in front of Hanzo's corpse, stroking his hair. "My wrath... it cannot and shouldn't be stopped..." He slowly breathed and started to look fierce. Then he abruptly stood up and glared to the Shogun's head angrily. "Kurogane!! Why!? Why do all of you animals keep running amock, killed my son and anger me!!? Answer me!!"

He forcefully threw a knife to the Shogun's forehead. Then he breathed heavily and looked down.

"I'll never forget this, Kurokazeshuu!! I will get revenge!!" He screamed out loud, followed by the loud sound of the thunderstorm.



We are celebrating for our new house. It was bigger than the old one, but at least I got my own room now. The Magistrate also gave us new furniture and house equipments. Each one of us got new offices depending the kind of work we had. And so, I enjoy working more since the kitchen looked more beautiful and newly-furnished. As for the others, they are more spirited to work than before. But Kujiro is somehow the least happy from all of us. Curious, I approached him and asked:

"Kujiro, you seem troubled ever since the Tori business. Are you alright?"

"Yeah... Somehow." He looked away.

"Uhhmmm... You can tell me if something's wrong."

"No, it's okay. I am fine." He excused.

"I-I don't beleive you." I honestly said.

"You don't, huh?"

"Please, tell me. I can help." I insisted.

He sighed and stood up, facing me. "Miyu..."


He embraced me slowly and whispered. "Too bad we're not on the same room again..."

Is that his problem? "Don't worry," I hugged back, "I'll still wake you up first thing in the morning and bid you goodnight in the evening."

He smiled and tightens his grip.

Kotaro comes into the picture. He was startled to see us embracing each other.

"Uhhh... I-I should go..." He stammered and excused himself. He left abruptly.

But just as I was about to let go and chase after Kotaro, Kujiro stopped me. He shook his head slowly and I displayed a sad face. "So, want me to train you shuriken?"

Oh, right. The promise... "Oh, sure."

We went to the mountains and tried to catch a big breath. Then he searched for the shurikens on his bag but then he started to act worried.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"That's odd... I swear I put them here..." Then he wears off his bag and stood straight. "I'll go get them. Wait here."


He hurriedly went down the plains and I looked at him. Suddenly, strange winds flew my hair tie away. I tried to chase after it when it landed above the apple tree. I climbed up when suddenly, kunais almost hit my head. What the--?! Kunai?

A strange fearsome man stood on another branch. He grinned at me. "Who are you?!"

"I've been sent by Nobunaga. I am Daike Fukouka." He glared.

"Nobunaga!!" I whimpered.

He continued throwing kunais at me but I tried to dodge them at once. But as a result of imbalance, I fell off the tree. I stood up immediately, noticing his sneak attacks and jumped into the thick bushes. He laughed enigmatically.

"Hahaha. You really do well for a rookie of ninjutsu."

"What do you want?!"

"Nobunaga was very specific." He crossed his arms and started to talk. "For some personal reasons he wanted me to bring your head to hell! But don't blame me, I'm just doing my job as a vigilante."

"A-A vigilante?" I murmured to myself. "You people kill, steal, or rather harm people just to get paid."

"That's right. But playtime's over..."

Suddenly, he jumped out from the tree and landed in front of me. Then he makes a fresh cut in my shoulder and blood came rushing out. Somehow I felt dizzy and---

"Come with me, dear Princess Muniko."

K-Kujiro, save me... S-Sa--



I was coming back with the shurikens when suddenly, Miyu was nowhere to be found.

"Miyu? Where are you?"

I tried to look around when I saw kunais all over the giant apple tree. Then, I found a fresh little puddle of blood near a bush. A paper was attached to the grass:

If you want Princess Muniko back, hand over the crest.

-Nobunaga Oda

I got shocked. "Miyu! No! H-How could I--?"

I knelt down regretting for leaving her behind. Kotaro arrived with Hirotaro.

"Hey. Where's Miyu?" Kotaro asked. Unable to talk because of confusion, I handed over the letter that was left behind. They read it and in a sudden, Kotaro got furious. Then, he delivered a strong, angry blow to my face.


"How could you let her fend for herself?!! You rascal!"

Hirotaro tries to hold him off. "Kotaro, calm down!"

I stood up with a bruise on my face. "Hirotaro, leave him be. He's right. It's my fault."

"Hirotaro! Let me go!" He struggled.

"You two, knock it off!" Kenshin confronted.

"What's going on?" Takano asked and scratched his chin thoughtfully.




I kicked her to a corner and watched her face bruise on the ground. She coughed and grumbled in pain. I laughed wickedly and and grinned at her.

"I should have known you were after me." She angrily glared.

"Where's the crest?" I asked her with a wicked smile.

"Ha! Impudent ruler! You'll never rule the Nihhon nation!" She snickered at me.

I kicked her brutally and asked her again an again, but she hesitated and received the pain.

"Playtime is over, little princess! Give me the crest!" I shouted to her.

"W-Why do you keep calling me that?! I'm no royalty!" She hesitated.

"So, you didn't know yet your true identity, Princess Muniko."

"Princess Muniko is dead! She died of cold! How could you mistook me for her!" She confronted.

"Oh... But the real deal is you!" I snickered.


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