Running Away..

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Purvi walks to Abhi & Pragya, who both were sharing one earphone, she seat infront of them, & they plugout the earphones..

Purvi- please save Karan from Romila, look how much he being poor baby with her..

Abhi- sorry, it's not in our hand..

Pragya- yeah, because I keep away from Romila since school days..

Abhi- if I do something, she will be running behind me, & I could not take that risk for sure..

Purvi- mean you both are yaar..

Abhi- look only one person can save him for her..

Pragya- that too Tripoo..

Purvi- that I know but..

Abhi- why you worried for Karan, you hate him, right..

Purvi- it's not hate Abhi, it's anger, that's it..

Abhi- ok..

Karan seat with Romila, who holding him through waist, he try to come out from her grips, but her grips are tight, & he tried of it..

Tripura looks that, & she feels bad for him, & she getting up, & walks to Abhi, Pragya & Purvi who talking with each other, she comes to them & take a seat on her knees with helpless face & says- guys I need your help..

Pragya- you asking for a help..

Purvi- Tch! Pragu don't pull her legs..

Abhi- girls please, let her speak, otherwise she fed up with us..

Tripura look to trio & says- have you done, or remain else..

Pragya with excitement- one more, one more..

Tripura with irks face- what!

Pragya- aahh! Let's continue..

Tripura give her killer look & says- need to save Karan from Romila..

Pragya- go & save him, we can't help you in it..

Tripura with pleading tone- please for me..

Abhi- ok, let me think, & he start to think..

Tripura start to look him with the hope..

Abhi says after few minutes- sorry I have no plan..

Tripura hit him punch on his arm & says- such a moron..

Abhi start to laugh, Pragya & Purvi give company to him..

Tripura- ok, don't help me, but share his number at least..

Purvi start to look Tripura with surprise face..

Tripura ignore that & she take a number from Abhi, she thank him & walks away from them..

Abhi & Pragya only exchange the winning smile, & again gets busy with Purvi..

Tripura stood little far from Karan, she look Romila busy with Jignesh, & she signed to Karan, through waving her hand, he looks that rise up his eyebrows, & she signed him, check his cell, he assured her through his eyes & he start to check his cell..

Tripura message him- make a excuse..

Karan read the message & look up to Tripura, & he show cell to her, & make his gesture, is her number, & she nodding in yes, & he replied her- what excuse..

Tripura replied him- Nature call..

Karan read her message & replied her- already I had done for 7 to 8 times but she be with me there too..

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