Coming Out Pt. 2

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middle: angie I know you hate me

middle: but I'm coming out to dad

middle: and I need your help

bigsis: I don't hate you!

bigsis: I just didn't want you to get hurt by dad

bigsis: of course I'll help you

middle: really

bigsis: yeah

bigsis: I just wish it wasn't maria tho

middle: angie james Reynolds was a horrible person

bigsis: I know

bigsis: I just thought I loved him for a really long time and it's kind of hard to get over that

middle: aww

middle: it's ok

bigsis: ik

bigsis: dad's at 1?

middle:y sure see you then

"For the last time, you look beautiful," Maria assured Eliza.

"Thanks, you too. I just...I'm really nervous."

"To be honest? So am I. But who wouldn't be?"

"You're right."

Both girls examined themselves in the full-length mirrors one last time. I know what you're going to do, just go ahead and do it. (GEORGE WASHINGTON'S GOING HOOOOOME) Eliza wore a long sleeved blue blouse with a skirt. The entire thing was silk. She slipped a diamond bracelet on her wrist. Her hair was loosely braided.

Maria wore her hair loose and curly. She just wore a simple red dress with a cinched waist, ladybug earrings, and her traditional lipstick, but the look was flattering.

"Are you ready?" Eliza asked her.

"No. But we better do this."

"Come on." Eliza slipped her hand into Maria's and they walked out to the car.

When they got to the Schuyler mansion, Maria gasped. "Your's huge!"

"I don't mean to sound like a conceited snob, but really, this is just our winter house," Eliza admitted.

"Wow," Maria said, shaking her head.

Angelica's car was already there. They walked inside to see Philip Schuyler standing in the entryway with Angelica. Philip wore a suit and tie and Angelica wore a strapless pink sundress that flared out at the waist.

"Elizabeth, my daughter," Philip said as they entered.

"Hi, Dad." Eliza gave her father a hug.

"And hello, lovely young lady," Philip said to Maria.

"Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Maria Lewis."

"So, Elizabeth, Angelica Renée informed me that we were here because you wanted to speak with me?" Philip always called his nicknamed daughters Elizabeth and Margarita, but since Angelica didn't really have a nickname, he called her by her first and middle names.

"Yes, Dad. I wanted to speak to you, about who I'm dating."

Philip gave her a quizzical look. "All right then. Proceed."

"Dad, I'm dating Maria."

"Oh, a wonderful young man named Mario. How did you meet him?"

"No, Dad," Angelica spoke up. "She's dating Maria. Her." She gestured to Maria.

Philip's face changed in an instant. "I see."

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed

ED :)

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