7//Starbucks and Stammerings

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She climbed into the bed. Maria rolled on her side to make room.

As Eliza moved a ladybug pillow for prime comfort, Maria, almost asleep already, rolled over and hugged her.

Eliza tensed, but Maria didn't seem to notice.

After a few seconds, Eliza relaxed and drifted off into sleep.


Eliza rolled over and shut off the alarm. Maria stirred and woke up.

"Maria, we have to get ready for classes," Eliza whispered.

"Nooo..." Maria mumbled, already falling back asleep.

"Come on. I'll get you coffee."

"Frappuccino?" Maria asked, sitting up.

"Duh. Only Alex drinks anything else."

"Lies. Peggy drinks hot chocolate, kids' temperature."

Eliza threw a pillow at her as Maria laughed. Finally she rolled out of bed and put on jeans and the red sweatshirt Eliza had given her yesterday. Eliza put on light gray yoga pants and a blue T-shirt with her hair in a bun. Maria left her hair down.

As Eliza grabbed her things she would need for class, Maria lingered in her bedroom.

"What's wrong?" Eliza asked her, noticing her hesitant attitude.

"I...I'm not so sure about today."

"Nobody is going to touch you while I'm around, trust me. Besides, except Angie, all my friends like you, so you already have a friend group. Come on, let's go!" Eliza grabbed Maria's hand and pulled her out to the car.

"How did you get a car this nice?" Maria asked as she saw Eliza's Tesla.

"Well, my dad's rich. Like really rich. But I paid for three quarters of it with money I got working at Walmart," Eliza said.

"Walmart, huh?"

"You judging?"


"No Frappuccino for you."


"Oh, Queen Elizabeth Schuyler, I apologize for my rude behavior. You are truly the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful-" suddenly Maria stopped talking.

"What was that?" Eliza asked, smirking at her as she started driving.

"N-nothing," Maria stammered, looking out the window.


Ladybug//Marliza//COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now