You are a Tool

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Chapter 26

Itachi frowned, arching an eyebrow as he stared at his kyuubi. He had returned to his room and laid down for a while, hoping to catch a few Z's, but no sooner had he shut his eyes did Yuna enter.

He looked her up and down, scowling a little, as he sat up. “What are you wearing?” He asked, taking in how he could see all of her stomach, and the way her shirt was unzipped, he could also see a little of her cleavage and her scar.

The crimson colored beast blushed a little, looking down at herself and turning around, to show him the whole outfit. “It's not that bad....” She said quietly, playing with a lock of hair.

Now seeing that the robe possessed no back or sides for that matter, the Uchiha stood up and threw his cloak over her. “Don't walk around half naked! No one should be allowed to see so much of your skin.” He chide, buttoning the top button to cover her better.

Yuna looked down at her toes, her ears drooping a little. She knew it was a long shot, but that didn't make her any less disappointed. Her bangs fell over her face as she glanced up at him. “Not even you?” She asked quietly.

Itachi blushed a deep shade of red, heaven knew what he was thinking, before shaking his head. “No, don't try to distract me. You're not allowed to wear that.”

“But Konan got it for me...” She mumbled, making her eyes glisten as her pupils enlarged, her ears perked ever so slightly, but still drooped. Perhaps if she gave him the face he would cave and allow her to wear it.

His face contorted into a scowl as he stared right back at her, the beast's eyes growing larger, glowing with hope. He hated and loved that face all at the same time, and unfortunately knew he couldn't resist it.

“Just keep your cloak on..” He grumbled, holding her shoulders as he looked to the side in embarrassed defeat. The kyuubi smiled instantly, pouncing on the raven as she hugged him. It was then he noticed she was in white heels, as he lifted her off the ground.

The kitsune bent her knees up, giving him perfect view of her new foot wear. “Those aren't Standard Akatsuki shoes, and where are your leggings?” He asked, noticing she was only wearing black pants.

“Mah. Konan wears the same thing. She said it could be standard female Akatsuki wear.” The demon replied, smiling a little. Konan was a genius, being there were only the two girls in the Akatsuki, she'd talked Pain into allowing Yuna to wear the same uniform as the elder kunoichi.

Itachi sighed, shaking his head. “You're going to drive Leader to drink with everything you do.” He teased.

The nine tailed beast pouted, giving him a gentle glare as he placed her back down. Her tails curling slightly. She highly doubted that. Pain absolutely adored her. There was no way she was driving him to drink.


Yuna smiled devilishly, racing down the halls. If anyone asked, she was in the kitchen the whole time. Deidara gave the kyuubi a confused look as she dashed into the room, then pretended like she'd been there already.

He was about to voice his confusion when the ground suddenly shook. The blonde recognized the boom and shaking of ground too well, knowing immediately what she'd done. Following the explosion was a scream and a string of curses. He smirked, petting the kitsune on the head. “Where did you make your beautiful masterpiece, un?”

She gave him a seemingly innocent look. “Mah. I have no idea what you mean, Dei-sempai.” She replied, returning his smirk.

He chuckled sitting beside her. “Art is a Bang, is it not, un?”

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