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Natalie hummed to herself as she made adjustments to a project she had been working on. She had no idea what it was or what it would do just yet, but so far, she noticed that it made her fences much stronger.

She had tested this by throwing an apple through one and it was completely incinerated.

She picked up a small screwdriver, glancing over when something exploded on Alexander's side of the room. The chem scientist was trying to make a stronger form of his gas but so far the gas would become explosive and that was all. He wanted it to have the same properties of his original gas but be strong enough to kill enemies with one inhalation.

In another corner was Crypto, or Tae. The Korean hacker was staring at his phone screen. He didn't usually do that but once he joined the Legends he gained a fanbase and the Apex Directors suggested he create some social media accounts.

He did but he never posted anything. Just liked the posts his fans made. At that very moment though, his expression was one of annoyance and something like disgust.

"Is something wrong, Tae?" she asked, pushing her tools to the side and approaching him. He tensed up and cleared his throat, turning his screen off and placing his phone face down on his table.

"No. Nothing. How is your project coming along?" he asked, trying to change the subject but Natalie just looked at him. "Fine. Are you sure? You seem upset."

Tae was silent a moment, his eyes cast downward and his face tinted pink, oddly enough.

"There's a post...that is quite popular at the moment." he replied vaguely and Natalie was confused, until she realized what he was talking about.

The post of her and Octavio...

She had seen it earlier that morning and had been red in the face for an hour. She was used to seeing the fans pair her with people, specifically Octavio and Crypto quite often but she hadn't come across pictures like that until that morning.

It was..a good picture...but embarrassing.

She didn't even know how the fan knew what she looked like nak..somewhat naked.

"Oh..why would that upset you? It doesn't mean anything. Tavi and I are just friends. The fans do this all the time." she said, though she was forcing herself not to blush. That picture had been really detailed. She hadn't even realized how handsome...

She shook that thought away, blushing when Tae gave her a strange look. Had she actually shook her head? Oops.

"I know.." he murmured, stopping, as if he wanted to say something, then thought better of it. "Natalie, would you like to get breakfast with me?" he asked suddenly and Natalie blinked. "Oh, sure! I am pretty hungry." she smiled and Tae couldn't help but smile back as he stood from his seat.

Natalie was right. That picture didn't mean anything. And it wouldn't as long as he made sure she never gained feelings for Octavio.

"Are we going to the cafeteria?" she asked curiously, glancing over at the hacker as they entered the hall side by side. "No. I wanted to cook something for you." he said with a smile and she stared at him wide eyed. "I didn't know you could cook. Actually, I don't know too much about you in general." said Natalie and Tae laughed sheepishly.

"No. You don't. That's my fault I guess..would you, like to get to know me more?" he said, his tone nervous and Natalie gave a sweet, oblivious smile. "Of course." she answered.

He sighed with relief, smiling back at her and the two walked on in a comfortable silence until they started to pass the lounge.

"Elliott shut up!"

"No, no way! Dude that's fucking hot-"

"Oi! Don't go waving that around-"

"But LOOK at her-"

There was a clearing of a throat and Anita motioned to the door. Octavio and Elliott were on the couch, Octavio reaching for Elliott's phone while Elliott held him back with one arm, the other holding the phone out.

Tae and Natalie stood in the doorway, Tae basically glaring at Octavio, not that he noticed, and Natalie suppressing a giggle.

"Oh, haha! Morning again, Nat!" laughed Octavio, somewhat nervously and Elliott snorted, making Octavio shoot him a glare from beneath his mask. "Yeah, hey guys. Where ya headed?" asked Elliott, shoving an elbow into Octavio's stomach and the daredevil grunted as he flopped back into the couch, cursing at Elliott in Spanish.

"To get breakfast. Tae's making it." said Natalie and Octavio immediately perked up.

"Oho! Really? Awesome! Next time come by my place. I guarantee you what I make will leave you wanting fifths! Everyone knows us Hispanics make the best food!" he grinned and Tae scoffed. "Right. She'll be in the bathroom for hours after eating anything you make."

"Hey! You take that back! I taught Octavio when he was just a small-"

Octavio smacked Elliott upside the head and Natalie snorted with laughter, causing both Elliott and Octavio to laugh as well. Tae just stared between them, annoyed.

Anita rolled her eyes, ignoring them all in favor of playing on her phone.

"But I'm serious! Just bang on my door- no, just walk right in. My door's always unlocked. I won't mind at all." smiled Octavio and Natalie nodded, giving him a sweet smile. "Okay, next time." the two stared at each other a little longer than necessary and Elliott coughed, causing Octavio to look away quickly, face warm and heart pounding.

Natalie blushed and waved awkwardly as she followed after Tae, who now seemed to be in a bad mood again.

Once they had left completely, Elliott turned to Octavio with a shit eating grin. "You LIKE HER!"



"I WAS-"

"Both of you shut the hell up or keep it down before I kick both your asses." muttered Anita, holding her head and Octavio gave a nervous laugh. "Haha sorry..."

But he didn't like Natalie.

It was just that stupid post making him all weird inside. Yep. That was all.

It Started With a Post (Octane x Wattson)Where stories live. Discover now