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Octavio Silva yawned, rubbing his tired eyes with one hand, while he scrolled on his phone with the other. At that very moment, at three o'clock in the morning on a boring Sunday, he was hanging off the edge of an old building.

His metal legs were splayed out behind him and his hair was swaying in the gentle breeze that blew by. The blood was starting to rush to his head and he sat up quickly, laughing at the slight dizziness he felt. He ran his fingers through his dark brown, neon green streaked hair and smiled at his phone screen.

His fans had posted their art, asking him questions or just saying nice things.

It warmed his usually rapidly beating heart.

He yawned again and switched positions so now he was facing the city, his legs kicking, shoulders hunched as he resisted the urge to fall asleep right there. He didn't sleep that much usually, but staying up for three days in a row on nothing but energy drinks, coffee and junk food was starting to come back to him. And not in a good way.

His phone buzzed and he glanced down again, clicking on a post from one of his favorite pages. He couldn't say he remembered every fan account that tagged him but there were a certain few that he followed just because their art was so amazing. He wished he had their talent with pencils or paint brushes.

Hell, half of them drew everything on computers! How awesome was that?!

His hazel eyes widened a fraction.

He was used to seeing the fans speculate about relationships in the Apex Games. It was funny to see them gush over who would be good with who. There were some pairings, say Elliott and Renée, that Octavio completely agreed with.

And others, say him and Ajay Che (or Lifeline, his childhood friend), that he thought were ridiculous. Yeah Che was cool and all but she was way too responsible and all that. Too serious. She didn't know how to let loose and Octavio was a fun, reckless guy. Che was stubborn, mean and had a temper. As friends they were awesome, but in a relationship they'd definitely butt heads too much.

There was even a fan who paired him with Elliott.

He didn't even want to remember THAT post.

But this post...

Well he had been seeing some like this for a while now. Posts of him and Natalie (Wattson) together. Either holding hands, going on dates or just being cute. He didn't mind it but no one ever brought it up or anything. Natalie liked them too but she mostly just laughed whenever she saw one.

The fan had drawn him and Natalie basically fucking.

Now he wasn't opposed to it but the picture had his heart doing all sorts of stunts and his mind racing with things he'd never usually think about Natalie.

"Díos mí guys are something else." he sighed, shaking his head and quickly liking the post before closing the app.

It was just a picture. It didn't mean anything.

Something bright caught his eye and he looked up just in time to see the sun slowly rising over the horizon. He sighed at that and smiled, resting his chin in his hand as he watched the giant ball of gas and fire mark the start of a new day.

He watched the sun rise until the sky was glowing various golds and pinks, reds and pale blues, then jumped up; stuffing his phone into his shorts pocket and backing up quickly.

He then ran forward at a speed so fast if you had seen him from a distance you would have sworn he wasn't even there, and dived right off the building.

"WOOHOO!" echoed across the street below, startling the early birds and those few people that had been up late, like himself.

Octavio laughed, adrenaline rushing through his veins, then just before he could hit the ground, he tossed a jump pad, landing on it perfectly, only to go flying into the air once again.

"Ahhahahaha!" he laughed, grinning when he landed again, this time in a spot hidden by a few trees. He reached into his pocket, pulling on his mask and goggles, then jogged through the trees and onto the sidewalk, passing another jogger; who nodded in greeting.

The daredevil made it back to the Apex Complex in record time, his heart beating in his ears and a grin on his face. He had a feeling that maybe that Sunday wouldn't be so boring after all.

"Morning O." yawned Elliott as the speed demon entered the building, passing the man by. He was in nothing but briefs and a tee shirt, his usually styled hair a mess on his head.

"Buenos días, amigo. Why are you up so early?" asked Octavio, pausing at the elevator and Elliot seemed to deflate. "I bet Anita she'd lose last week's game but she won so now I have to train with her every morning for a month. Something about me being lazy or whatever. I mean I workout so I can't be lazy! Just unmotivated." he grumbled and Octavio chuckled as he pressed the button for the sixth floor.

"Good luck, compadré."

"Yeah. I'm gonna need it." muttered Elliott and the daredevil snickered as he stepped into the elevator, the doors closing once more.

He leaned against the elevator wall, yawning and tapping his foot to the music that played all around. It was actually kinda catchy.

He had been humming for a full minute, his head lulling to the side and his body slowly going lax, until a faint ding was heard and the doors opened. He jumped and yawned, wiping his eyes beneath his goggles as he stepped forward, attempting to get out, only to bump into something.

"Je suis desolé. I'm sorry." came the familiar accent and Octavio looked up, his hazel green eyes meeting the blue of Natalie's. The blonde scientist was dressed in an overly large sweater with black jeans and bunny slippers. When she saw who it was she had bumped into, her face reddened for some reason.

"Esta bíen. It's fine, amiga. I wasn't really paying attention." he yawned and she nodded slowly, eyebrows scrunched as she stared at him. "Um, have you been up long?"

". A few days. Which is why I'm going to sleep now." he mumbled, scratching his head and Natalie sighed, smiling fondly. "Even daredevils have to sleep, Tavi." she said and Octavio felt his heart flutter for some reason.


She's never called me that before.

He briefly thought before scoffing. "Sleep? What's that?" Natalie let out a soft giggle and he smirked widely, unable to stop staring at her. He didn't realize how cute...


"Uh anyways..see you in like three hours." he said and brushed by before he could say something embarrassing. He heard Natalie laugh again and he shook his head, finally entering his room.

He pulled off his shirt and shorts, tossed his goggles and mask to the side, then flopped onto the couch and was out like a light.

It Started With a Post (Octane x Wattson)Where stories live. Discover now