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"I don't feel, quite right.

Something in the air, tonight.

Must be the way she's looking at me!

Is there something wrong?

Is there something wrong with me?

I don't feel, quite right!" sang Elliott as he danced around the kitchen, flipping pancakes and scrambling eggs.

"Uh, Elli, you sure you can just..make food..in Octavio's house?" muttered Renée from the counter and Elliott scoffed.

"Of course! I do it all the time. Hey, turn the music up. It's time for the lovebirds to wake up." he grinned and Renée smiled as she stood up and went into the living room, turning the volume on Octavio's stereo at its highest.

"You're one to talk." she said once she had sat back down and Elliott laughed, bending down to kiss her lips lightly, leaving her pink in the face. "You're right about that, babe." he smirked and she rolled her eyes.

Octavio hummed under his breath, his metal feet moving to the beat of the music-


"What the fuck?" he muttered, trying to sit up, only to see that Natalie was fast asleep on his chest. He smiled slightly, then slowly pulled away from her, pulling the covers up over her before climbing out of bed.

He yawned and stretched...then realized that he wasn't hot anymore. Nothing ached and his stomach wasn't trying to kill him.

He wasn't sick anymore.

"Yes!" he grinned, then quickly pulled on some shorts and left the room.

"Hey! Morning O!" grinned Elliott, waving a spatula around and Octavio shook his head. "I should've known. Oh, hey Renée." he commented, eyebrows raised in surprise at seeing the misty eyed woman at his counter. "Morning, Tavio. Feeling better?"

"Yeah! Speaking of that. Why the hell didn't you call me? If you were sick I could've so taken care of you! Well as long as there wasn't any throw up involved. Or blood or- ahem. I could've taken care of you!" said Elliott with a pout and Octavio scratched his neck sheepishly.

"Ah well, I didn't want to bother you, amigo."

"I bother you all the time!" snorted Elliott and Octavio rolled his eyes as he took a seat beside Renée.

"You and Nat?"

Octavio felt his face warm and he couldn't suppress a grin. ". We started dating the night of the fair. She's amazing." he mumbled and Elliott fist pumped. "Yes! I knew that was a good idea! Hah! Gibby owes me forty units!"


"He bet Gibby Nat would end up with you and Gibby bet Crypto. I already knew who she'd pick." said Renée.

"Voices-" coughed Elliott only to clear his throat when Renée shot him a narrow eyed stare. Octavio laughed at the two and they smiled over at him. "So, you're better now?"

". Nothing can keep this daredevil down!" grinned the speed demon, jumping with excitement.

"Of course. So hey, you want blueberry pancakes or-"

"Blueberry's fine, compadré."

"I'll take strawberry."

"Well in that case-"

"Tavi?" came Natalie's yawning voice and the daredevil looked over to see that she had just stepped into the room, rubbing her eyes cutely. His eyes roamed over her and his heart jumped when her pretty blue eyes met his own.

He was sure he was supposed to say something now but he couldn't figure out what.

"Hoho! I didn't think you wore stuff like that, Nat." smirked Elliott, breaking Octavio out of his thoughts and both he and Renée glared at the man, causing him to hold his hands up, looking nervous. "I was kidding!"

Natalie giggled, though she was somewhat embarrassed. She had forgotten she wasn't wearing pants. And even then she had figured it would only be her and Octavio that morning. She didn't expect Elliott and Renée to be there.

She made her way to Octavio, then sat right on his lap, his arms wrapping around her securely. "Morning, princesa." he murmured, kissing her neck roughly and she shuddered, smiling over at him. "Morning. Are you cooking for everyone today, Elli?" she said, turning to the charming man and he nodded.

"Yep! Thought I'd be nice since O was sick and DIDN'T SAY SHIT ABOUT IT-"


"Stop yelling." sighed Renée, Natalie shaking her head and smiling fondly.

"He started it." muttered Octavio.

"Pft. I did not-"

"You literally said-"

"I don't know WHAT you're talking about-"






"Done!" cheered Natalie with a heavy sigh. She had finally finished her project and realized that she was making a disruptor.

Now nothing but her teammates could get past the fences. Bullets couldn't get through and grenades would be completely destroyed. It made her fences way more useful if a teammate was downed or if they were in a tight spot.

She grinned to herself, reaching over to pat Tavi Jr. on his cute little plush head and Alexander came over to her side, peering over her shoulder at the small device.

"And, it goes into your fences?"

"Oui. Unless you destroy the fence there's nothing anyone can do about it." she smiled and Alexander nodded slowly, impressed. "Excellent work Ms. Paquette. I take it your...time with Octavio must have refreshed your mind." he said and Natalie swallowed, fidgeting as he stared down at her.


"I am not a fool. I don't really see the appeal..but I can look past it. As long as he doesn't break your heart. He might end up an experiment otherwise." muttered Alexander and Natalie smiled a little.

"..you know he went to medical school, right? He knows his chemicals. Maybe he could help with your-"

"The day I die will be the day Octavio Silva touches any of my work." he uttered and lumbered off back to his table. Natalie shook her head and stood up, stretching.

The door opened and Natalie looked over, she expected to see Octavio. But it was only Tae and she found herself feeling just a bit disappointed. Maybe she should go see what he and Elliott were up to..but maybe he'd want some space?

They had been hanging out a lot lately.

"Natalie? Would you like to go somewhere with me?" asked Tae, coming to stand next to her and Natalie sighed. "Tae, I told you-"

"It isn't a date. Just two friends spending time together." he smiled and Natalie looked hesitant. "Really?" Tae nodded. "Really." he said and she sighed but smiled. "Okay. Where are we going?"

It Started With a Post (Octane x Wattson)Where stories live. Discover now