Graylex fanfic part nine

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Hey, how ya'll doin' this fine time of the period? Ofcourse you can't answer unless you go into the comments but I hope you're doin' good. Anyways, let's take a read shall we?
- - -
The movie had ended only a few minutes ago.

Gray was awakened from his slumber by a gentle tap on the shoulder.

Gray: ...Hm? What?

Alex: H-hey, umm. Sorry, but you kinda fell asleep on me, could you...maybe let go of me now?- the boy said, face red, gesturing to Gray's arms which were hugging him by the waist.

For the first time in forever, Gray felt his face heating up and his heartbeat racing.

"What did this guy do to me?! It was just a stupid question, so why!?!" - he asked himself.

Alex: S-so, could y-you let go of me...?

Gray blushed even more.

Gray: Of...course.

Gray got off of Alex and looked at the clock on his wall.

Gray: Hey, it's been some time since we first got here. Are you hungry? Cuz' I could quickly make us something to eat, if you want.

Alex: Well, actually I am getting hungry, but is it really okay for you to cook food for me? I don't want to be a bother.

Gray while shaking his head:

 You're speaking nonsense. You are my guest, and my friend, there's no way I'm going to let you feel hungry while you're in my house. Not to mention I'm hungry too, so if I'm going to cook some food I might as well share with you.- he said, while giving an oh so gentle smile that made his eyes look like they were pure enough to be the gates to heaven.

A moment passed, Alex just spent that whole moment of silence looking at Gray with such affection that the light haired boy couldn't help but find it attractive.

"He's so obvious that it's adorable." - he said to himself while still smiling at the other boy.

Alex: Well, if you're cooking, then atleast let me help you with something, I'm going to feel guilty otherwise!- he said in a soft tone, cheeks still quite red.

Gray laughed so lightly Alex probably didn't even hear it.

"He's so sweet, isn't he? I don't think I could ever fear someone as soft as him."

Gray: Okay, if you insist. Come on, you'll slice the vegetables.

Alex nodded and followed the light haired boy to the kitchen.

There they made a simple meal, ate it, and ran a few short conversations.

Gray looked at the clock.

"Oh geeze, 10:40pm. That's pretty late, would it even be okay for him to go home all by himself this late..?" - he asked himself.

He looked at the boy sitting beside him. He was smiling and laughing cuz' of an event Gray had told him about.

"No. No way. I'm not going to risk it, he's staying here tonight, whether he likes it or not."

Gray: Hey, it's getting pretty late. Maybe you should stay here for the night?

Just as Gray expected, Alex turned red to the point he could put the color red itself to shame.

Alex:Well-umm don't we have school tommorow? I would need to get back home early in the morning to change clothes.

Gray shrugged.

Gray: Better early in the morning then late at night, I don't want you to leave so late.- he gave a look that made it really hard for Alex to say no.
The dark haired boy was practically burning up,  even a blind person could see it.

Alex: But I can't just-

"Still resisting me, huh? Well then, I'll just push you a little."

Gray moves his hand and puts it on Alex's hand.

Gray: Please stay, I'll worry if you leave.- he said with a soft, soft voice.

Alex: HOLY SHI- he exclaimed still blushing-

 I-I mean, you know what? Getting up a little earlier in the morning isn't that bad, I guess I could stay for the night!- he said, his face burning.

He was trying to stay calm, but obviously failing.

"Well, atleast he tried being responsible. Gotta give some credit to him for that. And it's not like I want him to stay because I'm planning to seduce him, I'm sincerely worried. About a year ago, Stephen also left my place alone, late at night, while Oswald's goons were lurking around, and look where that got him. I'm not planning on making the same mistake. I'm not that stupid."- Gray thought.

Gray: I can lend you some clothes to sleep with and the hygiene products won't be a problem. So do you wanna share my bed or sleep on the couch?

That was it. Say hello to Alex the tomato again.

Alex:..Couch, please.

"Oh, what a shame that is."

The both of them brush their teeth, shower and get dressed in pajamas- Gray in his own light blue shorts and white short-sleeved t-shirt, and Alex in his borrowed black tee and green shorts.

Alex: By the way, why do you have these clothes? They're way too big for you, they can't be yours.

Gray: No, they are in fact "mine", I just don't wear them. A few family members give me clothes that are too big for me, every year on holidays. They say "He's only a weak twig right now because he hasn't had his growth spurt, but you'll see how those clothes will come in handy in a little bit". So yeah.

Alex:...Oh. I see.

For a while it was quiet. Not a pleasant quiet but an awkward quiet. Alex broke that silence off.

Alex: Well, they weren't wrong. Those clothes definitely came in handy, just not for you, you know?

Gray laughed. Then he gave a warm and calm expression.

Gray: Goodnight, Alex.

Alex:...Goodnight, Gray.
- - -
Idk about you, but I found this hella funny 😂
Torturing characters is just so much fun, muahahahaha! Anyways, I'm planning on cutting it off and going back to Alex's POV. So yeah, that'll be fun. Comment and tell me your opinion on this if you want. And, as always, I'll see you again if you stick around, byeeee🌺🌺🌺

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