Graylex fanfic part 15

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Hey friends! So I'll be using "RD" in this chapter a few times and I want you to know that RD stands for Random dude here. Enjoy the show and see you later!
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It was a nice and sunny day at Eunjang.

Ben: Alright man! It's the big day, keep your chill, I'm sure this is gonna go really well!

Alex: Easy for you to say, you're not the one going.

Ben: True. But then again, he might shove his tongue down your throat again, so you still have something to look forward to. - he said, as he gave a smirk, knowimg damn well how his words would affect his friend.

And he was right. Alex's face was flushed.

Alex: Shut up... he was gentle last time, there was no tongue!

Ben: Let's hope it stays that way, cuz' considering how fragile you are around him, who knows what he might do when he's actually in the mood.- he mumbled under his breath.

Alex: Whatever. This will go well. I hope.

Ben: Dude. You're hot, you're smart, you already have his intrest in your hands. This will go well, no doubt.

Alex: Thanks man.
- - -
It was a little into the day, Alex still had his lessons. He was walking down the hall cuz' he needed to relax stretch up his muscles after sutting in a chair for so long.

Suddenly, he heard something.


That's what it was. He couldn't make out the words, but he could tell that the person shouting was trying to provoke someone.

He had heard plenty of sounds like these during his school years, plus, this was Eunjang, so ofcourse there's gonna be some provoking screaming here and there.

Usually he'd just ignore it. It wasn't his buisness and he wasn't gonna start acting like it was. But this time his gut feeling told him otherwise, and though he tried not to rely on his gut too much, he followed it this time.

He turned the last corner and looked. He was shocked at what he saw.

Three guys in total. Two guys passed out, the third one holding onto Gray's waist begging for mercy.

RD: Please! I'll never do this again, just please stop!

Gray: I might consider, if you stop touching me with your dirty hands. - he said, as he was looking down and making eye contact with the guy.

"That's right! You tell him!"- Alex thought as he looked at him and smiled.

Gray: And Alex, just becouse you're hiding behind that corner doesn't mean I can't see you. Come on out.

Alex was shocked. He was sure Gray hadn't glanced at him even in the slightest. Strangely, he liked the feeling he felt.

"How could I say no to you?"

He got out from behind the corner.

Gray: Listen, are you busy right now?

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