Chapter One

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I opened my eyes finding myself wearing traditional clothes... Wait! No way... Is that a Hanbok? You have to be kidding me.

I started laughing thinking that I really must be in a dream. I've always wanted to try one but didn't know that I wanted so hard that I'm dreaming about it. The upper part is in white looking so delicate and designed on it patterns of small flowers with a cherry red color, the outer skirt or what they call it "Chima" is also cherry red. Wow dreams can sometimes make you remember lots of details!

I kept on looking amazed at what I'm wearing still not aware where I was

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I kept on looking amazed at what I'm wearing still not aware where I was. I looked around to find very expensive royal looking furniture, king sized bed, lightening candles that spread a very beautiful smell and a very big chandelier hanging from the top.

Where the hell am I?

It looks like a room in a castle!

Who the hell can be that rich to own a room like this?

Just as I was about to feel relieved that no one was there, the doors suddenly opened wide making the wind blowing turning off the candles' light. Fortunately it was morning so I can still see around me. I was afraid so I was keeping looking at the ground but when I looked up, I saw a man right in front of me, staring at me. I was so surprised and so afraid in the same time that I was stuttering.

The man didn't speak and almost looked surprised to see me here so I had to say something. "Who...who are you?" I stuttered. The man flashed me a sarcastic smile but I can't deny it was in a cute way. He is a very handsome man no one can deny. "Don't you think it's me who is supposed to ask?" He said with a questioning voice looking straight into my eyes making my heart beat faster and God! Even his voice sounds so nice!

He stepped closer to me still looking at me and with every question he says, he keeps taking more steps toward me. "Who are you? And how did you get in the castle?"



I couldn't answer anything from the shock and he didn't even spare me time to answer him as he spoke again but in a more sarcastic way filled with pride? I guess. "Ah! That's a shame!"

Why am I'm getting more scared?

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Why am I'm getting more scared?

I kept on taking few steps backward that I felt almost the wall behind me. "So," he spoke again in a scary flirty way still taking closer steps to me so I held on the wooden pole behind me tightly while closing my eyes tightly so that I can't see whatever he is going to do to me.

"A girl like you—" he paused looking at me again and I'm starting to have a creepy feeling. "A beautiful girl like you..."

Beautiful? Okay why do I feel flattered?

He took the last step closer and now he is actually inches away from me blocking my way out with his hands resting on the wooden pole above me then said with a gentle voice, "Do you really don't know who I am?"

And soon I realized that hanging clothes were what is behind me and I lost my balance and was about to fall, so I gave up to my destiny and closed my eyes but wow the handsome man was still there holding me supporting my body to not smack the ground.

"I must be in a dream, this is all a dream right? This can't be real... right?" I freaked out and can't handle it anymore. Then I found him looking at me reaching my cheeks with his soft hands then pinching them. "OUCH! WHAT ARE YOU TRRYING TO DO??"

I screamed at his face then I kinda regretted it as he was one of those guys who looked cool yet scary with their blank face reaction. "What? You said you're in a dream so I pinched you to prove that you're not," he shrugged. I blinked from his curtness as I expected a scary reaction but wow! He is a cute guy.

"I think that you really don't know who I am from your way of talking to me. I am Prince Hyungsik, The Prince of this small kingdom you see, Vernovia and the older Prince. I rule it with my two brothers, Prince Eunwoo and Prince Taehyung. Now here my questions come, who are you? And how did you get here?"

I didn't know how to start or what to say, and honestly it's the first time for me to hear about this kingdom but the guy looks honest because this is how a Prince should look and as I said the place looks so expensive.

Ah! I'm starting to feel overwhelmed, "I don't know, I was in the garden as usual enjoying myself then a white bunny lead me to a crystalline door, I tried to open it, everything WOO! Went black and then myself here!" I tried to explain though I still don't believe what I'm saying.

Mr. Prince Hyungsik tried to understand mouth opened, one eyebrow raised while I was talking as I was talking very quickly. "Wait a crystalline door?" "Yes!" I replied. "Did it look transparent and decorated with roses?"

I looked questionably at him, "Yeah how did you know?" He flashed me a smile then his face turned serious, "We have a myth here that says that one day a girl will come from another world and she'll be the one that makes Vernovia a better place. And by what you're saying, it means that you're the chosen girl as nobody can open this door easily, I think you went through the secret garden. But I don't know how this is possible when everything here is already good. But I guess destiny knows better than me after all."

I kept on listening to him kinda chuckling not knowing what to do or what to say... This is absolutely insane!

"A myth? A castle? Three Princes?! And I'm the chosen girl?!" I chuckled then looked at him. "This is insane! YOU are insane! EVERYTHING HERE is insane!" I bowed to the Prince "Well excuse me your highness, I need to get out of here."

Then I turned my way to get out of here hoping that the Prince can leave me peacefully, he did but I heard him saying something to himself as I turned to go, "What a poor girl! She doesn't know that even if I left her alone, then my brothers wouldn't."

I kept wondering around the castle in relief that Prince Hyungsik was really nice and really left me on my own. This place is really weird, I've never seen a kingdom filled with peace like this. I don't mean that I don't like peace it's just wow this place is amazing. I still don't know if I'll ever get a chance to see the other Princes or how I'm going to get out of here.

What if the myth is real?

What if I'm really the chosen girl?

But even if that's true, how am I going to make things better when everything is perfect here?


"Oh my god I'm really sorry!" I was wandering around lost in my thoughts till I bumped into someone making them fall to the ground.

Ah! Why did I have to walk like an idiot without paying attention? I'm a lost cause.

Who did she bump into?! 😶🤨

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