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Sitting on the grass in front of the calm lake while reading a fantasy became one of my habits. The feeling of the soft green plant underneath my body, the sound of birds chirping happily in the morning and the fresh air of the spring breeze make everything perfect for getting away from the world, living in your own imaginations. I like it here, and that's why I call this place my utopia. Just me there with the little animals and warriors or a prince charming taking me away from reality for a while.

As I was reading my book peacefully, I saw a little white bunny in front of me. It looked so cute with bright eyes, its white fur looked so soft that made me want to touch it.

I leaned closer feeling its fluffy fur for some seconds then I found it jumping little jumps away from me then looked at me coming closer then jumped few steps away again.

I felt like it wanted me to follow it and so I followed it and it actually worked. I saw it jumping with its cute little feet to somewhere little deeper inside. I honestly didn't know where it wanted to take me and I had no idea that an amazing place like that existed.

It was filled with flowers everywhere especially the cherry blossom ones or what they call it, "Sakura" defiantly my fav.

As the bunny took me even farther to a place covered with the trees' leaves, I kept on watching what I was stepping on then suddenly the bunny stopped.

I looked up to see what happened then I saw a crystalline door designed with lots of pink roses and it was shining brightly as if glitters were sprinkled all over it. I don't know how this was even real but that's what I saw with my own eyes.

Few moments later of shocked me staring at the crystalline transparent door, I saw few more cute little animals coming closer looking at me as if they are telling me to try to open the door. But honestly I am a bit afraid, I don't know what awaits for me behind this beautiful magical looking door. It could be a trick for something I might regret and it could also be something magical that would make me the lucky one.

Isn't this how things are in fantasies? Why can't it be me this time to be the heroine of the story?

Well I won't know what's behind the door if I don't open it.

So I actually did try to open it and I don't know why of a sudden it really opened but soon as it did, I found a bright light coming from the little space of the crack that I opened.

The light got stronger and stronger and I now feel my body is lifted as if I'm flying but it can be just me hallucinating, anyway I started to feel that all of this could be a dream.

My body kept on spinning and spinning making me dizzy, I saw bright colors keep on changing and that was all what I had seen before everything turned black.

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