Character's Index

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This is a list of some character's age, house & name etc

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This is a list of some character's age, house & name etc. It's not 100% correct compared to the canon books, but I want it this way. 😌 #NoRegrets


🐍 Slytherin
🦁 Gryffindor
🦅 Ravenclaw
🦡 Hufflepuff

Older students:

🐍 Rodulphus Lestrange
🐍 Rabastan Lestrange
🐍 Bellatrix Black
🐍 Lucius Malfoy

🦁 Molly Prewett (Weasley)
🦁 Fabian Prewett
🦁 Arthur Weasley

Same year as Harry Potter:

🐍 Severus Snape
🐍 Regulus Black
🐍 Mulciber
🐍 Avery
🐍 Evan Rosier
🐍 Lucinda Talkalot
🐍 Andromeda Black (Tonks)
🐍 Rita Skeeter

🦁 James Potter
🦁 Remus Lupin
🦁 Peter Pettigrew
🦁 Sirius Black
🦁 Lily Evans

🦅 Frank Longbottom
🦅 Kingsley Shacklebolt
🦅 Amelia Susan Bones
🦅 Gilderoy Lockhart

🦡 Xenophilius Lovegood
🦡 Greta Catchlove
🦡 Alice Longbottom
🦡 Amos Diggory
🦡 Ted Tonks

Younger students:

🐍 Barty (Bartemius) Crouch Jr
🐍 Wilkes
🐍 Narcissa Black

🦁 Bilius Weasley
🦁 Gideon Prewett

🦅 Igor Karkaroff
🦅 Mundungus Fletcher


🏰 Albus Dumbledore: Headmaster
🐈 Minerva McGonagall: Transfiguration
⚗️ Horace Slughorn: Potions
✨ Filius Flitwick: Charms
🌱 Pomona Sprout: Herbology
🦇 Silvanus Kettleburn: Care for magical creatures
🐻 Rubeus Hagrid: Gamekeeper
📜 Cuthbert Binns: History of Magic
🩺 Poppy Pomfrey: Healer
😠 Argus Filch: Caretaker
📚 Irma Pince: Librarian
🧹 Rolanda Hooch: Flying
🗡️ Eliza Mughorn : DADA
🔮 Gerda Dodge : Divination
☎️ Charity Burbage: Muggle studies

Canon ships of this period:

Rodolphus Lestrange/Bellatrix Black
Arthur Weasley/Molly Prewett
Ted Tonks/Andromeda Black
Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black
Vernon Dursley/Petunia Evans
Frank Longbottom/Alice Longbottom
James Potter/Lily Evans

The ships I add will be a surprise. 😌
... Unless you read the tags.

Death Eaters:

Rodulphus Lestrange
Rabastan Lestrange
Bellatrix Black
Lucius Malfoy
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Evan Rosier
Barty (Bartemius) Crouch Jr
Narcissa Black

Rodulphus LestrangeRabastan LestrangeBellatrix BlackLucius MalfoySeverus SnapeRegulus Black Mulciber Avery Evan Rosier Barty (Bartemius) Crouch JrWilkes Narcissa Black

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Things I've changed:

- The age of some characters.
- Sorted some into a house, since they had none.
- Made Regulus and Sirius twins.
- Created 2 teachers (Eliza Mughorn & Gerda Dodge)

Things I sort of didn't change:

- Frank- & Alice Longbottom eloped and got secretly married over the summer, so they could have the same last name. #Rebels

- Avery, Wilkes and Mulciber's parents hated them so they were never given a first name. #ToughLife

Yes, it's okay to be a little bit lazy sometimes. 🗿


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"This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling."

I don't know if it's necessary to even say this, but everyone's doing it, so I'm going to play safe. 🐧

Author's Note:

I don't have any update schedule, but when I write I usually do it a lot at once with many chapters. In between I might take some longer breaks.


August 2020



This might change later as I don't know exactly where the story will take me, but either way; Mature-scenes would be separate chapters, without any plot, so its possible to skip them. 🌞

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