November 7th 1976

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A/n - Kinda warning?
Just a heads up that there will be a bit of a strong opinion against Slytherin in this chapter (like you hadn't already guessed), but it does not reflect my own, it's just there to make it all (and by that I mean the story/plot) make sense.
Enjoy! - Septima

You could already hear the crowd from afar. The low chatter of hundreds of voices, all excited for the first Quidditch game of the year. You were also pretty excited, as this game could determine whether Gryffindor would get a good start for this season or not.
You hoped it would go well... Seeing as they were playing against Slytherin...

"Sorry I'm late you guys!" You apologized to Lily, Peter and Remus who had already taken their seats in one of the Gryffindor stands.
Carefully, you squeezed past Lily, Peter and Remus, to sit down at your usual spot by the wall.
"Remember Miss Potter," Professor McGonagall gave you a stern look from the row behind you, as you'd sat down. "No biased commentary!"
You nodded with angel eyes before setting up the enchanted microphone.

"Sleep in did ya'?" Remus teased once you'd finished. "As a matter of fact," you stated, "I did. And it was nice! Plus, I wasn't late late!"
Remus laughed silently. Tiredly.
Actually, now that you'd given yourself time to talk to him and look at him properly, he looked sick.
"Remus, are... are you okay?" You asked, worried. "Yeah I'm fine..." He sighed, "Just didn't get enough sleep last night, that's all..."
"Don't worry about it N/n." He added with a smile.

"So, you've gotten the news?" He asked, looking up at you. "No? What news? Should I be worried?" You asked.
"No no..." He said, relieving you a little. "Professor Dumbledore gave us an extra weekend-shift, so we'll have to do a prefect-round tonight..."
He trailed off.
"Is there something wrong with tonight?" You asked all while keeping one eye on the quidditch field where Madam Hooch was, ready to give you the signal to introduce the teams.
"Nothing's wrong... per se," Remus started, just as Madam Hooch gave you the signal.
"I just don't think I'll be able to-"
"I'm really sorry Rem, I'll have to hear about it after the game!" You interrupted him, as fast as you could for you could now see the teams on their way out of the changing rooms.

"Aaaaand here we are! Ready for another fantastic quidditch-season with Gryffindor playing against Slytherin! My name is Y/n Potter, and I will be your host during this wonderful event!" You yelled out enthusiastically, which prompted the audience to cheer even louder.

"On the Gryffindor side, we've got the amazing, fantastic, though slightly uglier twin, chaser & captain of the team, Jaaaames Potter!!!" The audience cheered as James, humble as ever, began doing macho man poses.

"And on the Slytherin side, we've got the girl everyone knows- thinks is a cheater, but who am I to say she is, or isn't, chaser and captain, Lucinda Talkalot!"
You smiled to yourself as the Slytherins cheered, because you knew you'd found a loophole as always. You hadn't specifically said she was cheating, but you hadn't denied it either, so it couldn't be classified as you being biased to Gryffindor, and you knew McGonagall wanted to tell you off for that but she just couldn't... In some ways, you could even imagine her being slightly proud of you.

"On the red and golden team, we've got the great Jack Hamilton as your seeker and the just as great Sirius Black as your keeper!"

"On the green and silver team, you have Regulus Black as your seeker and Elle Frances as your keeper, the two other chasers are-"

You stopped talking once you'd seen the familiar golden shimmer of the snitch being let loose.
You yelled, as the audience roared for their teams to win.

Soulmoon - A Remus Lupin x Reader Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now