December 13th 1976

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You woke up feeling nothing. You weren't happy, you weren't sad, you weren't even angry. In a way, you felt grey. 

What Remus had said last night, echoed in your head and you didn't care. Sure, he'd been selfish, and dramatic, and a fool. But he was also hurt. And now, so were you. You sighed deeply at the thought of telling Sirius that you'd failed. If you were going to give him bad news, maybe you just shouldn't give the news at all.

Just avoid both of them. Which definitely wouldn't be easy seeing as you had all your classes with them today. All of them. And to top it all of, you and Remus were paired up in potions with that hufflepuff girl...

You yawned before getting out of bed, glancing at Lily's sleeping figure in the bed next to your own. Better yet, avoid her too. You felt nauseous at the thought of telling her how you'd failed. Marlene would probably just wake up Lily today. No problem.

You changed out of your night gown, into your warm Hogwarts uniform, and went down to get some breakfast.


The Great Hall was almost empty. You'd never been so early to get breakfast before. The breakfast feast wasn't half empty yet, and only a few students were eating. Including Peter.

You smiled a little. Peter wasn't one to avoid, so you didn't have to eat breakfast alone. You sat down next to him and gave him an awkward smile.

"Hey Pete..." You greeted, pouring some cornflakes into a bowl. "Hey Y/n..." He answered, silently, eating a croissant. "I hope James wakes up soon." The boy said randomly into the air. "Only James would know how to fix this." 

The words stung. He was right. James would have known how to get Remus and Sirius to talk to each other again. 

There wasn't said much more that morning.


Transfiguration wasn't so bad. You mostly had to work on your own, practicing spells and movements. But then came the lunch break.

You sighed as you saw Sirius try to talk to Remus in the other end of the room, Remus just turning away with a sigh, and leaving the room.

Sirius looked right into your eyes, making you freeze and quickly look away. 

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning?" Lily asked form behind you, making you jump a bit as you got frightened. 

"Oh..." You started, "I'm sorry Lils... I just didn't feel like telling you that I failed yesterday." You looked down, but Lily hugged you. "It's not your fault, N/n." 

"Yes it is..." Your eyes watered. "I even think I made Remus angrier..."

Lily hugged you tighter. "Remus is just an idiot okay?" This made you laugh, as Remus usually wasn't like this. "HEY! Sirius, come here!" Lily suddenly yelled, letting go of you.

Sirius walked up to you, giving the both of you a sad smile. "Remus is still mad at me." He simply stated. This made you furious. "He won't even look at me anymore."

This morning, you had woken up feeling grey and not caring. Now, you couldn't care more. You were tired of Remus acting this way.

"I'll take care of it. Trust me. And I won't fail this time."

You rushed out of the classroom leaving behind a hopeful Sirius, and a surprised Lily. It wasn't like you to be this determined, but it had just hit you straight in the face. You couldn't deal with this any more. You didn't care if this would ruin your friendship with Remus, as long as it would fix his and Sirius'. 

Soulmoon - A Remus Lupin x Reader Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now