Big brother lessons

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Kyle insisted that I come to his and Kenny's house and they teach me how to be a good big brother. I declined immediately, then Kyle brought up KFC, so that's how I ended up sitting in Kenny's living room, learning how to braid hair from one of Karen's old dolls. Kenny was sitting across from me, braiding Karen's hair, and Kyle was making pigtails on a different doll on the couch.

"Can someone please tell me what this has to do with being a brother?" I yelled, tossing the doll at Kyle. 

"Sometimes your sister will want to come to you when she needs help fatass! Whether it's braiding or hair or kicking her boyfriends ass, you need to be there."

"I'm gonna be long gone by the time she's in school anyways. You realize this isn't like you and Ike, with a 7 year age difference, or Kenny with a 3 year age difference. This is 15 years! By the time she's my age, I'm gonna be in my thirties Kahl!"

"Calm down Cartman, between siblings, age doesn't matter. As long as you love each other-"

"Not another one of your gay speeches. You gonna make me pass out from boredom."

Kyle growled, and Kenny picked up the doll, handing it to Karen while he tightening the braid.

"Mhhmph mmhmhhhmm mhmmph mhmhmr." He spoke, his parka muffling the words, yet I could still understand.

"I don't give a shit if she's my sister Kinny, I never wanted her here in the first place!"

Kyle groaned, and stood up, looking down at me.

"Cartman, nobody gives a shit what you want. If anybody cared, then your mom would've sent her off days ago. But no, she's here, and from the looks of it, she's here to stay. So, you might as well get used to her."

I think he was trying to be intimidating or something, but it's ineffective to me. In fact, Kyle looks cute when he's mad. Godammit, I did it again. I gotta get over this dumb little crush before I drive myself mad. I stepped up to his size, well metaphorically speaking cause Kyle's a short Jew, and I grinned at him.

"Fine Kahl. I will attempt to get along with that diaper head, but only if you stop your bickering. You're Jersey is showing."

His eyes narrowed, and he turned to Karen and Kenny.

"Kenny, can Karen hang with Cartman for a few hours?"

"Mhh?! Mhmhmm!"

"Please Kenny. I'll watch them and make sure he doesn't do anything."


Kyle growled, and grabbed my wrist, leading me away. Once we were out of sight from Kenny and any else who may be watching, I pulled Kyle's hand off me, cause as much as I love the contact, it fucking hurts.

"Ow Kahl. Christ!" I yelled rubbing my wrist. He was about to retort with some screech about being a pussy, then he remembered.

"Sorry. I forgot."

"Whatever, where are we going anyways?"

"My house. I want you and Ike to spend some time together so you can get a better feel for having an adopted younger sibling."

"Ah, I have to spend the rest of the day with the Canadian?"

"Yes, now mind your manners. We're here."

Kyle's house hasn't changed at all since we were kids. Of course, I know this place as if I lived here my whole life. As a dastardly mastermind, I need to know everything about my target, including his place of residence. I lazily take a seat on his couch and watch whatever was left on. Hockey, ew. Just as I was about to grab the remote to change the damn channel, Kyle's brother beat me to the punch.

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