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I stuffed myself in the brown suit I wore to the Jew party. It still feels the same, but it also feels wet for some reason.

"You ready to go?"

"My suit feels wet."

"That's probably because it just came out of the washer."

"No, it's like sopping wet. Like I just got soaked."

"It's fine. Can you manage?"


Kyle grinned and we headed in the backseat Geralds car. My mom was already in the front seat wearing a beautiful purple dress that stopped just above her knees, and has spaghetti straps. She wasn't wearing to much makeup, so she didn't look whorish. Gerald finally showed out of the house, and he had a whole briefcase and everything. I still wasn't fully trusting of him, but Kyle calmed my nerves by grabbing the back of my hand. 

"Alright boys, all set?" Gerald asked. 

"Yeah dad." Kyle replied. I just nodded. I haven't spoken to him directly yet, and I don't think I will. I don't think he cares either way.

We headed off to court. I stared out the window most of the time, just watching this town go by like a dream. Of course, I know this place isn't a dream, I grew up here. We drove for longer than I expected, and occasionally someone would try to pitch a conversation.

"So Liane, What's Esther's dad look like?" Gerald asked my mom. I actually listened to this, cause I was legitimately curious.

"Oh, he was a big man. Very broad shoulders. He had a strong jaw and slicked back hair. He wore a black suit and sunglasses."

"And you're sure this is Esther's real dad?"

"Of course, he showed me the birth certificate. Apparently she was born on April 13 this year, and her name is Melody."

"That's not a very Jewish name."

"I guess it isn't."

That got me wondering, is Kyle a Jewish name. I looked it up on my phone, and apparently, it basically means slender or narrow. If that doesn't describe Kyle, then I don't know what does.

We finally arrived at the courtroom, and I started to tense. 

"Want me to hold your hand?" Kyle asked.

"Heh, that's pretty gay Kahl."

"Do you want to or not?"


Kyle my hand all the way to the table thing we were supposed to sit at. To the left of us was another table with the supposed 'dad' of Esther. He was just like my mom described him, and looked like a spy or something. I highly doubt he's really the father, and if he is, there's probably a reason as to why she showed up on my doorstep. Next to him was what looked like his dad, but was probably his lawyer. Maybe both. When I looked behind me, I saw a lot of my friends and people I knew from south park, including Stan and Kenny. They were giving me and Kyle thumbs ups, but that just made me more nervous. Plus my suit still feels wet.

After all the boring stuff at the beginning, shit finally started happening. The bastard, who's name is apparently Derek, is starting to present his evidence and make his case. Just hearing him speak makes my blood boil, and I want to fucking maul him. Kyle holding my hand calms me down a bit,so I maintain my composure and sit back, just glaring. Gerald called Derek to the stand and start questioning things like his relationships, the mother of Esther and such. From what I'm getting, this guy's wife 'died' and after she'd past, the kid got 'kidnapped' and ended up at my house. Yeah, okay mr spy guy. His lawyer soon called me to the stand, and after taking an oath not to lie, I sat. 

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